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Systematically disrupted functional gradient of the cortical connectome in generalized epilepsy: Initial discovery and independent sample replication

期刊: NEUROIMAGE, 2021; 230 ()

Genetic generalized epilepsy is a network disorder typically involving distributed areas identified by classical neuroanatomy. However, the finer topo......

Where there is no object formation, there is no perceptual organization: Evidence from the configural superiority effect

期刊: NEUROIMAGE, 2021; 237 ()

Object formation is considered the aim of perceptual organization, but such a proposition has been neglected in empirical studies. In the current stud......

Suffer together, bond together: Brain-to-brain synchronization and mutual affective empathy when sharing painful experiences

期刊: NEUROIMAGE, 2021; 238 ()

Previous behavioral studies have shown that sharing painful experiences can strengthen social bonds and promote mutual prosociality, yet the neural me......

Age-specific structural fetal brain atlases construction and cortical development quantification for chinese population

期刊: NEUROIMAGE, 2021; 241 ()

In magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies of fetal brain development, structural brain atlases usually serve as essential references for the fetal p......

Impact of inter-individual variability on the estimation of default mode network in temporal concatenation group ICA

期刊: NEUROIMAGE, 2021; 237 ()

Temporal concatenation group ICA (TC-GICA) is a widely used data-driven method to extract common functional brain networks among individuals. TC-GICA ......

Decomposition of individual-specific and individual-shared components from resting-state functional connectivity using a multi-task machine learning method

期刊: NEUROIMAGE, 2021; 238 ()

Resting-state functional connectivity (RSFC) can be used for mapping large-scale human brain networks during rest. There is considerable interest in d......

The coupling of BOLD signal variability and degree centrality underlies cognitive functions and psychiatric diseases

期刊: NEUROIMAGE, 2021; 237 ()

Brain signal variability has been consistently linked to functional integration; however, whether this coupling is associated with cognitive functions......

Prestimulus dynamics blend with the stimulus in neural variability quenching

期刊: NEUROIMAGE, 2021; 238 ()

Neural responses to the same stimulus show significant variability over trials, with this variability typically reduced (quenched) after a stimulus is......

Designing individual-specific and trial-specific models to accurately predict the intensity of nociceptive pain from single-trial fMRI responses

期刊: NEUROIMAGE, 2021; 225 ()

Using machine learning to predict the intensity of pain from fMRI has attracted rapidly increasing interests. However, due to remarkable inter- and in......

Genes associated with gray matter volume alterations in schizophrenia

期刊: NEUROIMAGE, 2021; 225 ()

Although both schizophrenia and gray matter volume (GMV) show high heritability, however, genes accounting for GMV alterations in schizophrenia remain......

Quantifying the variability of neural activation in working memory: A functional probabilistic atlas

期刊: NEUROIMAGE, 2021; 239 ()

Working memory is a fundamental cognitive ability that allows the maintenance and manipulation of information for a brief period of time. Previous stu......

Viewing personalized video clips recommended by TikTok activates default mode network and ventral tegmental area

期刊: NEUROIMAGE, 2021; 237 ()

Cutting-edge recommendation algorithms have been widely used by media platforms to suggest users with personalized content. While such user-specific r......

Hypostability in the default mode network and hyperstability in the frontoparietal control network of dynamic functional architecture during rumination

期刊: NEUROIMAGE, 2021; 241 ()

The neural underpinnings of rumination can be characterized by its specific dynamic nature. Temporal stability is the stable and consistent representa......

Reliability of EEG microstate analysis at different electrode densities during propofol-induced transitions of brain states

期刊: NEUROIMAGE, 2021; 231 ()

Electroencephalogram (EEG) microstate analysis is a promising and effective spatio-temporal method that can segment signals into several quasi-stable ......

Understanding neural flexibility from a multifaceted definition

期刊: NEUROIMAGE, 2021; 235 ()

Flexibility is a hallmark of human intelligence. Emerging studies have proposed several flexibility measurements at the level of individual regions, t......

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