Protective effects of Lactobacillus plantarum strain P1 against toxicity of the environmental oestrogen di-n-butyl phthalate in rats
Shi, X; Hu, C; Cai, S; Tao, X; Zhou, Y; Smidt, H; Ye, B
Zhou, Y (corresponding author), East China Univ Sci & Technol, Sch Bioengn, Dept Food Sci & Technol, Meilong RD 130, Shanghai 200237, Peoples R China.; Ye, B (corresponding author), East China Univ Sci & Technol, Lab Biosyst & Microanal, State Key Lab Bioreactor Engn, Meilong RD 130, Shanghai 200237, Peoples R China.; Zhou, Y (corresponding author), Wageningen Univ & Res, Lab Microbiol, Stippeneng 4, NL-6708 WE Wageningen, Netherlands.
BENEFICIAL MICROBES, 2020; 11 (8): 803