Effects of small-herbivore disturbance on the clonal growth of two perennial graminoids in alpine meadows
Wang, Q; Guo, ZG; Pang, XP; Zhang, J; Yang, H
Guo, ZG (corresponding author), Lanzhou Univ, Coll Pastoral Agr Sci & Technol, Minist Agr & Rural Affairs, Key Lab Grassland Livestock Ind Innovat, Lanzhou 730020, Peoples R China.; Guo, ZG (corresponding author), Lanzhou Univ, Coll Pastoral Agr Sci & Technol, Minist Educ, Engn Res Ctr Grassland Ind, Lanzhou 730020, Peoples R China.; Guo, ZG (corresponding author), Lanzhou Univ, Coll Pastoral Agr Sci & Technol, State Key Lab Grassland Agroecosyst, Lanzhou 730020, Peoples R China.
ALPINE BOTANY, 2020; 130 (2): 115