2009-04-03 MedSci原创 MedSci原创
Information for Authors General: The PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE welcomes for consideration technical papers on important topics of broad significance and long-range interest in all areas of
Information for Authors
General: The PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE welcomes for consideration technical papers on important topics of broad significance and long-range interest in all areas of electrical, electronics, and computer engineering. In-depth surveys, reviews and tutorials are particularly welcome; papers describing individual research will usually only be considered if they meet the general criteria above. As a general rule, papers that do not meet these criteria should be submitted to the appropriate IEEE Transactions and Journals.
It is suggested that a prospective author, before preparing a full-length manuscript, submit a brief 3-5 page proposal containing a description of the topic and its importance to PROCEEDINGS' readers, a detailed outline of the proposed paper and its type of coverage, and a brief biography showing the author's qualifications for writing the paper (including reference to previously published material as well as information on the author's relation to the proposed topic). Proposal reviews can be done most efficiently if the proposal is emailed directly to the Managing Editor at .
If a proposal receives a favorable review, the author will be encouraged to prepare the paper and submit it to Manuscript Central for the normal peer-review process. All full-length manuscripts should be submitted to Manuscript Central at the following URL: Instructions and tutorials can be found on the main page. Please note that due to our journal redesign project and a new publishing production process, we request that all manuscripts accepted for publication be submitted as Word files. If you have specific questions or concerns, please contact Margery Meyer: All contributions are peer reviewed, as expeditiously as possible, in accordance with IEEE and PROCEEDINGS policy, usually by three (3) experts in the field.
The PROCEEDINGS is copyrighted to protect the interests of the IEEE as well as its authors and their employers. Authors must provide a signed copyright release form before their papers can be published; the completed form should accompany the manuscript upon its approval and final submission. The form may be found online at the following URL:
The IEEE assumes that material submitted for publication has been properly released. It is the responsibility of the author, not the IEEE, to determine whether publication of the material requires the prior consent of other parties and, if so, to obtain it.
Since papers in the PROCEEDINGS are read by engineers whose interests usually extend well beyond their own specialties, papers must be accessible to the nonspecialist EE reader as well as the expert. They should always contain adequate background and tutorial information, and, to ensure that papers are well-suited for the general electrical engineering readership, authors are encouraged to have their manuscripts scrutinized by colleagues who are not experts in the fields discussed.
Manuscript Preparation:
When a paper is accepted for publication (upon completing the peer review process through Manuscript Central), an electronic version of the manuscript will be requested for use in editing and typesetting. Manuscripts should be submitted in Word and paginated throughout (including the abstract, figure captions, tables, and the reference section). The composition of manuscripts should be the following: title page, abstract, body of paper, appendices, references, separate listing of figure captions, figures, and tables.
Title Page:
This page should contain the full title of the paper and complete names, affiliations, addresses, phone and fax numbers, and electronic mail addresses of all authors. The contact author should be indicated.
An abstract of not more than 200 words is required. It should contain not only a description of the subject and scope of coverage but also, in the case of research-oriented papers, discuss major results and conclusions.
Paper Descriptions (Paper “Decks” and Table of Contents items):
Authors of approved papers should provide a 15 to 25-word description of the coverage of the paper and what the reader will learn from it.
All papers must contain keywords or index terms. They are provided by the authors. They should be provided in alphabetical order, and as a final paragraph of the abstract section.
The Proceedings of the IEEE is eager to publish color illustrations, especially in those cases where color enhances technical details and understanding; for this reason, for the past year or so, we have been publishing color figures at no cost to the author. Figures and tables should be sent as separate electronic files and named numerically (e.g., fig1.eps, fig2.tif, table3.doc). It is requested that authors provide hard copies of all figures and tables as well, for verification purposes.
The International System of Units (the SI or "metric" system) should be used. Where desirable, non-metric equivalents can be included in parentheses.
References should be numbered in the order they are mentioned in the text, with numbers within square brackets. The reference section should be double-spaced and in the style shown below; however, if there is any doubt about the correct abbreviation of publication names, these should be given in full. Note that titles of papers plus beginning and ending page numbers should be included.
Authored book:
[1] A. Cichocki and R. Unbehaven, Neural Networks for Optimization and Signal Processing, Chichester, England: Wiley, 1993, ch. 2, pp. 45-47.
Article in an edited book:
[2] R.A. Scholtz, "The Spread Spectrum Concept," in Multiple Access, N. Abramson, Piscataway, N.J.: IEEE Press, 1993, ch. 3, pp. 121-23.
Paper in a journal.:
[3] R.K. Crane, "Estimating Risk for Earth-Satellite Attenuation Prediction," Proc. IEEE, vol. 81, pp. 905-913, June 1993.
Paper in a conference record:
[4] D.L. Crook, "Evolution of VLSI reliability engineering," in Proc. Int. Rel. Physics Symp., pp. 2-11, 1990.
Unpublished conference paper:
[5] T. Yamashita, K. Kotani, and T. Ohmi, "Real-time configurable logic circuits using neuron MOS transistors," presented at the 1993 Int. Solid State Circuits Conf., Feb. 1993.
Technical report:
[6] H. Freitag, "Design methodologies for LSI circuitry," IBM Tech. Rep. TR41736, pp. 80-82, 1983.
Photographs and Biographies:
Authors' photographs and biographies are published in conjunction with papers. They can be provided after acceptance of a paper and biographies should not exceed 200 words.
Before publication, proofs will be sent to the author (or to the contact author who submitted the paper) by the PROCEEDINGS' Associate Editor. Typographical, illustration problems and other errors should be marked according to the instructions accompanying the proofs. This is not the time to rewrite or revise the paper, and the cost of excessive changes will be billed to the author. However, it is important to review the presentation details at this time and carefully check for any errors that might have been introduced during the production process.
Voluntary Page Charges and Reprints:
After a manuscript has been accepted for publication, the author's company or institution will be asked to pay a voluntary charge of $110 per printed page to cover part of the cost of publication. IEEE page charges are not obligatory, and payment is not a prerequisite for publication. The author will receive 100 free reprints if the charge is honored. Detailed instructions on page charges and on ordering reprints will accompany the galley proof.
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers electronically processes the PROCEEDINGS as well as all of its Transactions, Journals, and Letters. For production and final printing of your paper, we will ask you to provide your final, accepted manuscript and two paper copies.
1. All manuscripts should be sent as Word files.
2. Files should be submitted via ZIP, CD, or email attachment.
3. Include 2 copies of the printed version of exactly what is sent on disk.
4. Note the operating system, software, and version number used to create your disk on
the disk label.
5. Do not import graphics files in your text file.
6. Make sure your files are self-contained, i.e., that there are no pointers to your
system setup.
7. Check that your files are complete: abstract, text, tables, references, footnotes,
bios & figure captions.
8. If possible, set manuscript column size to 21 picas or 3 1/2 inch.
9. Send all figures and tables as separate electronic files and include copies in package.
DO NOT put the files in page layout software (Ventura, Quark, Pagemaker, Frame Maker).
Write the text in ascii format, DO NOT create special macros; use the standard codes provided by the program.
DO NOT send postscript files of the text.