BMC Med:系统性青少年特发型关节炎发病的关联性分析
2013-05-06 T.Shen 生物谷
2012年10月24日系统性的青少年特发型关节炎(Systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis,SJIA)是青少年特发型关节炎的一个亚型,但是由于其系统性的炎症常常导致患者发热、出疹以及发生浆膜炎。近日,刊登在BMC Medicine上的一篇研究报告揭示了SJIA患者的关节炎和全身性系统组分直接相关,但是涉及SJIA相关的炎症路径,相比多关节炎的青少年特发型关节炎(
2012年10月24日系统性的青少年特发型关节炎(Systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis,SJIA)是青少年特发型关节炎的一个亚型,但是由于其系统性的炎症常常导致患者发热、出疹以及发生浆膜炎。近日,刊登在BMC Medicine上的一篇研究报告揭示了SJIA患者的关节炎和全身性系统组分直接相关,但是涉及SJIA相关的炎症路径,相比多关节炎的青少年特发型关节炎(POLY)并不相同。
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Background Clinicians have long appreciated the distinct phenotype of systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis (SJIA) compared to polyarticular juvenile idiopathic arthritis (POLY). We hypothesized that gene expression profiles of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) from children with each disease would reveal distinct biological pathways when analyzed for significant associations with elevations in two markers of JIA activity, erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) and number of affected joints (joint count, JC). Methods PBMC RNA from SJIA and POLY patients was profiled by kinetic PCR to analyze expression of 181 genes, selected for relevance to immune response pathways. Pearson correlation and Student's t test analyses were performed to identify transcripts significantly associated with clinical parameters (ESR and JC) in SJIA or POLY samples. These transcripts were used to find related biological pathways. Results Combining Pearson and t test analyses, we found 91 ESR-related and 92 JC-related genes in SJIA. For POLY, 20 ESR-related and 0 JC-related genes were found. Using Ingenuity Systems Pathways Analysis, we identified SJIA ESR-related and JC-related pathways. The two sets of pathways are strongly correlated. In contrast, there is a weaker correlation between SJIA and POLY ESR-related pathways. Notably, distinct biological processes were found to correlate with JC in samples from the earlier systemic plus arthritic phase (SAF) of SJIA compared to samples from the later arthritis-predominant phase (AF). Within the SJIA SAF group, IL-10 expression was related to JC, whereas lack of IL-4 appeared to characterize the chronic arthritis (AF) subgroup. Conclusions The strong correlation between pathways implicated in elevations of both ESR and JC in SJIA argues that the systemic and arthritic components of the disease are related mechanistically. Inflammatory pathways in SJIA are distinct from those in POLY course JIA, consistent with differences in clinically appreciated target organs. The limited numbers of ESR-related SJIA genes that also are associated with elevations of ESR in POLY-JIA implies that the SJIA associations are specific for SJIA, at least to some degree. The distinct pathways associated with arthritis in early and late SJIA raise the possibility that different immunobiology underlies arthritis over the course of SJIA.