Current biology:弄清果蝇脑部构造
2013-05-06 Kei Ito 《当代生物学》
日本东京大学的研究人员日前说,他们弄清了一种名为猩猩蝇的果蝇的脑部构造,掌握了果蝇脑神经干细胞分化发育形成神经回路的详细过程。 据日本时事社报道,东京大学分子细胞生物学研究所的一个研究小组发现,猩猩蝇大脑中心部位主要由106个神经干细胞发育分化形成。研究人员检测每个神经干细胞的分化发育状态,成功追踪了其中96个神经干细胞的分化发育路径。 研究人员发现,每一个神经干细胞会分化出被称为“无性系单元
- Neural Regen Res:轴突线粒体三维结构可反映果蝇的年龄
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Systematic Analysis of Neural Projections Reveals Clonal Composition of the Drosophila Brain
During development neurons are generated by sequential divisions of neural stem cells, or neuroblasts. In the insect brain progeny of certain stem cells form lineage-specific sets of projections that arborize in distinct brain regions, called clonal units. Though this raises the possibility that the entire neural network in the brain might be organized in a clone-dependent fashion, only a small portion of clones has been identified. Results Using Drosophila melanogaster, we randomly labeled one of about 100 stem cells at the beginning of the larval stage, analyzed the projection patterns of their progeny in the adult, and identified 96 clonal units in the central part of the fly brain, the cerebrum. Neurons of all the clones arborize in distinct regions of the brain, though many clones feature heterogeneous groups of neurons in terms of their projection patterns and neurotransmitters. Arborizations of clones overlap preferentially to form several groups of closely associated clones. Fascicles and commissures were all made by unique sets of clones. Whereas well-investigated brain regions such as the mushroom body and central complex consist of relatively small numbers of clones and are specifically connected with a limited number of neuropils, seemingly disorganized neuropils surrounding them are composed by a much larger number of clones and have extensive specific connections with many other neuropils. Conclusions Our study showed that the insect brain is formed by a composition of cell-lineage-dependent modules. Clonal analysis reveals organized architecture even in those neuropils without obvious structural landmarks.
underwent curative intent resection for gastric carcinoma from 1985 to 2010 were identified