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Confirmation of species independence and affinity of Musa huangbaioa (Musaceae) - rare endemic banana of China according to the molecular phylogenetic data

期刊: TURCZANINOWIA, 2021; 24 (2)

In this article, we research the phylogenetic position of the rare endemic banana, Musa huangbaioa, which was described only in Chinese journal in 198......

Three species of Pedicularis L. (Orobanchaceae) new to China found in Xinjiang

期刊: TURCZANINOWIA, 2021; 24 (2)

Three Pedicularis L. species, P. alatauica Stadlm. ex Vved., P. compacta Steph. ex Willd. and P. pubiflora Vved. (Orobanchaceae), are newly recorded f......

Selaginella submonospora (Selaginellaceae), a new species from Yunnan

期刊: TURCZANINOWIA, 2022; 25 (1)

Selaginella submonospora is described as a new species from western Yunnan (China) based on morphological and molecular evidence. It is morphologicall......

Asplenium delinghaense, a new species from western part of Qilian Mountains in Qinghai-Xizang Plateau

期刊: TURCZANINOWIA, 2022; 25 (4)

A new species of the genus Asplenium L. from northern Qinghai, A. delinghaense S. Q. Liang et X. C. Zhang, is described and illustrated here. This new......

Selaginella subeffusa, a new spikemoss from Southeast Yunnan, China

期刊: TURCZANINOWIA, 2022; 25 (3)

Based on extensive herbarium research of the Selaginella monospora group (incl. S. effusa, S. microclada, S. monospora, S. subdiaphana, and S. submono......

Two new species of Phlegmariurus (Lycopodiaceae) from China

期刊: TURCZANINOWIA, 2022; 25 (1)

Based on morphological study, two new species of the lycophyte genus Phlegmariurus Holub, P. yunfengii R.-H. Jiang et X.-C. Zhang and P shingianus R-H......

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