
CSCO 2014: Tony Mok:CSCO正向国际化转型

2014-09-17 许景红 中国医学论坛报

IASLC-CSCO Symposium Subject: Lung Cance(r 14:30~18:00, September 18,1D Meeting Room) Dr. Tony Mok(Co-Chair, Chinese University of Hong Kong, China) This is the first time in CSCO that we

IASLC-CSCO Symposium

Subject: Lung Cance(r 14:30~18:00, September 18,1D Meeting Room)

Dr. Tony Mok(Co-Chair, Chinese University of Hong Kong, China)

This is the first time in CSCO that we decide to establish international tracks throughout the entire meeting. There are two reasons. Firstly, oncology ismultinational, we will no longer just hold conferences within a single country and not reach out to other countries. International tracks will help to establish CSCO's position in the international community, such as we have encouraged exchanges between Chinese and international oncologists. Secondly, we need to attrack scientific papers to come to CSCO. A lot of scientific research are performed out of China. If we just have a Chinese-alone meeting, we could not attrack enough scientific papers from out of China.

The format of international track is collaboration with major organizations around the world, including ASCO, ESMO, JSMO, IASLC, SITC, CAHON and US CACA. We have representatives from CSCO and other international organizations coming together to formulate an agenda with specific sight, such as breast cancer with ASCO, colorectal cancer with ESMO, lung cancer with IASLC and gastric cancer with JSMO. We try to formulate the best scientific programme as possible.

lectures in these cancer types and cancer immunotherapy. We focus on hot topics. In the IASLC-CSCO joint symposium, We have invited the top leaders in the field of lung cancer from the US to talk about TKI, ALK as well as resistance mechanism.

The audience will be able to have an experience as though they went to international meeting such as the annual meetings of ASCO and ESMO.

In the future, the international track will continue and we may likely rotate the different topics with different international organizations, which means some new international joint symposium may appear in CSCO annual meeting later on. So in that way, we will have as many exposures as possible of CSCO to international societies.We want to give state-of-the-art

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    2014-10-03 Homburg


CSCO 2014: 管忠震:医生、医院、学会

面对大量的资讯,临床工作者应该从两个方面去关注,一个是具体的癌肿,另一个是癌症治疗的发展方向 管教授向论坛报记者谈起他对于文献学习以及医学进展关注的一些经验和想法“。面对大量的信息,作为临床工作者,究竟应该从哪些方面去关注,我觉得应该是两个方面。一方面是具体的,每种肿瘤有什么新的药物和新的治疗方法,如何借助这些进步,逐步改善疾病的治疗;第二方面是宏观的关注,癌症控制的大方向是什么。”

CSCO 2014:孙燕院士:感谢、欣慰与期待

时光荏苒,转眼第17届CSCO年会就要召开了。1996年,第3届亚洲临床肿瘤学会(ACOS)年会在昆明召开,大家议论成立自己的临床肿瘤学会的情景还犹如昨日。18年过去了,大家一定想了解我们这几位“80后”的老会员的心情是什么。 感谢那么多前辈对这一新生学会的支持和关怀 让我最难忘的是前国家卫生部老部长钱信忠从开始就对我们寄予厚望“,要带好你的团队,完成吴桓兴、李冰他们没有完成的

CSCO 2014:马军:让中国元素亮相国际舞台

今年的CSCO会议首次设置颁奖典礼,并将颁出CSCO年会有史以来的第一个年度成就奖。本报记者特别连线大会共同主席,也是本次年度成就奖的颁奖嘉宾马军教授,邀请他来为我们揭开CSCO年度成就奖的“神秘面纱”。同时,国际T/NK细胞淋巴瘤论坛今年首度移师中国“,落地”CSCO年会,马军教授也将向我们推介本次CSCO年会中淋巴瘤专场的特色与亮点。 年度成就奖助力临床肿瘤学者更上层楼 CSC

CSCO 2014:访牛晓辉:推共识、析规范,重视肉瘤诊治

这次会议主要包括两部分内容:1软组织肉瘤共识;22014年骨肿瘤美国国家综合癌症网络(NCCN)指南更新与解读。 借助CSCO会议的平台,我们曾经推出了中国首个骨肉瘤诊治共识,对骨肉瘤这个相对小众病种的宣传教育取得了很好的效果。有感于此,我们今年继续推出了中国的软组织肉瘤诊治共识,并邀请专家分别从内科和外科的角度对该共识进行解读。软组织肉瘤是一个不被大家重视但实际上很重要的领域,其发病率

CSCO 2014:访郭军:把握机会,赢得更大发展舞台

专场设置匠心独到,囊括各发展方面 黑色素瘤是目前所有肿瘤中治疗进展较快、也是近年来取得突破较多的一类肿瘤。分子靶向治疗和免疫靶向治疗在黑色素瘤领域都取得了重要进展,尤其是后者对黑色素瘤治疗的卓越疗效可谓是迎来了其在肿瘤治疗领域的“开门红”。自此,以PD-1为代表的免疫靶向治疗开始逐步显示出在其他肿瘤治疗中的重要作用。我想,说黑色素瘤领域这些年来的研究进步,在某种意义上“引领了未来肿瘤领域

CSCO 2014:廖美琳:规范提升中展国际宏图

没有规矩不成方圆 规范是肿瘤患者诊疗的基石“,提升规范水平”也是本次CSCO年会的主题之一。谈到“规范”二字,廖教授将其理解为规矩、规则。所谓“没有规矩不成方圆”,中国临床肿瘤学的发展更是离不开规矩、规则和规范,但随认识的发展规范应有提高,这必须经过研究考验才能修改。目前,中国肿瘤患者诊疗的许多方面缺乏规范化或不足,廖教授以多学科协作(MDT)治疗肿瘤患者为例指出,许多临床医生曲解了MD
