

2012-04-27 MedSci MedSci原创

       Laura C van Vark博士(荷兰伊拉斯姆斯大学医学中心)和他的同事在他们发表于2012年4月17日《欧洲心脏病杂志》[European heart journal.2012-04-17.]的一项新的荟萃分析表明,与同一时期的应用非ACEI类药物或血管紧张素受体阻滞剂等药物(ARBs)的患者相比应用ACEI类药物的高血压患者的全死因死亡

       Laura C van Vark博士(荷兰伊拉斯姆斯大学医学中心)和他的同事在他们发表于2012年4月17日《欧洲心脏病杂志》[European heart journal.2012-04-17.]的一项新的荟萃分析表明,与同一时期的应用非ACEI类药物或血管紧张素受体阻滞剂等药物(ARBs)的患者相比应用ACEI类药物的高血压患者的全死因死亡率降低10%。然而,ARB类药物对高血压患者的死亡率无明显影响。

    Laura C van Vark博士指出,这是首次科学地评价肾素-血管紧张素-醛固酮系统(RAAS)抑制剂对具有其主要适应症的高血压患者死亡率影响的研究。前面所有的关于应用ACEI和ARBs能减少心血管疾病的发病率和死亡率的结果来均自于临床试验,所涉及的病人主要是具有其适应症如心衰和冠状动脉疾病的患者。

    合作者K Martijn Akkerhuis博士(伊拉斯姆斯大学医学中心)提到,这些新的发现提供了另外一个应用ACEI治疗高血压的证据。它降低了死亡率,虽然绝对值很小(3.8/1000病人年)。但是请记住,这是在应用阿司匹林、他汀类药物和其他药物的现代治疗基础背景上的额外受益。
他强调,因为数百万人患有高血压,即使降低的死亡率的绝对值很小也意味着可以挽救大量患者生命,因为现在大多数ACEI 药物应用方便。这一发现将会促使这一类药物作为一线治疗选择而广泛应用。


    研究人员承认ACEI和ARBs之间的效果差异需进行事后观察,应该谨慎解释。但Akkerhuis注意到,去年公布的一个包括37项试验的荟萃分析也显示,在包含广泛的病人群体中,ARBs对其死亡率无明显影响。Dr Franz H Messerli(圣卢克罗斯福医院),是这项ARB荟萃分析的主要作者,但没有涉及这次新的研究,他告诉Heartwire这有几个可能的解释。






    总的来说,RAAS系统抑制剂能够使全死因死亡率减少5%(HR 0.95,P = 0.032),心血管疾病死亡率减少7%(HR 0.93,P = 0.018)。虽然主要目的是评价作为一个整体的RAAS系统抑制剂,但是ACEI和ARBs的作用方式有部分不同,因此研究人员决定将这两类药物分开研究。通过这样的方式深入研究数据,他们发现,观察到的治疗效果“完全是来自于ACEI类药物,”它能够显著降低全死因死亡率的10%(HR 0.90,P = 0.004),而没有证明ARB会降低死亡率(HR 0.99,P = 0.683)。



    ACEI和ARBs之间对全死因死亡率影响的差异有统计学意义(P= 0.036)。但研究人员注意到,同时加入两个以前的旨在比较高血压人群应用这两类药物的研究——ONTARGET和 DETAIL试验——结果显示ACE抑制剂和ARBs之间对心血管疾病治疗效果并没有明显差异。因此,研究者强调,目前这一分析结果还不值得改变临床实践治疗指南,这些指南建议不能耐受ACEI的患者可以使用ARB类药物。


Q: Is an ACE inhibitor plus an ARB more effective than either drug alone?

A: No. Although randomized, controlled trials have shown convincingly that angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors reduce the rates of death, myocardial infarction, stroke, and heart failure in patients with known coronary artery disease or left ventricular dysfunction,1 and that angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs) are “noninferior” to and better tolerated than ACE inhibitors, causing less angioedema and cough but costing more,2 dual renin-angiotensin system (RAS) blockade—an ACE inhibitor plus an ARB—has never been shown to reduce the rates of morbidity or death from any cause.

In fact, the Ongoing Telmisartan Alone and in Combination With Ramipril Global Endpoint Trial (ONTARGET)3,4 found that dual RAS blockade was no more beneficial than monotherapy with an ACE inhibitor or an ARB in preventing serious outcomes in patients with known vascular disease or diabetes with end-organ damage. Furthermore, patients on dual RAS blockade had higher rates of renal insufficiency, hyperkalemia, and hypotension.

Dual RAS blockade was first proposed in the early 1990s as a way to avoid the “escape phenomenon” (incomplete suppression of angiotensin II) with ACE inhibitor monotherapy.5 Indeed, studies in rats showed a synergistic effect on blood pressure with an ACE inhibitor combined with an ARB,6 and these results were encouraging enough for the medical community to make a remarkably quick transition to adopting dual RAS blockade in clinical practice.

The concept of dual RAS blockade was so appealing that effects on surrogate end points—lower blood pressure, less protein in the urine, and improved endothelial function—were accepted as free passes, obviating the need for evidence of an effect on hard end points such as lower rates of cardiovascular death or kidney failure. Currently, in the United States, about 1.5% of all patients on RAS blockers are currently receiving both an ACE inhibitor and an ARB.



The European Society of Cardiology’s 2007 clinical practice guidelines7 say that treatment with an ACE inhibitor plus an ARB is preferred for hypertensive patients with metabolic syndrome and its major components (eg, abdominal obesity, insulin resistance, frank diabetes).

Dulton et al, in a meta-analysis,8 calculated that the combination of an ACE inhibitor and an ARB lowered 24-hour blood pressure by 4/3 mm Hg more than monotherapy did. However, most of the studies were of short duration (6 to 8 weeks) and used submaximal doses or once-daily doses of a short-acting ACE inhibitor. Interestingly, studies that used a long-acting ACE inhibitor or a larger dose of a short-acting ACE inhibitor generally showed no additive effect on blood pressure when an ARB was added.

Hence, more evidence from larger randomized and appropriately designed studies is needed before we can conclude that dual RAS blockade is safe and significantly superior to monotherapy in blood pressure control.


Proteinuria is a surrogate end point for cardiovascular death and is a marker as well as a cause of progressive renal insufficiency. It therefore seemed rational that modifying the degree of proteinuria would translate into robust clinical benefits. Several studies9 showed better renal outcomes, such as fewer patients needing dialysis with combination therapy than with an ACE inhibitor or ARB alone. However, this has never been proven in an adequately powered trial.

ONTARGET was a perfect opportunity to convert what seemed like reliable mechanistic information into solid outcome data.3 The trial enrolled 25,620 patients with established atherosclerotic disease or with diabetes and evidence of end-organ damage. At baseline, 13.1% had microalbuminuria and 4.0% had macroalbuminuria.3 The amount of protein in the urine increased by a significantly lesser amount in the ARB group and in the dualtherapy group than in the group taking only an ACE inhibitor, but in the dual-therapy group this apparent advantage came at the expense of hard end points: more patients reached the primary composite end point of needing dialysis, doubling of their serum creatinine level, or death.

Reducing proteinuria could be an important benefit, but it certainly does not outweigh the risk of increased rates of renal failure and death.

Atherosclerosis and acute coronary syndrome

The road to myocardial infarction begins with inflammation in the “shoulders” of atherosclerotic plaques, which subsequently rupture. Tissue ACE activity and expression of the angiotensin II type 1 receptor are significantly increased in patients with acute coronary syndrome and primarily co-localized to the shoulder regions of the plaque.10 Giving an ACE inhibitor or an ARB to patients who have unstable angina or who have had a myocardial infarction may decrease the rate of reinfarction and lessens the inflammatory process in the atherosclerotic plaque.

Large randomized clinical trials such as HOPE (Heart Outcomes Prevention Evaluation)11 and EUROPA (European Trial on Reduction of Cardiac Events With Perindopril in Stable Coronary Artery Disease)12 showed a lower rate of cardiovascular death in patients with established coronary artery disease and normal left ventricular function if they received an ACE inhibitor. In the HOPE trial, the rate of cardiovascular death was 25% lower in patients treated with ramipril (Altace) vs placebo.11 (The year after HOPE was published, the number of prescriptions for ramipril went up 400%). Interestingly, studies of ARBs for secondary prevention failed to show any lowering of the rate of cardiovascular death or myocardial infarction.13

In ONTARGET,4 although the combination of telmisartan (Micardis) and ramipril had a greater effect on blood pressure, it was not significantly better than ramipril alone in terms of the primary outcome of death from cardiovascular causes, myocardial infarction, stroke, or hospitalization for heart failure (relative risk 0.99).

Heart failure

The bulk of data on dual RAS blockade in heart failure patients comes from three large randomized trials: CHARM-Added (Candesartan in Heart Failure: Assessment of Reduction in Mortality and Morbidity),14 VALIANT (Valsartan in Acute Myocardial Infarction Trial),15 and VAL-HeFT (Valsartan Heart Failure Trial).16

CHARM-Added14 was the only trial that showed a reduction in cardiovascular deaths with dual RAS therapy (absolute risk reduction 3.6%). It also showed a lower rate of hospitalization for heart failure (absolute risk reduction 4%). However, the rate of allcause mortality was not different between the groups. Of note, more patients receiving dual RAS blockade had to stop taking the study drug because of adverse effects.

Val-HeFT16 showed, in a post hoc analysis, higher rates of morbidity (cardiac arrest, hospitalization for heart failure, or receipt of intravenous inotropic or vasodilator therapy for at least 4 hours) and death when the ARB valsartan (Diovan) was added to the combination of an ACE inhibitor plus a beta-blocker.

A recent meta-analysis17 of safety and tolerability of dual RAS blockade compared with an ACE inhibitor alone found a higher risk of discontinuation because of adverse effects such as hyperkalemia, renal dysfunction, and hypotension in patients on dual RAS blockade. The authors concluded that, given the adverse effects and the lack of consistent survival benefit, the available data do not support the routine addition of an ARB to ACE inhibitor therapy in heart failure patients.


Another class of RAS blockers is available: direct renin inhibitors. Therefore, dual RAS blockade can be achieved by combining an ACE inhibitor with an ARB, an ACE inhibitor with a direct renin inhibitor, or an ARB with a direct renin inhibitor.

We have some outcome data on the combination of an ACE inhibitor plus an ARB,3,4,17 but none for the other two possible dual RAS combinations. Thus far, we know that dual RAS blockade with an ARB and an ACE inhibitor is not beneficial in patients like those in ONTARGET, and that it has questionable benefit in heart failure. However, little is known about combining a direct renin inhibitor with either an ACE inhibitor or an ARB.

Since ARBs and ACE inhibitors both increase plasma renin activity and only partially block the RAS, the argument has been put forward that the addition of a drug such as a direct renin inhibitor, which really decreases plasma renin activity, has the potential to be more beneficial than blockade with either an ACE inhibitor or an ARB. In theory, this is an attractive concept and certainly deserves scrutiny in outcome studies such as ALTITUDE (Aliskiren Trial in Type 2 Diabetes Using Cardio-Renal Endpoints).18


As defined by Temple,19 a surrogate end point of a clinical trial is a laboratory measurement or a physical sign used as a substitute for a clinically meaningful end point that measures directly how patients feel or function, or if they survive. Effects on surrogate end points often fail to predict the true clinical effects of an intervention, as the ONTARGET data demonstrated. Among several explanations for this failure is that interventions may affect the clinical outcome by unintended, unanticipated, and unrecognized mechanisms that operate independently of the disease process.20 Nonetheless, surrogate end point cosmetics remains attractive for many clinicians.

The ONTARGET findings indicate that there is no clinically important benefit in adding an ARB for patients with hypertension, proteinuria, heart failure, or coronary artery disease if they are already being treated with an ACE inhibitor. This would indicate that dual RAS blockade should be avoided in clinical practice until we are provided with better evidence.

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    2013-02-20 shanyongle
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    2012-04-29 redcrab



  根据2012年世界心脏病学大会4月19日公布的一项最新研究,高血压患者通过运动所减少的心血管疾病(CVD)或全因死亡风险相当于血压下降40~50mmHg所产生的影响。   在此研究中,与各血压水平的运动受试者相比,不运动的受试者其全因和CVD死亡风险显著升高。此外,不运动造成了过量死亡危险。当把运动换算成血压指标时,结果显示不运动与血压上升40~50mmHg所致死亡风险的增高相似。


  英国学者的一项研究表明,替换药物或添加阿米洛利可能是预防噻嗪类诱导糖尿病的解决方案。论文于2012年4月9日在线发表于《高血压》(Hypertension)杂志。   高血压指南建议限制噻嗪类利尿剂用量并避免联用β受体阻滞剂,原因在于其可升高糖尿病风险。研究者实施了两项双盲、安慰剂对照、交叉研究。在纳入41例患者的第一项研究中,苄氟噻嗪治疗4周后可检查到2小时口服糖耐量试验时的血糖


  我国北京安贞医院研究人员在2012年世界心脏病学大会(4月18~21日,阿联酋迪拜)上公布的一项研究显示:虽然我国高血压患者的糖尿病流行率较高,但是,即便他们正在接受糖尿病治疗,其糖尿病知晓率仍很低。此外,高血压合并糖尿病的患者的降血糖治疗率和血糖达标率均很低。研究人员认为:在接受治疗的中国高血压患者中,强调血糖检测的重要性和提高护理质量很重要。   此项横断面调查样本来自2009年中


  点击看大图   近几年的研究发现,多囊卵巢综合征(PCOS)不仅影响生殖功能,其患者还存在多方面的代谢障碍,PCOS是育龄女性最常见的一种内分泌疾病,发生率5%~10% 。临床上PCOS主要表现为月经稀发及继发性闭经,此外尚有多毛、痤疮、肥胖等症状。生化检查还常存在高胰岛素血症、高瘦素血症等代谢异常。PCOS的概念已超出妇科内分泌的领域,成为一组累及多系统的慢性内分




  发表于2012年第3期《中华高血压杂志》上研究表明,替米沙坦与二甲双胍联合治疗能够改善高血压合并非酒精性脂肪性肝病(NAFLD)患者的血压和糖脂代谢。   研究者将高血压合并NAFLD患者60例根据治疗方案分为对照组和观察组,对照组单用替米沙坦治疗,观察组给予替米沙坦和二甲双胍联合治疗,观察时间6月。观察两组治疗前后血压、腰臀比、体质量指数(BMI))、总胆固醇、三酰甘油、低密度脂蛋白胆固醇
