

2014-10-25 MedSci 北京大学医学部

当地时间10月20日,美国医学科学院(the Institute of Medicine of the National Academies,IOM)在第44届年会上公布了新一届增选院士名单,北京大学常务副校长、医学部常务副主任柯杨教授当选美国医学科学院外籍院士。 本次,美国医学科学院共新增选10位外籍院士和70位美国本土院士,其中有2位来自中国。 柯杨在北京大学除分管医学部全面工作以

当地时间10月20日,美国医学科学院(the Institute of Medicine of the National Academies,IOM)在第44届年会上公布了新一届增选院士名单,北京大学常务副校长、医学部常务副主任柯杨教授当选美国医学科学院外籍院士。





Liu M, He Z, Zhang C, Liu F, Liu Y, Li J, Xu Z, Wang Q, Hang D, Shen N, Pan Y, Guo C, Cai H, Ke Y.Prevalence, Incidence, Clearance and Associated Factors of Genital Human papillomavirus Infection among Men: a population-based cohort study in rural China. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2014 Sep 12. pii: cebp.0365.2014.

Zhang C, Liu F, He Z, Deng Q, Pan Y, Liu Y, Zhang C, Ning T, Guo C, Liang Y, Xu R, Zhang L, Cai H, Ke Y.Seroprevalence of Merkel cell polyomavirus in the general rural population of Anyang, China. PLoS One. 2014 Sep 3;9(9):e106430.

Hou J, Michaud C, Li Z, Dong Z, Sun B, Zhang J, Cao D, Wan X, Zeng C, Wei B, Tao L, Li X, Wang W, Lu Y, Xia X, Guo G, Zhang Z, Cao Y, Guan Y, Meng Q, Wang Q, Zhao Y, Liu H, Lin H, Ke Y, Chen L.Transformation of the education of health professionals in China: progress and challenges. Lancet. 2014 Aug 30;384(9945):819-27.

Wu C, Wang Z, Song X, Feng XS, Abnet CC, He J, Hu N, Zuo XB, Tan W, Zhan Q, Hu Z, He Z, Jia W, Zhou Y, Yu K, Shu XO, Yuan JM, Zheng W, Zhao XK, Gao SG, Yuan ZQ, Zhou FY, Fan ZM, Cui JL, Lin HL, Han XN, Li B, Chen X, Dawsey SM, Liao L, Lee MP, Ding T, Qiao YL, Liu Z, Liu Y, Yu D, Chang J, Wei L, Gao YT, Koh WP, Xiang YB, Tang ZZ, Fan JH, Han JJ, Zhou SL, Zhang P, Zhang DY, Yuan Y, Huang Y, Liu C, Zhai K, Qiao Y, Jin G, Guo C, Fu J, Miao X, Lu C, Yang H, Wang C, Wheeler WA, Gail M, Yeager M, Yuenger J, Guo ET, Li AL, Zhang W, Li XM, Sun LD, Ma BG, Li Y, Tang S, Peng XQ, Liu J, Hutchinson A, Jacobs K, Giffen C, Burdette L, Fraumeni JF Jr, Shen H, Ke Y, Zeng Y, Wu T, Kraft P, Chung CC, Tucker MA, Hou ZC, Liu YL, Hu YL, Liu Y, Wang L, Yuan G, Chen LS, Liu X, Ma T, Meng H, Sun L, Li XM, Li XM, Ku JW, Zhou YF, Yang LQ, Wang Z, Li Y, Qige Q, Yang WJ, Lei GY, Chen LQ, Li EM, Yuan L, Yue WB, Wang R, Wang LW, Fan XP, Zhu FH, Zhao WX, Mao YM, Zhang M, Xing GL, Li JL, Han M, Ren JL, Liu B, Ren SW, Kong QP, Li F, Sheyhidin I, Wei W, Zhang YR, Feng CW, Wang J, Yang YH, Hao HZ, Bao QD, Liu BC, Wu AQ, Xie D, Yang WC, Wang L, Zhao XH, Chen SQ, Hong JY, Zhang XJ, Freedman ND, Goldstein AM, Lin D, Taylor PR, Wang LD, Chanock SJ.Joint analysis of three genome-wide association studies of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma in Chinese populations. Nat Genet. 2014 Sep;46(9):1001-6

Hang D, Liu F, Liu M, He Z, Sun M, Liu Y, Li J, Pan Y, Ning T, Guo C, Liang Y, Xu R, Zhang L, Cai H, Ke Y.Oral Human Papillomavirus Infection and Its Risk Factors among 5,410 Healthy Adults in China, 2009-2011. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2014 Oct;23(10):2101-10.

Liu M, He Z, Xi L, Li J, Liu F, Liu Y, Pan Y, Ning T, Guo C, Xu R, Zhang L, Cai H, Ke Y.The distribution and common amino acid polymorphisms of human papillomavirus (HPV)-31 variants in 2700 women from Northern China. PLoS One. 2014 Jun 5;9(6):e99141. 

He Z, Xu Z, Hang D, Guo F, Abliz A, Weiss NS, Xi L, Liu F, Ning T, Pan Y, Guo C, Liang Y, Lu C, Zhang L, Cai H, Ke Y.Anti-HPV-E7 seropositivity and risk of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma in a high-risk population in China. Carcinogenesis. 2014 Apr;35(4):816-21

Li J, Pan Y, Deng Q, Cai H, Ke Y.Identification and characterization of eleven novel human gamma-papillomavirus isolates from healthy skin, found at low frequency in a normal population. PLoS One. 2013 Oct 14;8(10):e77116

Hang D, Gao L, Sun M, Liu Y, Ke Y.Functional effects of sequence variations in the E6 and E2 genes of human papillomavirus 16 European and Asian variants. J Med Virol. 2014 Apr;86(4):618-26

Zhao LP, Yu GP, Liu H, Ma XM, Wang J, Kong GL, Li Y, Ma W, Cui Y, Xu B, Yu N, Bao XY, Guo Y, Wang F, Zhang J, Li Y, Xie XQ, Jiang BG, Ke Y.Control costs, enhance quality, and increase revenue in three top general public hospitals inBeijing, China. PLoS One. 2013 Aug 16;8(8):e72166

Guo F, Liu Y, Wang X, He Z, Weiss NS, Madeleine MM, Liu F, Tian X, Song Y, Pan Y, Ning T, Yang H, Shi X, Lu C, Cai H, Ke Y.Human papillomavirus infection and esophageal squamous cell carcinoma: a case-control study. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2012 May;21(5):780-5

Xu D, Sun B, Wan X, Ke Y.Reformation of medical education in China. Lancet. 2010 May 1;375(9725):1502-4.

Xi YG, Ding KY, Su XL, Chen DF, You WC, Shen Y, Ke Y.p53 polymorphism and p21WAF1/CIP1 haplotype in the intestinal gastric cancer and the precancerous lesions. Carcinogenesis. 2004 Nov;25(11):2201-6

Lu Z, Hu X, Li Y, Zheng L, Zhou Y, Jiang H, Ning T, Basang Z, Zhang C, Ke Y.Human papillomavirus 16 E6 oncoprotein interferences with insulin signaling pathway by binding to tuberin. J Biol Chem. 2004 Aug 20;279(34):35664-70

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  1. [GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=1976205, encodeId=2ded19e6205f1, content=<a href='/topic/show?id=ac3fe4911c3' target=_blank style='color:#2F92EE;'>#科学院#</a>, beContent=null, objectType=article, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=83, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[TopicDto(id=74911, encryptionId=ac3fe4911c3, topicName=科学院)], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=, createdBy=c49e75, createdName=qjddjq, createdTime=Thu Jun 18 01:58:00 CST 2015, time=2015-06-18, status=1, ipAttribution=), GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=12817, encodeId=f8171281ee9, content=佩服佩服,真的, beContent=null, objectType=article, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=175, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=, createdBy=ddf3111026, createdName=jawel, createdTime=Thu Nov 27 22:30:00 CST 2014, time=2014-11-27, status=1, ipAttribution=), GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=12344, encodeId=cdff1234422, content=还要看她的影响力以及社会贡献,主要是肿瘤的流行病学调查,社会贡献比较大, beContent=null, objectType=article, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=180, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=, createdBy=7a3710, createdName=lovetcm, createdTime=Mon Oct 27 17:40:00 CST 2014, time=2014-10-27, status=1, ipAttribution=), GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=12340, encodeId=11ee12340e0, content=30%是plos one, beContent=null, objectType=article, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=173, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=null, createdBy=f0620, createdName=, createdTime=Mon Oct 27 14:27:00 CST 2014, time=2014-10-27, status=1, ipAttribution=)]
    2015-06-18 qjddjq
  2. [GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=1976205, encodeId=2ded19e6205f1, content=<a href='/topic/show?id=ac3fe4911c3' target=_blank style='color:#2F92EE;'>#科学院#</a>, beContent=null, objectType=article, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=83, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[TopicDto(id=74911, encryptionId=ac3fe4911c3, topicName=科学院)], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=, createdBy=c49e75, createdName=qjddjq, createdTime=Thu Jun 18 01:58:00 CST 2015, time=2015-06-18, status=1, ipAttribution=), GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=12817, encodeId=f8171281ee9, content=佩服佩服,真的, beContent=null, objectType=article, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=175, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=, createdBy=ddf3111026, createdName=jawel, createdTime=Thu Nov 27 22:30:00 CST 2014, time=2014-11-27, status=1, ipAttribution=), GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=12344, encodeId=cdff1234422, content=还要看她的影响力以及社会贡献,主要是肿瘤的流行病学调查,社会贡献比较大, beContent=null, objectType=article, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=180, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=, createdBy=7a3710, createdName=lovetcm, createdTime=Mon Oct 27 17:40:00 CST 2014, time=2014-10-27, status=1, ipAttribution=), GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=12340, encodeId=11ee12340e0, content=30%是plos one, beContent=null, objectType=article, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=173, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=null, createdBy=f0620, createdName=, createdTime=Mon Oct 27 14:27:00 CST 2014, time=2014-10-27, status=1, ipAttribution=)]
    2014-11-27 jawel



  3. [GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=1976205, encodeId=2ded19e6205f1, content=<a href='/topic/show?id=ac3fe4911c3' target=_blank style='color:#2F92EE;'>#科学院#</a>, beContent=null, objectType=article, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=83, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[TopicDto(id=74911, encryptionId=ac3fe4911c3, topicName=科学院)], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=, createdBy=c49e75, createdName=qjddjq, createdTime=Thu Jun 18 01:58:00 CST 2015, time=2015-06-18, status=1, ipAttribution=), GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=12817, encodeId=f8171281ee9, content=佩服佩服,真的, beContent=null, objectType=article, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=175, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=, createdBy=ddf3111026, createdName=jawel, createdTime=Thu Nov 27 22:30:00 CST 2014, time=2014-11-27, status=1, ipAttribution=), GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=12344, encodeId=cdff1234422, content=还要看她的影响力以及社会贡献,主要是肿瘤的流行病学调查,社会贡献比较大, beContent=null, objectType=article, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=180, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=, createdBy=7a3710, createdName=lovetcm, createdTime=Mon Oct 27 17:40:00 CST 2014, time=2014-10-27, status=1, ipAttribution=), GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=12340, encodeId=11ee12340e0, content=30%是plos one, beContent=null, objectType=article, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=173, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=null, createdBy=f0620, createdName=, createdTime=Mon Oct 27 14:27:00 CST 2014, time=2014-10-27, status=1, ipAttribution=)]
    2014-10-27 lovetcm



  4. [GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=1976205, encodeId=2ded19e6205f1, content=<a href='/topic/show?id=ac3fe4911c3' target=_blank style='color:#2F92EE;'>#科学院#</a>, beContent=null, objectType=article, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=83, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[TopicDto(id=74911, encryptionId=ac3fe4911c3, topicName=科学院)], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=, createdBy=c49e75, createdName=qjddjq, createdTime=Thu Jun 18 01:58:00 CST 2015, time=2015-06-18, status=1, ipAttribution=), GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=12817, encodeId=f8171281ee9, content=佩服佩服,真的, beContent=null, objectType=article, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=175, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=, createdBy=ddf3111026, createdName=jawel, createdTime=Thu Nov 27 22:30:00 CST 2014, time=2014-11-27, status=1, ipAttribution=), GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=12344, encodeId=cdff1234422, content=还要看她的影响力以及社会贡献,主要是肿瘤的流行病学调查,社会贡献比较大, beContent=null, objectType=article, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=180, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=, createdBy=7a3710, createdName=lovetcm, createdTime=Mon Oct 27 17:40:00 CST 2014, time=2014-10-27, status=1, ipAttribution=), GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=12340, encodeId=11ee12340e0, content=30%是plos one, beContent=null, objectType=article, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=173, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=null, createdBy=f0620, createdName=, createdTime=Mon Oct 27 14:27:00 CST 2014, time=2014-10-27, status=1, ipAttribution=)]

    30%是plos one



中国年轻院士被批捕 涉嫌虚假套取科技专项资金

据《新京报》、《北京晚报》报道 10日上午,中央纪委监察部官网发布科技部党组关于巡视整改情况的通报,证实中国农业大学教授李宁已被依法批捕。据悉,现年52岁的李宁是国内动物转基因克隆研究领域的领军人物,同时也一直被视为中国最年轻的院士。 7教授非法套取2500万资金 科技部通报称,2012年4月,审计署审计发现5所大学的7名教授存在弄虚作假套取国家科技重大专项资金











美国东部时间2月6日上午10点,美国国家工程院(NAE)官方网站公布了评选出的2014年院士名单(共67名美籍院士和11名外籍院士)。四川大学教授、中国工程院院士张兴栋因在生物工程(Bioengineering)领域的卓越贡献而上榜,为11名外籍院士中唯一一名中国人,也是该院历史上第9名中国籍院士。   美国国家工程院成立于1964年12月,是美国工程科技界最高水平的学术机构,也是世


王宁利 教授 2014年4月2日在日本东京举行的2014年世界眼科大会上,王宁利教授成功当选为国际眼科科学院院士。4月5日,国际眼科科学院主席PaulLichter教授,致函王宁利教授,正式通知他当选为国际眼科科学院院士。 国际眼科科学院(Academia Ophthalmologica Internationalis,AOI)成立于1975年3月7日,


  根据《中国科学院院士章程》和《中国科学院院士增选工作实施细则》的规定,2013年中国科学院选举产生了53名中国科学院院士和9名中国科学院外籍院士。   现予公布。 2013年新当选中国科学院院士名单 (共53人,分学部以姓氏笔画为序) 数学物理学部(9人)     序号 
