

2016-08-27 佚名 生物谷


昆士兰大学的教授Gita Mishra说母亲和孩子的健康研究(MatCH)将有助于完成澳大利亚儿童的健康和发展,并提供了大量的基础策略和服务改善的建议。Mishra教授说,研究人员邀请了10,000名母亲提供了大约12,500名12岁及以下的儿童信息。





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Australia's longest–running women's health study to add children's data

Research linking two decades of data on Australian women with outcomes for their children will provide an unparalleled insight into child health and development.  Professor Gita Mishra from The University of Queensland said the Mothers and their Children's Health Study (MatCH) would help complete the picture on the health and development of Australian children and provide a substantial basis for strategies and services to improve outcomes.

 Professor Mishra said researchers were inviting up to 10,000 mothers to provide information on about 12,500 children aged 12 and under. "These women, born between 1973 and 1978, were recruited into the Australian Longitudinal Study on Women's Health (ALSWH) in 1996," Professor Mishra said. "That means we have years of data before their children were born, including on their physical and emotional health, health behaviours and risk factors, time use and socio-demographic factors.

"The MatCH study will allow us to investigate more thoroughly factors which may affect child health and development by linking that long-term research on their mothers with survey data on their children." The first round of surveys will be sent to mothers in the coming weeks, inviting them to complete information for children aged under 13 years. "The survey will ask about a range of important factors, including diet, physical activity, sleep patterns, growth milestones, social and emotional development and use of childcare and health services," Professor Mishra said. "It will also drill down to provide data on specific factors that are now of interest to researchers, policy makers and health professions, such as screen time and the size of yards.

 "Information we collect will then be linked to records from the Australian Early Development Census, NAPLAN and the Australian Childhood Immunisation Register. "This will support a more integrated approach to primary health care for Australian families, as well as more targeted preventative strategies." Professor Mishra said data collected from both mothers and children participating in the study was de-identified to protect their privacy. "We are tremendously grateful to these women for sharing not only their own stories but now those of their children as well," Professor Mishra said. "Their participation is making a real difference to the lives of Australian families now and into the future."


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图片摘自 机体中大部分的细胞都携带有可供钾离子穿过的表面小孔结构,通过很好地控制正电荷离子的流动,这种小孔通道就会帮助细胞维持其电荷平衡。近日,刊登在国际杂志Science上的一项研究报告中,来自洛克菲勒大学的研究人员就对癌症相关的钾离子通道进行了结构成像分析。 研究者在很多细胞类型中都发现了一种名为Eag1的钾离子通道,比如大脑的神经元细胞、产生肌肉纤维的胚胎


图片来源:Hiroshi Watanabe/Getty你会在多大年龄患上癌症?人体内不同基因的突变数或许会让这一日期提前。人们已经知道,诸如BRCA1、BRCA2等癌症基因的突变会增加患癌风险。不过,来自澳大利亚悉尼加文医学研究所的David Thomas和同事首次证实,同较低患癌风险存在关联的突变会逐渐累积成更加致命的效应。相关成果日前发表于《柳叶刀·肿瘤学》杂志。该团队将健康人群的基因图谱同1

Nat Microbiol:首次构建出小鼠肠道微生物组数据库

图片来源 小鼠模型通常被广泛用于药理学和医学研究,我们都知道小鼠肠道中的微生物群落通常会对研究结果产生明显的影响,然而目前研究者们并没有获取到关于小鼠肠道中栖息细菌群落的详细信息。近日刊登在国际杂志Nature Microbiology上的一篇研究报告中,德国慕尼黑理工大学的研究者通过研究首次收集到了小鼠肠道中的多种细菌群落,同时研究者还对其进行了分裂、特性分析,最


图片来源 心血管疾病是引发美国人群死亡的主要原因,每年都有四分之一的人死于心血管疾病,而且患者心脏病发作后5年的生存率不如大多数癌症,目前患者遭遇的最大问题就是其机体并不能进行有效的损伤后修复,近日来自休斯顿大学的研究者通过研究在此领域获得了巨大进展。研究者开发了一种新型策略来帮助患者进行心脏肌肉的再生,相关研究刊登于国际杂志PNAS上。 人类的心脏是一
