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Revisiting the light time correction in gravimetric missions like GRACE and GRACE follow-on

期刊: JOURNAL OF GEODESY, 2021; 95 (5)

The gravity field maps of the satellite gravimetry missions Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE ) and GRACE Follow-On are derived by means ......

Modeling the gravitational field by using CFD techniques

期刊: JOURNAL OF GEODESY, 2021; 95 (6)

A harmonic scalar field has a Laplacian (i.e., both source-free and curl-free) gradient vector field and vice versa. Despite the good performance of s......

On the similar to 7 year periodic signal in length of day from a frequency domain stepwise regression method

期刊: JOURNAL OF GEODESY, 2021; 95 (5)

The intradecadal variations in length-of-day (LOD) and their time-varying characteristics still need to be further studied. Given that the correspondi......

The results of 10th International Comparison of Absolute Gravimeters (ICAG-2017)

期刊: JOURNAL OF GEODESY, 2021; 95 (6)

The National Institute of Metrology, China, successfully organized the 10th International Comparison of Absolute Gravimeters in its Changping Campus i......

Integer-estimable FDMA model as an enabler of GLONASS PPP-RTK

期刊: JOURNAL OF GEODESY, 2021; 95 (8)

PPP-RTK extends the precise point positioning (PPP) concept by incorporating the idea of integer ambiguity resolution underlying the real-time kinemat......

An analysis of multisource tropospheric hydrostatic delays and their implications for GPS/GLONASS PPP-based zenith tropospheric delay and height estimations

期刊: JOURNAL OF GEODESY, 2021; 95 (7)

To obtain better zenith hydrostatic delay (ZHD) corrections for global navigation satellite system (GNSS) applications, seven types of Vienna mapping ......

Resilient observation models for seafloor geodetic positioning

期刊: JOURNAL OF GEODESY, 2021; 95 (7)

Acoustic positioning of the seafloor geodetic network is subject to the complex ocean environment. The measurements are strongly affected by time-vary......

Calibration of a superconducting gravimeter with an absolute atom gravimeter

期刊: JOURNAL OF GEODESY, 2021; 95 (5)

We present a 27-day-long common view measurement of an absolute cold atom gravimeter (CAG) and a relative iGrav superconducting gravimeter, which we u......

Analytical equations for an infinite series involving low-order associated Legendre functions in geoscience

期刊: JOURNAL OF GEODESY, 2021; 95 (7)

The associated Legendre functions constituting the kernel function of spherical harmonics have a wide range of applications in geodesic and geophysica......

Visualization of GNSS multipath effects and its potential application in IGS data processing

期刊: JOURNAL OF GEODESY, 2021; 95 (9)

A modified multipath error mitigation method using the multi-point hemispherical grid model (MHGM) is proposed, and the influence of changes in the ob......

Observable quality assessment of broadband very long baseline interferometry system

期刊: JOURNAL OF GEODESY, 2021; 95 (5)

The next-generation, broadband geodetic very long baseline interferometry system, named VGOS, is developing its global network, and VGOS networks with......

New algorithms for spherical harmonic analysis of area mean values over blocks delineated by equiangular and Gaussian grids

期刊: JOURNAL OF GEODESY, 2021; 95 (5)

Spherical harmonic analysis is widely used in all aspects of geoscience. Exact quadrature methods are available for the spherical harmonic analysis of......

An improved tropospheric mapping function modeling method for space geodetic techniques

期刊: JOURNAL OF GEODESY, 2021; 95 (9)

The accuracy of the tropospheric mapping functions is greatly influenced by the mapping function modeling methods. In the past decades, the 'fast' met......

Altimeter-derived marine gravity variations reveal the magma mass motions within the subaqueous Nishinoshima volcano, Izu-Bonin Arc, Japan

期刊: JOURNAL OF GEODESY, 2021; 95 (5)

Variations of marine gravity reflect mass changes in Earth's interior, including magma motions during volcanic eruption, which manifest in submarine m......

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