Does anti-nerve growth factor monoclonal antibody treatment have the potential to replace nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and opioids in treating hip or knee osteoarthritis? A systematic review of randomized controlled trials
Zhao, D; Zeng, LF; Liang, GH; Pan, JK; Luo, MH; Han, YH; Liu, J; Yang, WY
Yang, WY (通讯作者),Guangzhou Univ Chinese Med, Affiliated Hosp 2, Guangzhou, Peoples R China.;Liu, J (通讯作者),Guangdong Prov Acad Chinese Med Sci, Bone & Joint Res Team Degenerat & Injury, Guangzhou, Peoples R China.;Liu, J (通讯作者),Guangdong Second Tradit Chinese Med Hosp, Guangdong Prov Engn Technol Res Inst Tradit Chine, Guangzhou, Peoples R China.;Liu, J (通讯作者),Guangzhou Univ Chinese Med, Clin Med Coll 5, Guangzhou, Peoples R China.
EFORT OPEN REVIEWS, 2022; 7 (7): 470