2010-07-03 MedSci原创 MedSci原创
[摘要] 医学论文中英文摘要在学术交流中具有重要的作用。随着国际医学学术交流的广泛开展,在医学期刊中的研究原著论文都必须有英文摘要。本文就医学论文中英文摘要的撰写进行探讨。 [关键词] 医学论文; 英文摘要; 撰写 How to writ an English abstract for medical paper [Abstract] Chinese and English abstr
[摘要] 医学论文中英文摘要在学术交流中具有重要的作用。随着国际医学学术交流的广泛开展,在医学期刊中的研究原著论文都必须有英文摘要。本文就医学论文中英文摘要的撰写进行探讨。
[关键词] 医学论文; 英文摘要; 撰写
How to writ an English abstract for medical paper
[Abstract] Chinese and English abstract in the medicine paper has the vital role in the academic exchanges. With wide development in the international medicine academic exchanges, original research paper in the medicine periodical must have an English abstract. This article carries on the discussion on Chinese and English abstract composition of the medicine paper.
[Keywords] Medicine papers; English abstract; Writing
1 引言
学术论文的摘要一般分为两大类:指示性摘要(indicative abstract)和资料性摘要(informative abstract)。指示性摘要只通报论文主题,不介绍研究的材料、方法和结果,一般用现在时表述。许多专业杂志在其目录页的标题下都有一个指示性摘要,特别是编者认为较重要的一些文章。资料性摘要告诉读者研究的总体情况,使读者了解研究的目的、材料、方法、结果、结论等。资料性摘要分为传统型或非结构式(non-structured)和结构式(structured)两大类型。无论何种形式的摘要,都应包含以下几个基本要素:(1)主题(Main topic as in title) ;(2)目的(Purpose of research);(3)方法(Methodology);(4)材料(Materials);(5)结果(Results);(6)结论(Conclusion)。
国际生物学编辑委员会对医学科研论文的定义为:必须是首次公布的应提供足够的资料,使同行们能够进行评价所观察到的结果;评价其推理过程和重复实验。医学科研论文分为以下两种:(1)临床(clinical study);(2)基础研究或实验研究(experimental study)。论文摘要的作用:The function of the abstract of a scientific paper is to provide an overview of the paper so that the readers know the main story and a few essential details of your work without reading the whole text of the paper. The abstract should make sense both when read alone and when read with the paper.
2 英文摘要的结构
1974年4月,加拿大 McMaster 大学医学中心的Dr. R Brian Haynes首先提出建立临床研究论文的全结构式(full-structured)摘要。在 Dr Edward J Huth倡导下,美国《内科学记事》(Annuals of Internal Medicine)在国际上率先采用了全结构式(full-structured)摘要。我国医学论文结构式摘要于上个世纪80年代由刘雪立编审(眼科新进展杂志编辑部)和潘伯荣教授(第四军医大学学报编辑部)首先提出,现所有医学生物学期刊中论文摘要都已采用结构式文摘。Haynes所提出的全结构式摘要包含8个要素:
(4)对象(Patients, participants or subjects):说明参加并完成研究的病人或受试者的性质、数量及挑选方法;
(6)主要测定项目(Main outcome measures):说明为评定研究结果而进行的主要测定项目;
(8)结论(Conclusion):说明主要结论,包括直接临床应用意义与非结构式摘要相比,全结构式摘要观点更明确(more explicitness),信息量更大(more information),差错更少(fewer errors),同时也更符合计算机数据库的建立和使用要求。但其缺点也是显而易见的,即烦琐、重复、篇幅过长, 而且不是所有研究都能按以上8个要素分类的。于是更多的杂志扬长避短,采用半结构式(semi-structured)摘要。
文题:Effects of parenteral hyperalimentation on serum motilin, peptide YY, IgG and glycoproteins in severe ulcerative colitis
作者:Xue-Gang GUO, et al
作者单位地址:Chinese PLA Institute of Digestive Diseases, Xijing Hospital, Fourth Military Medical University, Xi'an 710032,China
通讯作者:Correspondence to: Chang-Tai Xu, Editorial Department of Journal of Fourth Military Medical University, Xi'an 710032,Shaanxi Province, China. xuct2001@sina.com
收稿和接受日期:Received: 2002-09-13 Accepted: 2002-10-03
目的:AIM: To study the effects and clinical significance of parenteral hyperalimentation on levels of serum motilin, peptide YY, IgG and glycoproteins in patients with severe ulcerative colitis.
方法:METHODS: Eighty-nine patients (males 51, females 38, age 23-57 years) with severe ulcerative colitis were examinated with colonoscope, barium enema, the diagnosis was confirmed histologically….
结果:RESULTS: After 4-week period therapy with parental hyper nutrition, 27 cases (30 %) recovered completely, 48 (54 %) improved, and 14(16 %) failed to therapy, the total effective rate was 84 %.…
结论:CONCLUSION: The parenteral hyperalimentation therapy improved effectively serum levels of motilin, PYY, IgG and glycoproteins in patients with severe ulcerative colitis.
关键词:Keywords: parenteral hyperalimentation; serum; motilin; peptide YY; IgG; glycoproteins; ulcerative colitis
论文标识(期刊编辑部确定):Guo XG, Sun AH, Li CN, Zhang HB, Zhou XM, Xu CT, Pan BR. Effects of parenteral hyperalimentation on serum motilin, peptide YY, IgG and glycoproteins in severe ulcerative colitis. Shijie Huaren Xiaohua Zazhi, 2003; 11(2): 224-228
3 摘要内容表达
3.1 时态的应用 摘要写作中应掌握以下基本原则。(1)目的部分:背景介绍一般用现在时或现在完成时,目的说明一般现在时/现在完成时,或一般过去时;(2)材料、方法和结果部分:除指示性说明外,一律用一般过去时。过去完成时只用于说明研究前的情况或研究中某一点时间之前发生的情况;(3)结论部分:凡陈述研究的材料、方法和结果时,一律用过去时;分析结果或发现的原因,或提出结论性意见,如果作者认为具有普遍意义,可用现在时,如果作者认为自己的分析或结论只限于本研究范围或者仅是一种可能性,则用一般过去时为好[2-4]。
3.2 写作要求
3.2.1标题:(1)要求简明扼要(short and concise),尽量控制在一行,且不是一个句子,不超过25个单词或120-140个字母,除DNA,RNA,PCR,CT等通用缩写外,一般不用缩写。(2)信息丰富(informative)。 (3)便于索引(indexing)。(4)较长的标题可采用副标题。(5)标题写作中常用词组和表达如下[3-4]。
用…(方法/手段)对…进行研究/分析/观察/评价: Study (analysis/observation/evaluation/ assessment) of (on) … (by) using 方法/with工具)。
A对B的作用(Effort of A on B):Detection of allergen-specific IgE for the etiological diagnosis on allergic rhinitis,Protective effect of omeprazole on endothelin-induced gastric mucosal injury
A与B的关系 [Correlation (relation/relationship)between A and B]:Correlation of A with B and C
用…治疗…(Use of …in the treatment of …in …):Use of omeprazole in the treatment of gastric ulcer in the elderly
A是B:A as B
3.2.2 著录部分书写举例
(1)姓名(标准式): Chang-Tai XU,Xiao’an LIU,Ming LI
(2)地址:Department of Orthodontics,Stomatological College,Fourth Military Medical University,Xi ’an 710033,China
◆ 国家高技术研究发展计划资助项目(863计划), No.
Supported by the National High Technology Research and Development Program of China (863 Program), No.
◆ 国家自然科学基金资助项目, No.
Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, No.
◆ 国家“九五”攻关项目, No.
Supported by the National Key Technologies Research and Development Program of China during the 9th Five-Year Plan Period, No.
◆ 中国科学院“九五”重大项目, No.
Supported by the Major Programs of the Chinese Academy of Sciences during the 9th Five-Year Plan Period, No.
◆ 中国科学院重点资助项目, No.
Supported by the Key Programs of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, No. ◆ “九五”国家医学科技攻关基金资助项目, No.
Supported by the National Medical Science and Technique Foundation during the 9th Five-Year Plan Period, No.
◆ 江苏省科委应用基础基金资助项目, No.
Supported by the Applied Basic Research Programs of Science and Technology Commission Foundation of Jiangsu Province, No.
◆ 国家教育部博士点基金资助项目, No.
Supported by the Ph. D.Programs Foundation of Ministry of Education of China, No.
◆ 中国科学院上海分院择优资助项目, No.
Supported by the Advanced Programs of Shanghai Branch, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, No.
◆ 国家重点基础研究发展规划项目(973计划), No.
Supported by the Major State Basic Research Development Program of China (973 Program), No.
◆ 国家杰出青年科学基金, No.
Supported by National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, No.
◆ 海外香港青年学者合作研究基金, No.
Supported by Abroad Joint Research Fund for Young Scholars of Hong Kong, No.
3.2.4 结构式摘要主体 英文摘要以250~300字为宜(英文350个词左右), 为报道性,独立成文,可二次文献检索,要求按目的(AIM),方法(METHODS,包括材料),结果(RESULTS,含主要数据)和结论 (CONCLUSION),即AMRAC四层次结构写。
3.2.5 关键词 3~8个,尽量用Index Medicus当年医学主题词表(MeSH)中的词。
4 结语
1 郭学刚,孙安华,李彩宁,等.肠外高营养对重症溃疡性结肠炎患者血清胃动素,肽YY,IgG和糖蛋白含量的影响[J]. 世界华人消化杂志,2003,11(2):224-228.
2 许昌泰,潘伯荣. 医学科技论文英文摘要写作[J]. 中华医学写作杂志, 2001, 8(8):857-862.
3 许昌泰, 潘作荣. 医学科技论文投稿技巧[J]. 继续医学教育,2001,15(1):47-49.
4 陈银洲.科技论文英文语言的编辑与修改[J].中国科技期刊研究,2006,l7(3):506-507.