Nat Gene:基因变异可导致囊性纤维化病人胎儿出现肠梗阻
2012-04-10 T.Shen 生物谷
近日,来自北卡罗来纳大学等处的研究者发现,基因组上某些区域的变异容易使得囊性纤维化病人在怀孕期间,胎儿出现肠梗阻。这项研究报告于4月1日刊登在了国际著名杂志Nature Gentics上,研究者们识别出了和胎粪性肠梗阻(meconium ileus,MI)相关的遗传变异,MI是一种肠梗阻疾病,通常需要紧急的外科手术才能治疗,可以导致其它健康问题发病比率的持续增长。 粗略估计,MI可以影响15%-
近日,来自北卡罗来纳大学等处的研究者发现,基因组上某些区域的变异容易使得囊性纤维化病人在怀孕期间,胎儿出现肠梗阻。这项研究报告于4月1日刊登在了国际著名杂志Nature Gentics上,研究者们识别出了和胎粪性肠梗阻(meconium ileus,MI)相关的遗传变异,MI是一种肠梗阻疾病,通常需要紧急的外科手术才能治疗,可以导致其它健康问题发病比率的持续增长。
Multiple apical plasma membrane constituents are associated with susceptibility to meconium ileus in individuals with cystic fibrosis
Lei Sun1, 2, 18 Johanna M Rommens3, 4, 18 Harriet Corvol5, 6 Weili Li1, 7 Xin Li7 Theodore A Chiang7 Fan Lin3 Ruslan Dorfman3 Pierre-François Busson8 Rashmi V Parekh3 Diana Zelenika9 Scott M Blackman10 Mary Corey7 Vishal K Doshi11 Lindsay Henderson11 Kathleen M Naughton11 Wanda K O'Neal12 Rhonda G Pace12 Jaclyn R Stonebraker12 Sally D Wood12 Fred A Wright13 Julian Zielenski3 Annick Clement5, 6 Mitchell L Drumm14, 15 Pierre-Yves Boëlle6, 8 Garry R Cutting10, 11 Michael R Knowles12 Peter R Durie16, 17 Lisa J Strug1, 7
Variants associated with meconium ileus in cystic fibrosis were identified in 3,763 affected individuals by genome-wide association study (GWAS). Five SNPs at two loci near SLC6A14 at Xq23-24 (minimum P = 1.28 × 10−12 at rs3788766) and SLC26A9 at 1q32.1 (minimum P = 9.88 × 10−9 at rs4077468) accounted for ~5% of phenotypic variability and were replicated in an independent sample of affected individuals (n = 2,372; P = 0.001 and 0.0001, respectively). By incorporating the knowledge that disease-causing mutations in CFTR alter electrolyte and fluid flux across surface epithelium into a hypothesis-driven GWAS (GWAS-HD), we identified associations with the same SNPs in SLC6A14 and SLC26A9 and established evidence for the involvement of SNPs in a third solute carrier gene, SLC9A3. In addition, GWAS-HD provided evidence of association between meconium ileus and multiple genes encoding constituents of the apical plasma membrane where CFTR resides (P = 0.0002; testing of 155 apical membrane genes jointly and in replication, P = 0.022). These findings suggest that modulating activities of apical membrane constituents could complement current therapeutic paradigms for cystic fibrosis.