
Planck 2018 results: I. Overview and the cosmological legacy of Planck

Aghanim, N; Akrami, Y; Arroja, F; Ashdown, M; Aumont, J; Baccigalupi, C; Ballardini, M; Banday, AJ; Barreiro, RB; Bartolo, N; Basak, S; Battye, R; Benabed, K; Bernard, JP; Bersanelli, M; Bielewicz, P; Bock, JJ; Bond, JR; Borrill, J; Bouchet, FR; Boulanger, F; Bucher, M; Burigana, C; Butler, RC; Calabrese, E; Cardoso, JF; Carron, J; Casaponsa, B; Challinor, A; Chiang, HC; Colombo, LPL; Combet, C; Contreras, D; Crill, BP; Cuttaia, F; de Bernardis, P; de Zotti, G; Delabrouille, J; Delouis, JM; Desert, FX; Di Valentino, E; Dickinson, C; Diego, JM; Donzelli, S; Dore, O; Douspis, M; Ducout, A; Dupac, X; Efstathiou, G; Elsner, F; Ensslin, TA; Eriksen, HK; Falgarone, E; Fantaye, Y; Fergusson, J; Fernandez-Cobos, R; Finelli, F; Forastieri, F; Frailis, M; Franceschi, E; Frolov, A; Galeotta, S; Galli, S; Ganga, K; Genova-Santos, RT; Gerbino, M; Ghosh, T; Gonzalez-Nuevo, J; Gorski, KM; Gratton, S; Gruppuso, A; Gudmundsson, JE; Hamann, J; Handley, W; Hansen, FK; Helou, G; Herranz, D; Hildebrandt, SR; Hivon, E; Huang, Z; Jaffe, AH; Jones, WC; Karakci, A; Keihanen, E; Keskitalo, R; Kiiveri, K; Kim, J; Kisner, TS; Knox, L; Krachmalnicoff, N; Kunz, M; Kurki-Suonio, H; Lagache, G; Lamarre, JM; Langer, M; Lasenby, A; Lattanzi, M; Lawrence, CR; Le Jeune, M; Leahy, JP; Lesgourgues, J; Levrier, F; Lewis, A; Liguori, M; Lilje, PB; Lilley, M; Lindholm, V; Lopez-Caniego, M; Lubin, PM; Ma, YZ; Macias-Perez, JF; Maggio, G; Maino, D; Mandolesi, N; Mangilli, A; Marcos-Caballero, A; Maris, M; Martin, PG; Martinelli, M; Martinez-Gonzalez, E; Matarrese, S; Mauri, N; McEwen, JD; Meerburg, PD; Meinhold, PR; Melchiorri, A; Mennella, A; Migliaccio, M; Millea, M; Mitra, S; Miville-Deschenes, MA; Molinari, D; Moneti, A; Montier, L; Morgante, G; Moss, A; Mottet, S; Munchmeyer, M; Natoli, P; Norgaard-Nielsen, HU; Oxborrow, CA; Pagano, L; Paoletti, D; Partridge, B; Patanchon, G; Pearson, TJ; Peel, M; Peiris, HV; Perrotta, F; Pettorino, V; Piacentini, F; Polastri, L; Polenta, G; Puget, JL; Rachen, JP; Reinecke, M; Remazeilles, M; Renault, C; Renzi, A; Rocha, G; Rosset, C; Roudier, G; Rubino-Martin, JA; Ruiz-Granados, B; Salvati, L; Sandri, M; Savelainen, M; Scott, D; Shellard, EPS; Shiraishi, M; Sirignano, C; Sirri, G; Spencer, LD; Sunyaev, R; Suur-Uski, AS; Tauber, JA; Tavagnacco, D; Tenti, M; Terenzi, L; Toffolatti, L; Tomasi, M; Trombetti, T; Valiviita, J; Van Tent, B; Vibert, L; Vielva, P; Villa, F; Vittorio, N; Wandelt, BD; Wehus, IK; White, M; White, SDM; Zacchei, A; Zonca, A

White, M (corresponding author), Univ Calif Berkeley, Dept Phys, Berkeley, CA 94720 USA.; Bouchet, FR (corresponding author), CNRS, UMR7095, Inst Astrophys Paris, 98Bis Blvd Arago, F-75014 Paris, France.; Bouchet, FR (corresponding author), Sorbonne Univ, UPMC, UMR7095, Inst Astrophys Paris, 98Bis Blvd Arago, F-75014 Paris, France.



The European Space Agency's Planck satellite, which was dedicated to studying the early Universe and its subsequent evolution, was launched on 14 May ......

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