BBX19 fine-tunes the circadian rhythm by interacting with PSEUDO-RESPONSE REGULATOR proteins to facilitate their repressive effect on morning-phased clock genes
Yuan, L; Yu, YJ; Liu, MM; Song, Y; Li, HM; Sun, JQ; Wang, Q; Xie, QG; Wang, L; Xu, XD
Xie, QG; Xu, XD (corresponding author), Henan Univ, Sch Life Sci, State Key Lab Crop Stress Adaptat & Improvement, Kaifeng 475004, Peoples R China.; Wang, L (corresponding author), Chinese Acad Sci, CAS Ctr Excellence Mol Plant Sci, Inst Bot, Key Lab Plant Mol Physiol, Beijing 100093, Peoples R China.
PLANT CELL, 2021; 33 (8): 2602