2012-09-10 T.Shen 生物谷
每年都有将近两百万人死于肺结核,肺结核目前在美国已经得到了有效控制,可是在世界上别的国家依然很严重。来自布莱根妇女医院的研究者表示,这种不均衡的健康状况应该迫使我们思考控制肺结核的新型方法了,研究者的研究论文刊登在了近日的国际杂志New England Journal of Medicine上。 Keshavjee医生表示,目前全球范围内缺少抵抗肺结核的方法,而且随着时间的延续,我们已经接受了这
每年都有将近两百万人死于肺结核,肺结核目前在美国已经得到了有效控制,可是在世界上别的国家依然很严重。来自布莱根妇女医院的研究者表示,这种不均衡的健康状况应该迫使我们思考控制肺结核的新型方法了,研究者的研究论文刊登在了近日的国际杂志New England Journal of Medicine上。
编译自:Call for a New Approach to Fighting Tuberculosis
Tuberculosis, Drug Resistance, and the History of Modern Medicine
Salmaan Keshavjee, M.D., Ph.D., and Paul E. Farmer, M.D., Ph.D.
Tuberculosis is a treatable airborne infectious disease that kills almost 2 million people every year. Multidrug-resistant (MDR) tuberculosis — by convention, a disease caused by strains of Mycobacterium tuberculosis that are resistant to isoniazid and rifampin, the backbone of first-line antituberculosis treatment — afflicts an estimated 500,000 new patients annually. Resistance to antituberculosis agents has been studied since the 1940s; blueprints for containing MDR tuberculosis were laid out in the clinical literature and in practice, in several settings, more than 20 years ago.1,2 Yet today, barely 0.5% of persons with newly diagnosed MDR tuberculosis worldwide receive treatment that is considered the standard of care in the United States.3 Those who have not received appropriate treatment continue to fuel a global pandemic that now includes strains resistant to most — and by some accounts all — classes of drugs tested. 4,5 Despite the enormity of the threat, investments to contain the epidemic and to cure infected patients have been halting and meager when compared, for example, with those made to address the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) pandemic. In this essay we seek to elucidate the reasons for the anemic response to drug-resistant tuberculosis by examining the recent history of tuberculosis policy.