2012 意大利儿科学会:儿童发热管理指南(2009年更新版)
Update of the 2009 Italian Pediatric Society Guidelines About Management of Fever in Children
RecommendationsAxillary temperature measurement using a digital thermometer is recommended in children younger than 4 weeks (evidence level III; strength of recommendation,B). In the hospital or ambulatory care setting, axillary temperature measurement using a digital thermometer or an infrared thermometer (tympanic orwith or without skin contact) is recommended in children older than 4 weeks (evidence level II; strength of recommendation, B).RecommendationsParacetamol and ibuprofen are the only antipyretic drugs recommended for use in children (evidence level I; strength of recommendation, A). Combined or alternating use of ibuprofen and paracetamol is not recommended (evidence level VI; strength of recommendation, D).不推荐联合使用、交替使用对乙酰氨基酚和布洛芬。