2011ACCF/STS 美国经导管心脏瓣膜治疗综述
2011ACCF/STS Transcatheter Valve Therapy :A Professional Society Overview from the American College of Cardiology Foundation and the Society of Thoracic Surgeons
The evolution of transcatheter valve therapy raises importantquestions for practitioners, patients, and government agencieson the appropriate treatment strategy for patients who couldbe eligible for this procedure. The American College of CardiologyFoundation (ACCF) and the Society for Thoracic Surgeons (STS)joined together to write this paper to set the stage for a seriesof documents, to be joined by other professional societies,to address the issues critical to successful integration ofthis new procedure into medical practice in the United States.In accordance with the ACCF's policy on relationships with industry(RWI) and other entities,relevantauthor disclosures are includedinAppendix 1of this document. In the spirit of full disclosure,comprehensiveRWI (RWI not relevant to this document) for authorsis available online for public view. RWI restrictions are notapplicable for participation in the external peer review processfor clinical documents in order to ensure that a variety ofconstituencies/views inform the final document; however, allrelevantreviewer RWI is published inAppendix 2for the purposeof full transparency. In addition, reviewer affiliations forthe 26 physicians who participated in this formal peer reviewprocess are recorded inAppendix 2. Final review and approvalof the document was provided by the ACCF Board of Trustees andthe STS Board of Directors.