Genome-wide identification of the expansin gene family reveals that expansin genes are involved in fibre cell growth in cotton
Lv, LM; Zuo, DY; Wang, XF; Cheng, HL; Zhang, YP; Wang, QL; Song, GL; Ma, ZY
Ma, ZY (corresponding author), Hebei Agr Univ, State Key Lab Cotton Biol China, Hebei Res Base, Baoding 071001, Peoples R China.; Song, GL (corresponding author), Chinese Acad Agr Sci CAAS, Inst Cotton Res, State Key Lab Cotton Biol, Anyang 455000, Peoples R China.; Ma, ZY (corresponding author), Hebei Agr Univ, Educ Minist, North China Key Lab Crop Germplasm Resources, Baoding 071001, Peoples R China.; Song, GL (corresponding author), Zhengzhou Univ, State Key Lab Cotton Biol, Zhengzhou Res Base, Zhengzhou, Peoples R China.
BMC PLANT BIOLOGY, 2020; 20 (1):