期刊: JOURNAL OF GEODESY, 2021; 95 (5)
The gravity field maps of the satellite gravimetry missions Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE ) and GRACE Follow-On are derived by means ......
期刊: JOURNAL OF GEODESY, 2021; 95 (6)
A harmonic scalar field has a Laplacian (i.e., both source-free and curl-free) gradient vector field and vice versa. Despite the good performance of s......
期刊: JOURNAL OF GEODESY, 2021; 95 (5)
The intradecadal variations in length-of-day (LOD) and their time-varying characteristics still need to be further studied. Given that the correspondi......
期刊: JOURNAL OF GEODESY, 2021; 95 (6)
The National Institute of Metrology, China, successfully organized the 10th International Comparison of Absolute Gravimeters in its Changping Campus i......
期刊: JOURNAL OF GEODESY, 2021; 95 (8)
PPP-RTK extends the precise point positioning (PPP) concept by incorporating the idea of integer ambiguity resolution underlying the real-time kinemat......
期刊: JOURNAL OF GEODESY, 2021; 95 (7)
To obtain better zenith hydrostatic delay (ZHD) corrections for global navigation satellite system (GNSS) applications, seven types of Vienna mapping ......
期刊: JOURNAL OF GEODESY, 2021; 95 (7)
Acoustic positioning of the seafloor geodetic network is subject to the complex ocean environment. The measurements are strongly affected by time-vary......
期刊: JOURNAL OF GEODESY, 2021; 95 (5)
We present a 27-day-long common view measurement of an absolute cold atom gravimeter (CAG) and a relative iGrav superconducting gravimeter, which we u......
期刊: JOURNAL OF GEODESY, 2021; 95 (7)
The associated Legendre functions constituting the kernel function of spherical harmonics have a wide range of applications in geodesic and geophysica......
期刊: JOURNAL OF GEODESY, 2021; 95 (9)
A modified multipath error mitigation method using the multi-point hemispherical grid model (MHGM) is proposed, and the influence of changes in the ob......
期刊: JOURNAL OF GEODESY, 2021; 95 (5)
The next-generation, broadband geodetic very long baseline interferometry system, named VGOS, is developing its global network, and VGOS networks with......
期刊: JOURNAL OF GEODESY, 2021; 95 (5)
Spherical harmonic analysis is widely used in all aspects of geoscience. Exact quadrature methods are available for the spherical harmonic analysis of......
期刊: JOURNAL OF GEODESY, 2021; 95 (9)
The accuracy of the tropospheric mapping functions is greatly influenced by the mapping function modeling methods. In the past decades, the 'fast' met......
期刊: JOURNAL OF GEODESY, 2021; 95 (5)
Variations of marine gravity reflect mass changes in Earth's interior, including magma motions during volcanic eruption, which manifest in submarine m......