2009CPS 加拿大儿童和青少年的注意缺陷多动障碍的缓释用药指南
2009CPS Extended-release medications for children and adolescents with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder
Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) affects one in20 Canadian children, and is associated with unfavourable academicand employment records, high rates of injury and substance abuse, poorinterpersonal relationships, poor mental health outcomes and poorquality of life. Medications have been shown to be efficacious in treatingADHD symptoms in controlled trials, and are associated with bettersocial and health outcomes in observational studies. Extended-release(XR) medications for ADHD are preferred over short-acting immediatereleasemedications by many families and their treating physicians. TheXR preparations are often unaffordable for affected families who aredisproportionally among the lower socioeconomic strata.