期刊: GEOMETRY & TOPOLOGY, 2021; 25 (2)
This is the first part of our project toward proving the Bershadsky-Cecotti-Ooguri-Vafa Feynman graph sum formula of all genera Gromov-Witten invarian......
期刊: GEOMETRY & TOPOLOGY, 2021; 25 (4)
We construct local and global solutions to the Kahler-Ricci flow from a noncollapsed Kahler manifold with curvature bounded from below. Combining with......
期刊: GEOMETRY & TOPOLOGY, 2021; 25 (2)
Given a triangulation of a closed surface, we consider a cross-ratio system that assigns a complex number to every edge satisfying certain polynomial ......
期刊: GEOMETRY & TOPOLOGY, 2021; 25 (5)
We investigate the geometry of asymptotically flat manifolds with controlled holonomy. We show that any end of such manifold admits a torus fibration ......
期刊: GEOMETRY & TOPOLOGY, 2020; 24 (7)
This is the last of five papers that construct an isomorphism between the Seiberg-Witten Floer homology and the Heegaard Floer homology of a given com......
期刊: GEOMETRY & TOPOLOGY, 2020; 24 (7)
This is the fourth of five papers that construct an isomorphism between the Seiberg-Witten Floer homology and the Heegaard Floer homology of a given c......
期刊: GEOMETRY & TOPOLOGY, 2020; 24 (6)
This is the third of five papers that construct an isomorphism between the Seiberg-Witten Floer homology and the Heegaard Floer homology of a given co......
期刊: GEOMETRY & TOPOLOGY, 2020; 24 (6)
This is the second of five papers that construct an isomorphism between the Seiberg-Witten Floer homology and the Heegaard Floer homology of a given c......
期刊: GEOMETRY & TOPOLOGY, 2020; 24 (6)
Let M be a closed, connected and oriented 3-manifold. This article is the first of a five-part series that constructs an isomorphism between the Heega......
期刊: GEOMETRY & TOPOLOGY, 2019; 23 (1)
Given a smooth projective variety M endowed with a faithful action of a finite group G, following Jarvis-Kaufmann-Kimura (Invent. Math. 168 (2007) 23-......
期刊: GEOMETRY & TOPOLOGY, 2019; 23 (4)
We study the Hausdorff dimension of the Floyd and Bowditch boundaries of a relatively hyperbolic group, and show that, for the Floyd metric and shortc......
期刊: GEOMETRY & TOPOLOGY, 2019; 23 (6)
We study collapsed manifolds with boundary, where we assume a lower sectional curvature bound, two side bounds on the second fundamental forms of boun......
期刊: GEOMETRY & TOPOLOGY, 2018; 22 (1)
We construct a mathematical theory ofWitten's Gauged Linear Sigma Model (GLSM). Our theory applies to a wide range of examples, including many cases w......
期刊: GEOMETRY & TOPOLOGY, 2018; 22 (4)
Inspired by the Katz-Mazur theorem on crystalline cohomology and by the numerical experiments of Eskin, Kontsevich and Zorich, we conjecture that the ......
期刊: GEOMETRY & TOPOLOGY, 2018; 22 (4)
We construct a family of 6-dimensional compact manifolds M(A) which are simultaneously diffeomorphic to complex Calabi-Yau manifolds and symplectic Ca......