Mol. Med.:正性应激有助于预防青光眼
2012-04-11 mumu 生物谷
2012年4月3日,《每日科学》报道,华盛顿大学圣路易斯医学院的研究人员通过小鼠研究,已设计出一种预防青光眼视神经损伤的治疗方法。相关研究论文在线发表在Molecular Medicine上,首次表明预处理诱导的耐受性可以预防神经退行性疾病。 研究通过使小鼠反复暴露在类似于高海拔地区的低氧状态中,增加了视神经细胞的损伤耐受性。间断性低氧环境应激诱导了一种耐受性的保护反应,这些反应使视神经细胞及其
2012年4月3日,《每日科学》报道,华盛顿大学圣路易斯医学院的研究人员通过小鼠研究,已设计出一种预防青光眼视神经损伤的治疗方法。相关研究论文在线发表在Molecular Medicine上,首次表明预处理诱导的耐受性可以预防神经退行性疾病。
Glaucoma-Induced Degeneration of Retinal Ganglion Cells Prevented by Hypoxic Preconditioning: A Model of "Glaucoma Tolerance"
Zhu Y, Zhang L, Schmidt JF, Gidday JM
Like all cells, neurons adapt to stress by transient alterations in phenotype, an epigenetic response that forms the basis for preconditioning against acute ischemic injury in the CNS. We recently showed that a modified repetitive hypoxic preconditioning regimen significantly extends the window of ischemic tolerance to acute retinal ischemic injury from days to months. The present study was undertaken to determine if this uniquely protracted neuroprotective phenotype would also confer resistance to glaucomatous neurodegeneration. Retinal ganglion cell death at somatic and axonal levels was assessed after both three and ten weeks of sustained intraocular hypertension in an adult mouse model of inducible, open-angle glaucoma, with or without repetitive hypoxic preconditioning (RHP) prior to IOP elevation. Loss of brn3-positive ganglion cell soma after 3 wks of experimental glaucoma, along with increases in several apoptotic endpoints, were all significantly and robustly attenuated in mice subjected to RHP. Soma protection by RHP was also confirmed after 10 wks of intraocular hypertension by brn3 and SMI32 immunostaining. In addition, quantification of axon density in postlaminar optic nerve documented robust preservation in RHP-treated mice, and neurofilament immunostaining also revealed preconditioning-induced improvements in axon integrity/survival in both retina and optic nerve after 10 wks of experimental glaucoma. This uniquely protracted period of phenotypic change, established in retinal ganglion cells by the activation of latent anti-apoptotic, pro-survival mechanisms at both somatic and axonal levels, reflects a novel form of inducible neuronal plasticity that may provide novel therapeutic targets for preventing and treating glaucoma and other neurodegenerative diseases.