经导管双侧肾动脉消融对顽固性高血压疗效存疑(SYMPLICITY HTN-3研究)
2014-01-10 MedSci MedSci原创
美敦力公司在2014年1月7日宣布在美国的一项肾去神经化(经导管双侧肾动脉消融)治疗顽固性高血压的关键性试验-SYMPLICITY HTN 3,没有能够达到预期的有效性终点。此项研究的主要终点是从基线到治疗后6个月收缩压的差值,本试验达到了预期的首要安全指标,并且该实验的数据安全监测委员会得出结论:该实验中不存在安全性问题。 “SYMPLICITY
美敦力公司在2014年1月7日宣布在美国的一项肾去神经化(经导管双侧肾动脉消融)治疗顽固性高血压的关键性试验-SYMPLICITY HTN 3,没有能够达到预期的有效性终点。此项研究的主要终点是从基线到治疗后6个月收缩压的差值,本试验达到了预期的首要安全指标,并且该实验的数据安全监测委员会得出结论:该实验中不存在安全性问题。
“SYMPLICITY HTN 3达到了重要安全终点的目标,即在随机化后的一个月内的重大不良事件及6个月的肾动脉狭窄的发生率,”美敦力常务董事、实验的共同研究者Deepak L. Bhatt, M.D., M.P.H讲到,“然而更重要的是,这个实验没有达到预期的主要有效性终点”
George Bakris, M.D,美国高血压协会前任主席,该实验的另一位共同研究者讲到:“实验没有达到预期的首要有效性指标是很让人失望的,这是到目前为止关于肾去神经化最严谨的临床试验,是第一个包括了盲法对照的实验,我们希望相关数据进一步提交同行审议并能够提交发表及在即将到来的一个科学会议上提交讨论”
鉴于产品安全性的相关文件,以及SYMPLICITYHTN 3的发现,没有证据表明需要对采用symplicity 系统进行肾去神经化的患者给予特殊的干预,病人如果关于治疗有任何问题应该和医生进行积极的沟通。
1. 停止在另外三个国家进行的肾去神经话实验病人的纳入,等到进一步的审批(SYMPLICITY HTN-4 in the U.S., HTN-Japan and HTN-India)。
2. 在通过市场准入的地区,医生继续谨慎决定病人使用symplicity系统的适用情况。
3. 继续全球symplicity上市后的售后监督以及评估肾去神经化在高血压外的相关适用情况。
“对于实验没能达到它的主要有效性终点感到失望,”美敦力公司医疗官Dr. Rick Kuntz讲到,“我们相信这一实验室是很严谨的,并且将帮助我们更好的评估这些发现并帮助我们决定肾去神经化下一步该去向何方,再次我们要感谢参加到临床试验的病人和研究者,感谢他们对高血压领域研究的重要贡献”。
Cardiologists Respond to SYMPLICITY HTN-3
results from the SYMPLICITY HTN-3 trial tempered enthusiasm for the use
of renal denervation for treatment-resistant hypertension. The results
showed that Medtronic's system -- though safe -- was no better than a sham procedure for reducing office systolic blood pressure through 6 months.
MedPage Today reached out to get the reactions of leading cardiologists about the news.
Cindy Grines, MD, Detroit Medical Center
do not think this is the end of renal denervation. This may just be the
wrong approach and/or learning curve issues with rolling out the study
to multiple operators. There is ample data that renal denervation
reduces blood pressure in animal models and in smaller human trials, and
there are at least 30 different methods being tested to denervate the
renal arteries. As a participant in this trial, it was technically
difficult to assure that the radiofrequency probe was oriented correctly
and that it was touching the wall of the renal artery. This may have
resulted in the energy being dissipated into the bloodstream instead of
into the vessel. Also, the nerves are very deep and the energy level may
not have been high enough to penetrate."
Gregg Stone, MD, Columbia University Medical Center/New York-Presbyterian Hospital
is a very surprising result, entirely unexpected. We must withhold
judgment until we review the data in detail to gain insight as to
whether any subgroups might benefit, and what this means for other renal
denervation technologies. Most importantly, however, given the clear
therapeutic effect renal denervation had in the earlier nonblinded
SYMPLICITY studies, this result underscores that a sham-controlled trial
is essential in this kind of investigation. The 'power of the placebo'
cannot be overemphasized."
Robert Safian, MD, Beaumont Health System
addition to being a huge disappointment for Medtronic and for other
companies that are invested in the arena of resistant hypertension, this
is an enormous disappointment to physicians and patients, who believed
that there might be a new emerging treatment approach for refractory
hypertension. ... At this point, it isn't clear if the failure of HTN-3
reflects a failure of renal denervation itself, or whether it reflects a
failure of Medtronic's device. In the meantime, other companies with
other devices (radiofrequency, high-frequency ultrasound, hypothermia,
local injection of chemicals to ablate renal nerves) will be
reconsidering their own programs. It is possible that renal denervation
with another device will be effective for treating hypertension, even
though Medtronic's device appears less effective for this purpose."
Robert Califf, MD, Duke University Medical Center
course, it's dangerous to speculate, but the fact that SYMPLICITY HTN-3
was so carefully done with blinding and scientific rigor could provide
another example of why we need proper clinical trials. This seemed like a
'slam dunk,' but obviously when put to the true test, it hasn't yet
made the grade. If the result stands up, imagine the implications of
proliferation of the technology before finding out if the technology
actually provides real benefit."
Carl "Chip" Lavie, MD
, John Ochsner Heart and Vascular Institute
is important, as there was a great amount of initial enthusiasm that
this treatment may allow blood pressure (BP) to be controlled with less
medication. Obviously, besides lowering BP, this therapy would have to
be shown to reduce cardiovascular events and be cost-effective before it
could ever be used in routine practice."
Kirk Garratt, MD, Lenox Hill Heart and Vascular Institute of New York
new technologies have ups and downs, but this finding is very
important. Since this was the first study in a North American
population, and the first to use a sham procedure in control patients,
the negative findings have to make U.S. physicians question whether this
approach can really improve blood pressure the way we'd all hoped. This
might also cause other companies to reconsider their plans for clinical
trials of renal denervation. That would be a terrible shame. One
company recently announced it's halting a trial that was about to start.
This is a very clever and safe technique that should be studied fully,
so we can understand how it might be used to help people."
Sanjay Kaul, MD, MPH, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center
large treatment effects observed in uncontrolled and unblinded studies
are typically unreliable and seldom replicable in rigorously controlled
randomized trials. That is the major lesson from the SIMPLICITY HTN-3
trial. If the data are too good to be true, they usually are! It is too
soon to abandon this procedure. We need to scrutinize the data first. If
the treatment effect is attributable entirely to a sham effect, then it
is difficult to see a future for renal denervation."
Howard Weintraub, MD, NYU Langone Medical Center
field of renal denervation had promise in the background of 'resistant
hypertension.' The failure of this trial may be due to several factors.
One is the pharmacologic treatment of resistant hypertension. In many
cases the patient could be successfully managed with adjustment of drugs
or doses. The other issue is clearly that resistant hypertension may be
due to a variety of factors that would not have a robust response to
renal denervation. I believe that the issue may not be 'dead,' but
rather its use more limited to patients who have truly not responded to
an appropriate regimen of anti-hypertensive agents. The fact that it met
the safety endpoint is encouraging."
Duane Pinto, MD, MPH, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
the 'top-line results' are certainly a setback in the development cycle
for renal denervation, there is no question that this therapy affects
blood pressure in certain individuals. There is obviously more analysis
of the data obtained in this study. The challenge will now be to
identify the right patients for this therapy and to determine the
technical predictors of success. Nonpharmacologic treatments that
control blood pressure will still remain of considerable interest given
the size of the hypertensive population who are at risk for stroke,
heart attack, and kidney failure. We still need methods to control
resistant hypertension. Nevertheless, a major contribution of SYMPLICITY
HTN-3 will be clinicians learning that many of these patients can
achieve blood pressure control with medications and adopting the best
practice models used in this trial."
Jon Resar, MD, Johns Hopkins Hospital
am surprised by the news. Hard to comment expansively without seeing
the actual data but certainly disappointing news, especially in light of
the European data. Will obviously need to follow the patients beyond 6
months. Maybe the benefit will be seen at a later time period. Safety
endpoint is good but efficacy is certainly paramount."
Roxana Mehran, MD, Mount Sinai Hospital
is obviously disappointing to hear this news, although I reserve
judgment until the full data are presented. I still believe that we need
to step back and better understand this trial and the results before we
shut out so many patients who may benefit from this type of therapy."
Timothy Mixon, MD, Baylor Scott & White Healthcare
think the cardiology and hypertension communities will be surprised at
the preliminarily presented findings, based on previously reported and
published studies to date. It is not unprecedented that a therapy
believed to be helpful fails in a clinical trial; this simply reiterates
the importance of well-performed trials, adequately powered for
relevant clinical endpoints. Compared to prior studies of renal
denervation, SYMPLICITY HTN-3 was much larger, had very rigorous entry
criteria, including the first time that ambulatory blood pressure was
evaluated (instead of simply office-measured blood pressure), and
perhaps, most importantly, had a control group that was blinded to
whether they received the therapy or not. This finding argues for
avoiding the premature dissemination of therapies (whether medications
or procedures) until they are thoroughly studied. This is sometimes
difficult when the expectation of benefit is so high, and particularly
when patients are aware of a therapy and are even calling to request it.
In the short term, this means that renal denervation, although
performed frequently in Europe and other parts of the world, will not be
approved or available in the U.S. for the foreseeable future. There is
still much to learn, and it is certainly possible that it ultimately
will be performed in the U.S.
Froeschl M, Hadziomerovic A, Ruzicka M.Percutaneous Renal Sympathetic Denervation: 2013 and Beyond.Can J Cardiol. 2014 Jan;30(1):64-74.
DE, Bhatt DL, Sobotka PA, O'Neill WW, Esler M, Flack JM, Katzen BT,
Leon MB, Massaro JM, Negoita M, Oparil S, Rocha-Singh K, Straley C,
Townsend RR, Bakris G.Catheter-based renal denervation for resistant hypertension: rationale and design of the SYMPLICITY HTN-3 Trial. Clin Cardiol. 2012 Sep;35(9):528-35.