本评分表能快速筛查ADAMTS13酶缺乏导致的血栓性微血管病,其敏感性与特异性非常高,ROC高达0.96 |
1.血小板计数<30x109 per L |
2.溶血变量(网织红细胞计数> 2.5%,或结合珠蛋白
检测不到,或间接胆红素> 2.0 mg/dL) |
3.无活动性癌症 |
4.无实体器官或干细胞移植史 |
5.平均红细胞体积(MCV)<90 fL |
6.国际标准化比值(INR)<1.5 |
7.肌肝<2.0 mg/dL(或<118 umol/L) |
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Bendapudi PK,et al. Derivation and external validation of the PLASMIC score for rapid assessment of adults with thrombotic microangiopathies: a cohort study.Lancet Haematol. 2017 Apr;4(4):e157-e164. doi: 10.1016/S2352-3026(17)30026-1
Tiscia GL,et al. Validation of PLASMIC score and follow-up data in a cohort of patients with suspected microangiopathies from Southern Italy.J Thromb Thrombolysis. 2018 Aug;46(2):174-179.