Development and External Validation of a Model for Predicting Sufficient Filter Lifespan in Anticoagulation-Free Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy Patients
Zhang, W; Bai, M; Zhang, L; Yu, Y; Li, YP; Zhao, LJ; Yue, Y; Li, YJ; Zhang, M; Fu, P; Sun, SR; Chen, XM
Bai, M; Sun, SR; Chen, XM (通讯作者),Fourth Mil Med Univ, Xijing Hosp, Dept Nephrol, Xian, Peoples R China.;Chen, XM (通讯作者),Chinese Peoples Liberat Army Gen Hosp, Nephrol Inst Chinese Peoples Liberat Army, Beijing Key Lab Kidney Dis Res,Med Ctr 1,Dept Nep, State Key Lab Kidney Dis,Natl Clin Res Ctr Kidney, Beijing, Peoples R China.
BLOOD PURIFICATION, 2022; 51 (8): 668