
The Lancet:揭示降低孕妇早产率的措施

2013-05-06 T.Shen 生物谷

2012年11月20日 --11月15日,刊登在国际杂志The Lancet上的一篇研究报告中,来自国外的研究者表示,截止到2015年,通过在39个国家(包括美国在内)实施降低孕妇早产率到5%,可以阻止大约58,000个早产儿的出生,早产率的降低有助于帮助各国降低数十亿美元的经济损失。 研究者Hannah表示,来自39个国家的政府和健康机构都需要进行必要的干预措施来帮助妇女进行优生优育,并且生出

2012年11月20日 --11月15日,刊登在国际杂志The Lancet上的一篇研究报告中,来自国外的研究者表示,截止到2015年,通过在39个国家(包括美国在内)实施降低孕妇早产率到5%,可以阻止大约58,000个早产儿的出生,早产率的降低有助于帮助各国降低数十亿美元的经济损失。







Preventing preterm births: analysis of trends and potential reductions with interventions in 39 countries with very high human development index

Background Every year, 1·1 million babies die from prematurity, and many survivors are disabled. Worldwide, 15 million babies are born preterm (<37 weeks' gestation), with two decades of increasing rates in almost all countries with reliable data. The understanding of drivers and potential benefit of preventive interventions for preterm births is poor. We examined trends and estimate the potential reduction in preterm births for countries with very high human development index (VHHDI) if present evidence-based interventions were widely implemented. This analysis is to inform a rate reduction target for Born Too Soon. Methods Countries were assessed for inclusion based on availability and quality of preterm prevalence data (2000—10), and trend analyses with projections undertaken. We analysed drivers of rate increases in the USA, 1989—2004. For 39 countries with VHHDI with more than 10 000 births, we did country-by-country analyses based on target population, incremental coverage increase, and intervention efficacy. We estimated cost savings on the basis of reported costs for preterm care in the USA adjusted using World Bank purchasing power parity. Findings From 2010, even if all countries with VHHDI achieved annual preterm birth rate reductions of the best performers for 1990—2010 (Estonia and Croatia), 2000—10 (Sweden and Netherlands), or 2005—10 (Lithuania, Estonia), rates would experience a relative reduction of less than 5% by 2015 on average across the 39 countries. Our analysis of preterm birth rise 1989—2004 in USA suggests half the change is unexplained, but important drivers include non-medically indicated labour induction and caesarean delivery and assisted reproductive technologies. For all 39 countries with VHHDI, five interventions modelling at high coverage predicted a 5% relative reduction of preterm birth rate from 9·59% to 9·07% of livebirths: smoking cessation (0·01 rate reduction), decreasing multiple embryo transfers during assisted reproductive technologies (0·06), cervical cerclage (0·15), progesterone supplementation (0·01), and reduction of non-medically indicated labour induction or caesarean delivery (0·29). These findings translate to roughly 58 000 preterm births averted and total annual economic cost savings of about US$3 billion. Interpretation We recommend a conservative target of a relative reduction in preterm birth rates of 5% by 2015. Our findings highlight the urgent need for research into underlying mechanisms of preterm births, and development of innovative interventions. Furthermore, the highest preterm birth rates occur in low-income settings where the causes of prematurity might differ and have simpler solutions such as birth spacing and treatment of infections in pregnancy than in high-income countries. Urgent focus on these settings is also crucial to reduce preterm births worldwide. Funding March of Dimes, USA, Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, and National Institutes of Health, USA.

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    2013-05-26 howi



我们都知道,怀孕期间过重的孕妇会生出过重的孩子,但是近日,来自美国华盛顿大学和耶路撒冷大学的研究者表示,妇女在怀孕期间和怀孕之前如果体重过重的话,后代在其一生中将会有长期的健康影响。研究者发现母亲超重和后代趋向超重直接存在正相关效应,而且孕妇超重还可以导致后代出现别的健康风险,比如高血压、高血糖以及高血脂。相关研究成果已于近日刊登在了国际著名杂志Circulation上。 研究者的研究结果基于对


  丹麦研究人员在美国新一期《儿科学杂志》上报告说,孕妇患流感或发烧一周以上,可能会提高其子女患自闭症的风险。   在分析了1997年至2003年出生的丹麦宝宝及其母亲的数据后,丹麦奥胡斯大学的研究人员发现,如果孕妇患流行性感冒,其子女在3岁前被诊断出患自闭症的风险增加一倍;如果孕妇发烧持续一周以上,其子女在3岁前被诊断出患自闭症的风险提高两倍。   报告还显示,孕妇在孕期患普通感冒、尿道或生


       美国内分泌学协会会刊《临床内分泌学与新陈代谢杂志》刊登一项新研究发现,孕期缺少维生素D的妇女,其孩子出生体重更轻。        美国匹茨堡大学科学家完成的这项新研究对2146名孕妇进行了研究。研究人员在孕妇妊娠26周及之前测量了其维生素D水平和新生儿出生体重。并在婴儿出生2

Arch Genl Psychiat:孕妇服用抗精神病药或增糖尿病风险

最新一期的美国《普通精神病学文献》(Archives of General Psychiatry)杂志刊登了瑞典的一项研究发现,孕妇服用抗精神病药会增加患妊娠期糖尿病的风险。 领导研究的瑞典乌普萨拉大学的罗伯特·博登解释说,如果妇女患有精神分裂症或躁郁症,即使在妊娠期间也需要服用抗精神病药。本次研究就是想了解孕妇服用抗精神病药是否会有副作用。 研究人员在4年时间里调查了36万余名孕妇。其中16


       美国妇产科医师协会(ACOG)日前表示,尽管超重或肥胖的单胎孕妇不宜增重超过25磅(11.34 kg),但只要胎儿生长情况正常,低于这一幅度的增重都是安全的。与此同时,不必采用医学干预手段来使孕妇达到医学研究所(IOM)2009年推荐的体重目标(2013;121:210-2)。     &

Diabetes Care:初次产检血糖不宜确诊妊娠期糖尿病

  北京大学第一医院杨慧霞教授等报告,孕妇初次产检时空腹血糖(FPG) 水平≥5.10mmol/L 不能确诊为妊娠期糖尿病(GDM)。若6.10 mmol/L ≤初次产检时FPG 水平<7.00 mmol/L,则应视作GDM 并给予营养和运动干预;当FPG 水平处5.10~6.09mmol/L 时, 也可适当加强营养和锻炼,同时在妊娠24~28 周时进行口服葡萄糖耐量试验(OGTT), 以排
