Changes in dominant weeds of wheat in a rice-wheat rotation system as affected by composted manure and straw amendments
Duan, YH; Zhang, HY; Han, M; Hong, AM; Li, Y; Sun, GJ; Gao, PL; Sun, YC; Ran, W; Shen, JH; Shen, X; Wu, CY; Ji, M
Gao, PL (corresponding author), Yangzhou Univ, Jiangsu Coinnovat Ctr Modern Prod Technol Grain C, Jiangsu Key Lab Crop Genet & Physiol, Res Inst Rice Ind Engn Technol,Jiangsu Key Lab Cr, Yangzhou 225009, Jiangsu, Peoples R China.; Sun, GJ (corresponding author), Agr & Rural Bur Jintan Dist, Changzhou, Jiangsu, Peoples R China.; Sun, GJ (corresponding author), Yangzhou Univ, Coll Hort & Plant Protect, Yangzhou, Jiangsu, Peoples R China.
WEED SCIENCE, 2021; 69 (2): 219