Residual SYNTAX II Score and long-term outcomes post-ST-elevation myocardial infarction in an urban US cohort: the Montefiore STEMI Registry
Bortnick, AE; Shitole, SG; Hashim, H; Khullar, P; Park, M; Weinreich, M; Seibert, S; Rauch, J; Weisz, G; Kizer, JR
Bortnick, AE (通讯作者),Montefiore Med Ctr, Div Cardiol, Dept Med, Weiler Hosp 1825 Eastchester Rd Suite 2S-46, Bronx, NY 10461 USA.;Bortnick, AE (通讯作者),Montefiore Med Ctr, Div Geriatr, Dept Med, Weiler Hosp 1825 Eastchester Rd Suite 2S-46 Bronx, Bronx, NY 10461 USA.;Bortnick, AE (通讯作者),Albert Einstein Coll Med, Weiler Hosp 1825 Eastchester Rd Suite 2S-46, Bronx, NY 10461 USA.
CORONARY ARTERY DISEASE, 2022; 33 (3): 206