2010-07-14 MedSci原创 MedSci原创
All sponsor/CRO personnel will be issued with copies of the most current SOPs and will be required to undertake clinical studies in accordance with those SOPs. They will be required
All sponsor/CRO personnel will be issued with copies of the most current SOPs and will be required to undertake clinical studies in accordance with those SOPs. They will be required to sign a SOP compliance statement stating that they will conform with the requirements of the SOP and specifying the SOPs under consideration.
SOPs will be reviewed at least annually (or more frequently, if necessary, because of urgently needed changes) to determine whether new SOPs or revisions to existing SOPs are needed. All superseded versions of SOPs must be available for audit and inspection. Thus, all master copies of superseded SOPs must be retained in the clinical study files. Reference copies of SOPs may be distributed to individuals in other departments within the company, if required for the task being undertaken, and may be distributed to other external individuals (e.g. a CRO, if required for the task being undertaken). Documented permission to distribute SOPs externally must be obtained to protect confidentiality. Individual recipients of SOPs should not photo- copy the SOPs or distribute them to other personnel and personnel leaving the employ of the sponsor/CRO should immediately return SOPs.
SOP至少每年应审查一次,以确定是否需要新的SOP或修订现行的SOP(如果需要,或者因为紧急情况需要修改,则需要更频繁修订)。所有过时的SOP文件应该妥善保存,以备稽查和视察。所有的过时的SOP的主文件必须保存在临床研究文件中,分发给公司其他部门个人的 SOP参考文件可以保存在公司。如果需要外部机构承担该任务,或分发给其他外部个体(如CRO公司),就必须获得SOP外部分发许可文件,以保护该文件的机密性。SOP的接收者不可以影印该SOP,或分发给其它的人,离开申办者/CRO公司的雇员必须立刻归还SOP文件。
Under exceptional circumstances, waivers from the SOPs may be allowed, when it is known in advance that it will not be possible to comply with the SOP. Waivers from SOPs must be requested in writing, with an explanation, and require written approval. Violation of SOPs (deliberately or through negligence) must be documented, with an explanation, and reported immediately to a designated person. Consistent and deliberate non-compliance with the SOPs without written authorization will lead to disciplinary action.
The important topics which should be addressed in SOPs by sponsors and CROs are listed in Checklist 1.3-2. Clinical facilities conducting research on behalf of sponsors/CROs are also adopting written standards more frequently today and suggested topics are in Checklist 1.3-3. Of 84 different sets of sponsor/CRO SOPs which we have reviewed in the last few years, many important topics were not addressed: inspection by regulatory authorities (87% of SOPs did not include this topic); selection and management of clinical laboratories (77%);medication/device final disposition and destruction (74%);training and qualifications of personnel (70%); selection and management of CROs (68% of 44 sponsor SOP sets); detection and management of fraud (59%); financial payments to investigators (57%); medication/device packaging and labeling (57%); randomization procedures (54%); auditing (51%); medication/device requisition, shipment, receipt and management at the study site (48%); investigator contracts (43%); standard operating procedures (39%); investigator brochures (39%); clinical study reports (35%); source data verification procedures (35%);filing/archiving (33%); CRF (including diary card, quality of life assessment form, etc.) design (31%); protocol amendments(31%); study site initiation and closure(26%); ethics committees(26%); informed consent procedures (24%); and reporting of AEs (21%).
申办者或CRO必须涉及的SOP的重要主题见表 1.3-2. 现在,代表申办者或CRO进行临床研究的临床机构也更多采用书面标准操作规范,建议的主题见表1.3-3。在过去的几年里,我们审查的84家不同申办者 /CRO的SOP。许多重要的主题未涉及。管理当局视察(87%的SOP没有包含该主题) ; 临床实验室的选择和管理 (77%);药物/器械最终处置和销毁(74%);研究人员的培训和资格证明 (70%); CRO公司的选择和管理 (44个申办者的SOP有68%未涉及); 作假的检查和管理(59%);给研究者的财务付款 (57%);药物/器械的包装和标签(57%);随机化程序(54%); 稽查(51%);在研究基地的药物/器械的申请,运输,接收和管理(48%);研究者协议(43%);标准操作程序(39%);研究者手册(39%);临床研究报告(35%);原始数据验证程序(35%);归档(33%); CRF设计(包括日志卡,生活质量评估表等等.) (31%); 方案修补(31%);研究基地的启动和关闭(26%); 伦理委员会(26%); 知情同意程序(24%); AE报告 (21%).
Checklist 1.3-1. Suggestions for the Format and Contents of SOPs
表1.3-1 sop的格式和内容建议
Each SOP will provide the following information on the first page:
l Title: the title will comprise one or two lines indicating the subject of the SOP;
l SOP number: each SOP will be numbered sequentially using five digits. The first set of three digits identifies a SOP and the second set of two digits indicates the revision number.
l Issue date: this will be the date on which the SOP will take effect. It will be on or after the date of approval.
l Supersedes: the number and date of the SOP which preceded the current SOP will be indicated;
l Last and next review dates: the last review date will be the date on which the SOP was last reviewed. If the SOP remains unchanged after the review, the details for 'supersedes' will not change. The next review date will be the next scheduled date on which the SOP is planned to be reviewed.
l Approved by: the SOPs will be approved, with the dated signatures of at least one senior manager and senior individual in the department to whom the SOP applies. The approvals confirm that the SOPs adequately describe the procedures developed and used by the sponsor/CRO.
批准:SOP的批准最少要该部门一个高级经理和一个高级个体签字和日期。批准是为了确认该SOP充分描述了申请人或 CRO用到的程序。
Each SOP will include the following sections in the text:
l Table of contents: the table of contents will include a list of items included in the SOP, with page numbers;
l Introduction: the introduction should briefly describe the rationale and scope of the SOP;
l Contents: the contents of the SOP will follow the order noted in the table of contents and, in general, will follow the order in which procedures occur;
l Appendices to the SOP will be numbered and listed in the order in which they are addressed in the SOP. Appendices will be designated by Roman numerals (e.g. Appendix I) and placed at the end of the SOP, with each page numbered.
Checklist 1.3-2. Topics for SOPs for Sponsors/CROs
表1.3-2 申办者/CRO公司的SOP的主题
Sponsors/CROs should address the following topics in SOPs:
l General topics: general quality assurance and quality control procedures; clinical development plans; clinical study plans; clinical study tracking; clinical research personnel qualifications; clinical audits; regulatory authority inspections; fraud;
l Ethics: initial and continuing review by ethics committees/IRBs; membership; working procedures; informed consent; consent forms and information sheets; exceptions to normal informed consent procedures;
l Study setup: investigator brochures; protocols; protocol amendments; CRFs; submissions to regulatory authorities; selection visits;
Phase I facilities; agreements (e.g. responsibilities, financial, confidentiality, insurance/indemnity agreements); selection of CROs; selection of clinical laboratories; initiation visits; personnel; startup meetings;
l Monitoring and initial data review: monitoring visits; source data
verification; CRF review; CRF tracking; data query; database development, review and lock; data conventions; study subject classification; statistical review;
l Management of study medications/devices and clinical laboratory samples: request for study medications/devices; labeling and packaging; shipment; receipt; control at study sites; dispensing; inventory; compliance with use of study medication/device; final disposition; final reconciliation; recall; reallocation; randomization procedures; clinical laboratory samples;
l Safety event reporting: definitions; recording and reporting AEs; reporting safety information externally.
l Closing the study: closure visits; clinical study reports; premature termination or suspension; archiving.
Checklist 1.3-3. Topics for SOPs for Investigators
表1.3-3 研究者SOP的主题
The following topics are suggestions for inclusion in study site SOPs:
l General topics: general quality assurance and quality control procedures; clinical research personnel qualifications; clinical audits; regulatory authority inspections; fraud;
l Ethics: initial and continuing review by ethics committees/IRBs; membership; working procedures; informed consent; consent forms and information sheets; exceptions to normal informed consent procedures;
l Study setup: review of investigator brochures, protocols, protocol amendments, CRFs; agreements (e.g. responsibilities, financial, confidentiality, insurance/indemnity agreements);
l Monitoring and initial data review: monitoring visits; source data verification; data query;
l Management of study medications/devices and clinical laboratory samples: shipment; receipt; control at study sites; dispensing; inventory; compliance with use of study medication/device; final disposition; final reconciliation; randomization procedures; clinical laboratory samples;
l Safety event reporting: definitions; recording and reporting AEs; recording and reporting AEs to ethics committees;
l Closing the study: review of clinical study reports; premature termination or suspension; archiving.
This shows real exitsepre. Thanks for the answer.