2014 SMFM 明智选择:医生和患者应质疑的五件事
2014-10-09 母胎医学会 SMFM 官网
1. Don’t do an inherited thrombophilia evaluation for women with historiesof pregnancy loss, intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR), preeclampsiaand abruption.2. Don’t place a cerclage in women with s
2014 SMFM 明智选择:医生和患者应质疑的五件事
Choosing Wisely: Five Things Physicians and Patients Should Question
1. Don’t do an inherited thrombophilia evaluation for women with historiesof pregnancy loss, intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR), preeclampsiaand abruption.2. Don’t place a cerclage in women with short cervix who are pregnantwith twins.3.Don’t offer noninvasive prenatal testing (NIPT) to low-risk patients ormake irreversible decisions based on the results of this screening test.4.Don’t screen for intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) with Dopplerblood flow studies.5.Don’t use progestogens for preterm birth prevention in uncomplicatedmultifetal gestations.注:明智选择运动(Choosing Wisely)现今,多个专业学会都为“明智选择运动”付出了努力。明智选择运动大约起源于十多年前,它首先由美国内科医学会(ABIM)基金会发起,旨在让医生在确定相关检查或干预措施时发挥应有的作用。这里的相关检查或干预措施主要是指哪些经常被选用,但却不一定有很多证据支持的检查或医学干预。”医生应该运用循证医学的证据来决定何时为患者申请辅助检查。尽量减少医疗资源的滥用是当今医生义不容辞的责任。美国应鼓励各专业学会都拿出自己学会的“前 5 项”推荐建议,以便通过这些建议的发布来改变目前的医疗现状。