2013 NICE 155 临床指南:青少年儿童精神病与精神分裂症诊断管理指南
This guideline is concerned with the recognition and management of psychosis andschizophrenia in children and young people up to the age of 18. The term 'psychosis' is used inthis guideline to refer t
2013 NICE 155 临床指南:青少年儿童精神病与精神分裂症诊断管理指南
Psychosis and schizophrenia in children and young people Recognition and management(NICE clinical guideline 155)
This guideline is concerned with the recognition and management of psychosis andschizophrenia in children and young people up to the age of 18. The term 'psychosis' is used inthis guideline to refer to the group of psychotic disorders that includes schizophrenia,schizoaffective disorder, schizophreniform disorder and delusional disorder. This guideline alsoaddresses those children and young people considered clinically to be at high risk or prodromalfor psychosis and schizophrenia. The recognition, treatment and management of affectivepsychoses (such as bipolar disorder or unipolar psychotic depression) are covered by otherNICE guidelines.Psychosis and the specific diagnosis of schizophrenia in children and young people represent amajor psychiatric disorder, or cluster of disorders that alters a person's perception, thoughts,mood and behaviour. The symptoms of psychosis are usually divided into 'positive symptoms',including hallucinations (perception in the absence of any stimulus) and delusions (f ixed orfalsely held beliefs), and 'negative symptoms' (such as emotional apathy, lack of drive, povertyof speech, social withdrawal and self-neglect). Children and young people who developpsychosis will have their own unique combination of symptoms and experiences, the precisepattern of which will be influenced by their circumstances and stage of development.