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Geochemistry of high-maturity crude oil and gas from deep reservoirs and their geological significance: A case study on Shuntuoguole low uplift, Tarim Basin, western China

期刊: AAPG BULLETIN, 2021; 105 (1)

The oils of Shuntuoguole low uplift of Tarim Basin in western China have high contents of saturated hydrocarbons and a high loss of light hydrocarbon ......

Localized strata-bound domino faulting offshore Espirito Santo Basin (southeastern Brazil): The case for sudden release of fluid in salt-withdrawal basins

期刊: AAPG BULLETIN, 2021; 105 (8)

Hydraulic-driven faults and fractures are important subsurface fluid-flow pathways, yet their seismic expressions are poorly documented. This paper us......

Origin and charging histories of diagenetic traps in the Junggar Basin

期刊: AAPG BULLETIN, 2021; 105 (2)

Oil and gas accumulations in the sandy conglomerate diagenetic traps that developed in the fan delta of the Triassic Baikouquan Formation of the Mahu ......

Coupled stratigraphic and petroleum system modeling: Examples from the Ordos Basin, China

期刊: AAPG BULLETIN, 2021; 105 (1)

With the emergence of the "continuous petroleum accumulations" concept and unconventional petroleum exploration, the traditional source-to-trap petrol......

Thermal history reconstruction from apatite fission-track analysis and vitrinite reflectance data of the Bongor Basin, the Republic of Chad

期刊: AAPG BULLETIN, 2021; 105 (5)

The Bongor Basin in southern Chad is one of the Cretaceous-Paleogene rift basins developed on the Precambrian crystalline basement and has been confir......

Resource potential of the Jurassic gas system, northern margin of the Qaidam Basin, northwestern China

期刊: AAPG BULLETIN, 2021; 105 (5)

The main source rocks, hydrocarbon generative subbasins, hydrocarbon generation periods, resource potential, and the relationship between the trap evo......

Depositional environment and hydrothermal controls on organic matter enrichment in the lower Cambrian Niutitang shale, southern China

期刊: AAPG BULLETIN, 2021; 105 (7)

The purpose of this research was to examine paleoenvironments, hydrothermal activity, and seawater restriction of the lower Cambrian Niutitang Formati......

Multiple thrust detachments and their implications for hydrocarbon accumulation in the northeastern Sichuan Basin, southwestern China

期刊: AAPG BULLETIN, 2021; 105 (2)

The northeastern Sichuan Basin thrust belt located in southwestern China, is a large-scale intracontinental thrust system with multiple detachments re......

A method to predict the resistivity index for tight sandstone reservoirs from nuclear magnetic resonance data

期刊: AAPG BULLETIN, 2021; 105 (5)

The relationship between water saturation and resistivity index in tight sandstone reservoirs cannot be simply expressed using the Archie equation. Th......

A study of the gas-water characteristics and their implications for the coalbed methane accumulation modes in the Southern Junggar Basin, China

期刊: AAPG BULLETIN, 2021; 105 (1)

Gas and water samples were collected from coalbed methane (CBM) wells, rivers, and springs in the southern Junggar Basin (SJB). These samples were ana......

Evidence for deeply buried, oil-prone source rocks in the Baiyun depression, Pearl River Mouth Basin, northern South China Sea

期刊: AAPG BULLETIN, 2021; 105 (4)

Carbon isotope analyses of fluid inclusion gases trapped in quartz grains in nine sandstone core samples from eight wells in the Baiyun depression and......

Prediction of multiple origin overpressure in deep fold-thrust belt: A case study of Kuqa subbasin, Tarim Basin, northwestern China

期刊: AAPG BULLETIN, 2021; 105 (8)

The accurate prediction of overpressure before drilling is important for hydrocarbon exploration. It is almost impossible to directly predict the mult......

Origins of overpressure in the central Xihu depression of the East China Sea shelf basin

期刊: AAPG BULLETIN, 2021; 105 (8)

The origins of overpressure in the central Xihu depression have been accepted to result from disequilibrium compaction and hydrocarbon generation. Thi......

Fractal characteristics of pore networks and sealing capacity of Ordovician carbonate cap rocks: A case study based on outcrop analogues from the Tarim Basin, China

期刊: AAPG BULLETIN, 2021; 105 (2)

Understanding and predicting the main controls on the sealing capacity of carbonate cap rocks is of great significance for ultra-deep carbonate reserv......

Prediction of the gas-generating characteristics of the Qiongzhusi and Longmaxi Formations, Yangtze Platform, southern China, using analogues

期刊: AAPG BULLETIN, 2021; 105 (5)

China has been said to have the largest putative shale gas resources in the world. The highest potential occurs in the Sichuan Basin, with the overmat......

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