2012-05-19 爱唯医学网 爱唯医学网
最近由英国伦敦癌症研究所的Marco Gerlinger博士发表的一项严谨的基因组学研究,进一步强调可以将癌症视为癌细胞的异质性集合,这些癌细胞不断进化,甚至可能以达尔文的方式为争取生存权和发展权而发生竞争,而代价是宿主的健康乃至生命。相关论文由近期的New England Journal of Medicine发表。 当上世纪90年代,主流观点认为癌症的起因是单个细胞的突变(常由烟草或射线暴露
最近由英国伦敦癌症研究所的Marco Gerlinger博士发表的一项严谨的基因组学研究,进一步强调可以将癌症视为癌细胞的异质性集合,这些癌细胞不断进化,甚至可能以达尔文的方式为争取生存权和发展权而发生竞争,而代价是宿主的健康乃至生命。相关论文由近期的New England Journal of Medicine发表。
Gerlinger博士及其同事检测了4例进展期肾癌患者的原发灶和转移灶标本。在多个时间点进行基因组分析,包括化疗开始之前和癌症进展过程中。基因组分析包括全外显子组测序,或所有已知人类基因的DNA测序(参见“Personalized Genome Around the Corner?”),试图在原发灶转移时和化疗后的新遗传突变中寻找肿瘤进化的迹象。此外,研究者还得以观察同一时间点、同一标本的不同区域,直接寻找旧有概念中的恶性单克隆组织。
PMID: 22397650
Intratumor Heterogeneity and Branched Evolution Revealed by Multiregion Sequencing
Marco Gerlinger, M.D., Andrew J. Rowan, B.Sc., Stuart Horswell, M.Math., James Larkin, M.D., Ph.D., David Endesfelder, Dip.Math., Eva Gronroos, Ph.D., Pierre Martinez, Ph.D., Nicholas Matthews, B.Sc., Aengus Stewart, M.Sc., Patrick Tarpey, Ph.D., Ignacio Varela, Ph.D., Benjamin Phillimore, B.Sc., Sharmin Begum, M.Sc., Neil Q. McDonald, Ph.D., Adam Butler, B.Sc., David Jones, M.Sc., Keiran Raine, M.Sc., Calli Latimer, B.Sc., Claudio R. Santos, Ph.D., Mahrokh Nohadani, H.N.C., Aron C. Eklund, Ph.D., Bradley Spencer-Dene, Ph.D., Graham Clark, B.Sc., Lisa Pickering, M.D., Ph.D., Gordon Stamp, M.D., Martin Gore, M.D., Ph.D., Zoltan Szallasi, M.D., Julian Downward, Ph.D., P. Andrew Futreal, Ph.D., and Charles Swanton, M.D., Ph.D.
Intratumor heterogeneity may foster tumor evolution and adaptation and hinder personalized-medicine strategies that depend on results from single tumor-biopsy samples.
To examine intratumor heterogeneity, we performed exome sequencing, chromosome aberration analysis, and ploidy profiling on multiple spatially separated samples obtained from primary renal carcinomas and associated metastatic sites. We characterized the consequences of intratumor heterogeneity using immunohistochemical analysis, mutation functional analysis, and profiling of messenger RNA expression.
Phylogenetic reconstruction revealed branched evolutionary tumor growth, with 63 to 69% of all somatic mutations not detectable across every tumor region. Intratumor heterogeneity was observed for a mutation within an autoinhibitory domain of the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) kinase, correlating with S6 and 4EBP phosphorylation in vivo and constitutive activation of mTOR kinase activity in vitro. Mutational intratumor heterogeneity was seen for multiple tumor-suppressor genes converging on loss of function; SETD2, PTEN, and KDM5C underwent multiple distinct and spatially separated inactivating mutations within a single tumor, suggesting convergent phenotypic evolution. Gene-expression signatures of good and poor prognosis were detected in different regions of the same tumor. Allelic composition and ploidy profiling analysis revealed extensive intratumor heterogeneity, with 26 of 30 tumor samples from four tumors harboring divergent allelic-imbalance profiles and with ploidy heterogeneity in two of four tumors.
Intratumor heterogeneity can lead to underestimation of the tumor genomics landscape portrayed from single tumor-biopsy samples and may present major challenges to personalized-medicine and biomarker development. Intratumor heterogeneity, associated with heterogeneous protein function, may foster tumor adaptation and therapeutic failure through Darwinian selection. (Funded by the Medical Research Council and others.)
Supported by grants from the Medical Research Council, Cancer Research UK, the Royal Marsden Hospital Renal Research Fund, Novartis, EU Framework 7 Personalized RNA Interference to Enhance the Delivery of Individualized Cytotoxic and Targeted Therapeutics (PREDICT), and the Wellcome Trust (to Dr. Futreal).
This article is dedicated to Tim Christmas.
Disclosure forms provided by the authors are available with the full text of this article at
Drs. Gerlinger, Larkin, Gronroos, Martinez, and Swanton and Mr. Rowan, Mr. Horswell, Mr. Endesfelder, Mr. Matthews, and Mr. Stewart contributed equally to this article.
We thank the patients; Nasir Khan, Isobelle Coombes, Kim Edmonds, Amy Thomas, Jade Griffiths, Phil Clarke, Maggie James, and Peter Campbell; and the U.K. National Institute for Health Research.
