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Docosahexaenoic Acid Reverses Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition and Drug Resistance by Impairing the PI3K/AKT/Nrf2/GPX4 Signalling Pathway in Docetaxel-Resistant PC3 Prostate Cancer Cells

期刊: FOLIA BIOLOGICA, 2022; 68 (2)

Drug resistance is a serious problem in cancer therapy. Growing evidence has shown that docosahexaenoic acid has anti-inflammatory and chemopreventive......


Polyphenols of Antibacterial Potential - May They Help in Resolving Some Present Hurdles in Medicine?

期刊: FOLIA BIOLOGICA, 2022; 68 (3)

The phenomenon of antibiotic resistance has been recognized as one of the greatest threats to humanity. Therefore, there is an enormous need to introd......


TRPM7 Elicits Proliferation and Differentiation of Human Lens Epithelial Cells through the TGF-beta/Smad Pathways

期刊: FOLIA BIOLOGICA, 2022; 68 (2)

Epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) plays a crucial role in the development of cataract. This study aimed to explore the effects of TRPM7 on the p......


RNA Concentration and Content in the Nucleoli and Cytoplasmic Rim in Differentiating Lymphocytes of Patients Suffering from B Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia - a Cytochemical Note

期刊: FOLIA BIOLOGICA, 2022; 68 (1)

Nucleolar RNA optical density (concentra-tion) measurements at the single cell level indicated that differentiation of lymphocytes is accompanied by a......


PLAG1 Promotes High Glucose-Induced Angiogenesis and Migration of Retinal Endothelial Cells by Regulating the Wnt/beta-Catenin Signalling Pathway

期刊: FOLIA BIOLOGICA, 2022; 68 (1)

Proliferation and migration of retinal en-dothelial cells (RECs) contribute to the development of diabetic retinopathy. PLAG1 (pleomorphic ade-noma ge......


Dynamic Molecular Profiles of Bone Marrow-Derived Osteoblasts at the Single-Cell Level

期刊: FOLIA BIOLOGICA, 2022; 68 (3)

Osteogenesis is an important process of bone metabolism, and abnormal osteogenesis leads to various skeletal system diseases. Osteoblasts, the main ce......


Chondrosarcoma with Target-Like Chondrocytes: Update on Molecular Profiling and Specific Morphological Features

期刊: FOLIA BIOLOGICA, 2022; 68 (3)

This is the first histological and molecular analysis of two chondrosarcomas with target-like chondrocytes that were compared with a group of conventi......


C-Phycocyanin Suppresses Cell Proliferation and Promotes Apoptosis by Regulating the AMPK Pathway in NCL-H292 Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Cells

期刊: FOLIA BIOLOGICA, 2022; 68 (1)

Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) re-sults in high mortality and has gained increasing at-tention. C-Phycocyanin (C-PC) has been identified as a pote......


Ferroptosis-Related Long Noncoding RNA Signature Predicts Prognosis of Clear Cell Renal Carcinoma

期刊: FOLIA BIOLOGICA, 2022; 68 (1)

Clear cell renal cell carcinoma (ccRCC) is very common and accounts for most kidney cancer deaths. While many studies are being conducted in finding t......


Time and Temperature Stability of TGF-beta 1, EGF and IGF-1 in 20% and 100% Human Serum

期刊: FOLIA BIOLOGICA, 2022; 68 (2)

Autologous serum eye drops (ASEDs) are used as a treatment for severe dry eye disease. The concentration and stability of various growth factors in AS......


RTKN2 Enhances Radioresistance in Gastric Cancer through Regulating the Wnt/beta-Catenin Signalling Pathway

期刊: FOLIA BIOLOGICA, 2022; 68 (1)

Adjuvant therapy and radiotherapy improves the survival of patients with metastatic and locally advanced gastric cancer (GC). However, the resistance ......


MicroRNA-214-3p Ameliorates LPS-Induced Cardiomyocyte Injury by Inhibiting Cathepsin B

期刊: FOLIA BIOLOGICA, 2022; 68 (2)

Myocardial injury is a common complica-tion of sepsis. MicroRNA (miRNA) miR-214-3p is protective against myocardial injury caused by sep-sis, but its ......


Validation of the Anti-Inflammatory Effect of Tenebrio Molitor Larva Oil in a Colitis Mouse Model

期刊: FOLIA BIOLOGICA, 2022; 68 (2)

Ulcerative colitis is caused by various external factors and is an inflammatory disease that causes decreased intestinal function. Tenebrio molitor la......


NFKB1 Signalling Activation Contributes to TRPV1 Over-expression via Repressing MiR-375 and MiR-455: a Study on Neuropathic Low Back Pain

期刊: FOLIA BIOLOGICA, 2022; 68 (3)

Transient receptor potential cation chan-nel subfamily V member 1 (TRPV1) has been found over-expressed in low back pain (LBP) patients with neuropath......


NRF1 Alleviated Oxidative Stress of Glioblastoma Cells by Regulating NOR1

期刊: FOLIA BIOLOGICA, 2023; 69 (1)

Oxidored-nitro domain-containing protein 1 (NOR1) is a critical tumour suppressor gene, though its regulatory mechanism in oxidative stress of gliobla......

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