期刊: PALEOBIOLOGY, 2021; 47 (3)
An increasing number of unexpectedly diverse benthic communities are being reported from microbially precipitated carbonate facies in shallow-marine p......
期刊: PALEOBIOLOGY, 2021; 47 (3)
A short stratigraphic interval near Bulin in western Hunan (China) yields multiple specimens of the similar to 514-Myr-old oryctocarine trilobite Oryc......
期刊: PALEOBIOLOGY, 2021; 47 (2)
Principal component analysis has been used to test for similarities in ecology and life habit between modern and fossil birds; however, the two main p......
期刊: PALEOBIOLOGY, 2022; 48 (2)
Relaxed clock models are fundamental in Bayesian clock dating, but a single distribution characterizing the clock variation is typically selected. Hen......
期刊: PALEOBIOLOGY, 2022; 48 (1)
The Rhynchonellida is a major group of brachiopods that survived the big five mass extinctions and flourished after the Permian/Triassic (P/Tr) crisis......
期刊: PALEOBIOLOGY, 2022; 48 (2)
Plant-insect associations have been a significant component of terrestrial ecology for more than 400 Myr. Exploring these interactions in the fossil r......
期刊: PALEOBIOLOGY, 2021; 47 (1)
Heterochrony describes acceleration, displacement, and/or retardation of descendants' development events compared with ancestral states and has often ......
期刊: PALEOBIOLOGY, 2021; 47 (1)
A key question in paleoecology and macroevolution is whether assemblages of species (paleocommunities) are persistent entities that endure over millio......
期刊: PALEOBIOLOGY, 2020; 46 (3)
The classical taxonomy of fossil invertebrates is based on subjective judgments of morphology, which can cause confusion, because there are no codifie......
期刊: PALEOBIOLOGY, 2020; 46 (4)
Reconstructing patterns of macroevolution has become a central endeavor in paleobiology, because it offers insight into evolutionary models shaping th......
期刊: PALEOBIOLOGY, 2020; 46 (4)
Cosmopolitanism occurred recurrently during the geologic past, especially after mass extinctions, but the underlying mechanisms remain poorly known. T......
期刊: PALEOBIOLOGY, 2020; 46 (4)
The final 10 Myr of the Paleozoic saw two of the biggest biological crises in Earth history: the middlePermian extinction (often termed the Guadalupia......
期刊: PALEOBIOLOGY, 2020; 46 (4)
The Order Spiriferinida spanning the latest Ordovician to Early Jurassic is a small group of brachiopods overshadowed by other taxon-rich clades durin......
期刊: PALEOBIOLOGY, 2019; 45 (1)
Deep-sea benthic ostracod assemblages covering the last 2 Myr were investigated in Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Site U1426 (at 903 m water depth)......
期刊: PALEOBIOLOGY, 2019; 45 (3)
The coastal environment of the Changjiang delta has been influenced by recent anthropogenic activities such as dam construction and increased sewage a......