2017-09-07 赛柏蓝 赛柏蓝
日前,第十一届药典委员会成立大会暨第一次全体会议在京召开,国家食品药品监督管理总局局长、第十一届药典委员会主任委员毕井泉为新一届药典委员会委员代表颁发聘书,并发表讲话,建立中国药品橙皮书制度、现代医学理论方法研究的传统药归入现代药申报管理、破解药物制假“潜规则”、研究制定药品退市的标准、条件与程序等重大改革被明确公开。 第十一届药典委员会由405名委员组成,设执行委员会和26个专业委员会
Today, we are here to hold the founding conference of the11th Chinese Pharmacopoeia Commission and its first plenarysession. On behalf of the China Food and Drug Administration, I would like toconvey my congratulations for this conference and extend my sincere greetingsto all the commission members, especially the members newly elected!
The main tasks of thisconference are to: to arrange the compilation work of the 2020 edition Chinese Pharmacopoeia, to promote the drugstandard reform, to strengthen the whole process administration of the drugstandard and to further improve the quality of drugs. Here are someobservations.
I. Fully recognizing thevital importance of the drug standard
The pharmacopoeia is the quintessence of thescientific and technological development achievements of drugs, the symbol forthe development level of the drug industry of a country, the basic standard forthe pharmaceutical manufacturers and distributors and the criterion for thedrug administration work.
Since the 18th CPC National Congress, XiJinping, the General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, has emphasized formany times that “the most stringent standard, the most rigorous administration,the most severe punishment and the most serious accountability system” shouldbe put into practice to ensure the food and drug safety of the people. GeneralSecretary Xi Jinping puts “the most stringent standard” at the first place, andit highlights that the standard is of significant importance for the drugadministration work. He also stresses, “The one who establishes the standardwill have the voice; the one who grasps the standard will occupy the commandingheight”. It deeply elaborates that the standard plays a decisive role for theproduct quality. Premier Li Keqiang also emphasizes that we should bedetermined to improve the drug quality and strictly observe each defensive linefrom the lab to the hospital.
The CPC Central Committee and the State Councilattach great importance to the drug standard work. In 1949, when the People’sRepublic of China was just established, the experts were organized to compilethe new Chinese pharmacopoeia and the drug standardization was regarded as astrategic measure to change the backward situation of the weak pharmaceuticalindustrial basis and the few doctors and little medicine for the masses. In1950, the Pharmacopoeia Commission of the People’s Republic of China was setup, and it became the first standardization organization of the New China. In1953, the first edition Chinese Pharmacopoeia was issued.
After the reform and opening-up policy wasimplemented, the legal status of the drug standard and the legalresponsibilities of the Chinese Pharmacopoeia Commission are clearly defined inthe Drug Administration Law. The Chinese Pharmacopoeia should berecompiled every five years. The drug standard work and the compilation andmodification of the Chinese Pharmacopoeia are legalized.
Thus far, China has issued ten editionsof Chinese Pharmacopoeia. The drug standard develops from nothing, fromfew types to many types, from low level to high level. They play importantroles in improving the drug quality level of our country and promoting thetransformation and upgrading of the pharmaceutical industry. The previousPharmacopoeia Commissions made great contributions. We have greatly raised thedrug safety standard, strengthened the drug safety administration, and no majoror serious drug incidents have taken place in recent years. All of these shouldbe affirmed fully.
However, we also have to notice the backwardindustrial development, the poor regulatory capacity of the government, thefailure of the drug standard to meet the requirements of the administration andthe gap with the expectations of the masses due to the limited historicalconditions. There are gaps between the drugs’ quality and efficacy of ourcountry and those of the America, European countries and Japan, largely becausethe drugs are of low listing standard and there are insufficient branded drugin the market for reference. Such problems as the shortage, backwardness,unavailability, insufficient performance of the standard also exist to someextent.
We should conscientiously carry out GeneralSecretary Xi Jinping’s instructions on the drug administration work, speed upthe standard formulation and modification, set up the scientific, complete,verifiable and executable standard system and improve the quality and efficacyof drugs with “the most precise standard” to prevent the drug safety risks andlay solid foundation for the drug administration work.
II. Some Issues Needed to beStudied Carefully
As the new Pharmacopoeia Commission has beenset up, and the compilation of the 2020 edition pharmacopoeia has been launchedcompletely, I would like to ask each member to study some issues together.These issues are of great importance for the standard formulation, the lawrevision, the promotion of reform and the administration enhancement.
(I) Studying the positioning of thepharmacopoeia work. The compilation of the pharmacopoeia should be carried outby implementing the development thought of being centered on the people,serving the drug administration, serving the reform and innovation and servingthe development of the pharmaceutical industry. The purpose of compiling thepharmacopoeia to promote the high-quality drugs, eliminate the poor-qualitydrugs and identify the substandard and counterfeit drugs.
(II) Studying the essence of the modern drugsand the traditional drugs as well as their differences. The requirement thatthe state should develop the modern medicine and the traditional medicine isstated both in the Constitution of the People’s Republic of China and in theDrug Administration Law. The basic concepts of the modern drugs and thetraditional drugs should be studied to clearly heir connotation and extension.
The concept of drugs came into being in ancienttimes. Every nation has its own traditional drugs historically. The traditionalChinese medicine culture of our country is extensive and profound and hasplayed an important role in the lives of the Chinese nation and its strugglingagainst diseases. The said age that we have ever lacked of doctors andmedicines mainly refers to the age that we were short of modern doctors andmedicines.
The modern drugs came to China with the modernmedical science. The modern drugs gradually have the current basiccharacteristics on the basis of the traditional drugs and in combination withthe modern evidence-based medicine: based on the theories of medical science,chemistry, biology and the like; generally having defined active ingredientsand continuously studying and perfecting its functioning mechanism; goingthrough the random and double blind clinical trial with large-scale samples,being proved effective on some indications by the test data, with benefits forthe prevention or treatment of the certain disease of an individual patient orthe human society larger than the risks. So the drug evaluation should be ledby the clinical trials with the reviewer with the clinical doctor background asreview team leader.
In addition, there should be the productionmethods and processes approved by the regulatory authority to guarantee theuniform and consistent quality; for the overall supervision of the drugs, themarketing authorization holder should be responsible for the whole life circleof drugs, implement post-marketing studies, monitor adverse drug reactions andimprove the understanding of drugs, including the side effects,contraindications, announcements and so on stated in the package insert;standardizing the continuously evaluating and market withdrawing system of themarket drugs.
The traditional drugs, used for many years andaccepted by the public, are the drugs adopting the traditional dosage form andusage, traditional indication expression, traditional evidence-based methodsunder the guidance of the traditional medicine theory and the traditionalpreparation methods. The traditional Chinese medicine theory is the culturaltreasure of the Chinese nation, and we must carry forward, inherit and developit.
The most important distinction between themodern drugs and the traditional drugs lies in the evidence of thedouble-blinded random clinical trials with large-scale samples, indicationconclusions with more benefits than risks, as well as uniform and stablequality control of products.
In recent years, we have made greatachievements in studying and developing the traditional drugs in the way forthe modern drugs, and some important achievements have been made. The discoveryof the artemisinin, berberine and ephedrine, especially the discovery of theartemisinin, constitutes our great contribution to the human community. We havealso achieved remarkable fruits in treating leukemia with arsenic trioxide,which is a result drawing the global attention.
We should carefully summarize our experienceand lessons in the development and study of the natural drugs, including theoutcomes acceptable clinically and recognized internationally and the lessonsand faults. All of them are of significance for our inheriting and developingthe traditional drugs.
(III) Studying the relation between new drugmarketing standard, the orange book and the pharmacopoeia. According to theregulatory concept and practices of modern drugs, approving a kind ofinnovative drug is approving the standard for such drug, including the activeingredients, formula, the administration route, the dosage form, thespecifications, the usage, the technique and the technological parameters asthe business secret of an enterprise. All of these are also the criteria forpost-market regulation of products.
Enterprises must manufacture drugs inaccordance with the approved standards, and the data of the whole productionprocess should be authentic and complete, recorded in time and traceable.Otherwise, punishment will be made for adulterated drugs.
The new drugs approved by the regulatoryauthority characterize the originality and the standard, and the patentsapplied for them are protected by the patent law. After the patent expires, theenterprises applying for the generic drugs can make use of the reference listeddrug enterprises’ results and data, and the clinical trial with large-scalesamples can be avoided. The regulatory authority reviews their pharmaceuticalequivalence and biological equivalence in accordance with the standard of thereference branded drug, and if both of them are equivalent, the efficacy willbe deemed equivalent and they can replace each other clinically.
The above reference branded drug approved to bemarketed and regarded as the reference product and the generic drugs evaluatedfor its efficacy equivalence are included in a directory set. The set isupgraded in a timely manner, and makes up the orange book systeminternationally. We also should establish the Chinese orange book system. Weshould study the relation between the new drug marketing standard, the orangebook and the pharmacopoeia and their roles.
To some extent, the compilation and revision ofpharmacopoeia are review and verification for marketed drugs. Review aboutauthenticity, reliability, scientificity shall be made for recording, renewaland revision of the contents to assess safety, effectiveness and qualitycontrollability. In case of doubt about authenticity, reliability,scientificity, safety, effectiveness and quality controllability, drugs thathave not been produced for many years, drugs without adverse effect inspectionfor many years after coming into the market, handling suggestion and adviceshall be proposed to the supervision department. Committee members shallmaintain strict standards in revising pharmacopoeia, because it is theresponsibility to the public and to the committee of experts.
(IV) Reform results shall be embodied inrevising pharmacopoeia to serve reform and innovation. Decisions andarrangements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council have beenfully implemented by China Food and Drug Administration to carry forwardreforms on assessment and approval of drugs in cooperation with relevantdepartments since 2015. Not limited to assessment and approval, the reformshave been developed into comprehensive reforms on supervision system of drugs.
Why should we carry out the reform? First,although drug accessibility has been basically solved, gap still exists inquality and efficacy.
Second, there are problems in development,production and distribution of drugs. Untrue and incomplete data indevelopment, unauthorized changes in techniques, adulteration, jerry-buildingand incomplete, untrue, unreliable and untraceable data in production process,exaggerated advertisement and brag without scientific basis in distributionprocess have frequently emerged despite repeated prohibition.
Third, assessment and supervision capacitiesare weak. Compared with rapid development of pharmaceutical industry, we areseriously short of supervisors. Due to scarce capacity, it is hard to exerciseeffective supervision, which causes many loopholes and blind space. Althoughexisting problems have been found, the solutions are beset with difficulties.So it is unable to do what we hope to do.
Fourth, the application has been overstockeddue to low efficiency. This is an inevitable result because of the above threeproblems.
How should the reform be exercised? A series ofimportant decisions have been made by the Party Central Committee and the StateCouncil. Opinions on Reforming Review and Approval System of Drugs andMedical Devices (GF [2015] No. 44) was published by the State Council inAugust 2015. Piloting drug marketing authorization holder system was approvedby Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress in 10 provinces andmunicipalities in November 2015. Opinions on Consistency Assessment for Qualityand Efficacy of Generic Drugs (GBF [2016] No. 8) was published by GeneralOffice of the State Council in February 2016. National Drug Safety Planning inthe 13th Five Plan (GF [2017] No. 12) was published by the State Councilin February 2017. Opinions on Deepening Reforms of Assessment and ApprovalSystem to Encourage Innovation in Drugs and Medical Apparatus was deliberatedand approved by the Central Leading Group for Comprehensively Deepening Reformsin July 2017.
With approval of the State Council, we joinedInternational Conference on Harmonization (ICH). Then we will strive to joinPharmaceutical Inspection Convention and Pharmaceutical Inspection CooperationScheme (PIC/S).
The overall goal of reforms is to be geared tointernational standards. The basic standard for new drugs to be marketed is tobe global new and generic drugs shall have the same quality and efficacy withoriginal drugs. Drug data protection system, patent compensation system anddrug review and patent linkage system shall be established with solution ofpatent disputes prior to drug marketing. Both drug innovation and innovatorsshall be encouraged and imitation shall also be encouraged to reduce imitationcost and legal risks of enterprises.
Team assessment system, conferencecommunication system with applicants, liaison system between project managersand applicants, expert consultation committee publicly demonstrating majordisputes system, assessment results and bases disclosure system shall beestablished with clinic as leading to guarantee justice and equity of theassessment. Drug life cycle management shall be achieved to realize supervisionin development, processing, distribution and utilization. Holders of drugapproval documents shall take the legal liability for drug life cycle,including development, processing, distribution, adverse effect supervision anddrug quality perfection. Application with untrue, incomplete or untraceableclinical trial data shall be revoked.
Serious treatment shall be made for productionprocess violating GMP and untrue, incomplete or untraceable data with treatmentresults disclosed to the public. Criminal responsibility shall be lawfullyinvestigated for law breakers such as those counterfeiting. The system forreviewer, inspector, tester and law enforcement officer to keep businesssecrets of enterprises shall be established and the system for prohibitingstaff from disclosing drug assessment information privately shall also beestablished. Staff shall be prohibited strictly from seeking personal gainsfrom assessment, inspection and business secrets of enterprises. The authorityof supervision shall be guaranteed with implementation of responsibility forsecrets winning the trust of the people.
Reforms include assessment and approval fordrugs to be marketed in the future as well as evaluation and clearing for drugsmarketed in the past. Drugs fail in passing the evaluation within the specifiedperiod shall be withdrawn from the market. Long-term production halt, changingtechniques randomly, defaulting duty of research and vigilance after marketingof drugs, problems in safety, efficacy and quality stability shall be clearedand corrected and those serious shall be withdrawn from the market. Standards,criteria and procedures for withdrawal of drugs from the market shall beformulated.
In a critical period of reforms, changes mayoccur to the compilation of the new pharmacopoeia. A series of requirements ofthe Party Central Committee and the State Council about assessment, approvaland supervision reforms of drugs shall be implemented in the compilation of thepharmacopoeia to embody achievements of the reforms and reflect improvement inquality and efficacy of drugs promptly.
I hope that members of the new PharmacopoeiaCommissionhold precise, scientific, impartial and objective attitude toparticipate in reforms actively, promote reforms and serve reforms. Allemployees, research workers and supervisors of the pharmaceutical industry areparticipants and impellers of the reforms. We shall actively promote mattersconforming to interests of the masses and facilitating health of the public.While we shall decisively abandon matters not conforming to interests of themasses or not facilitating health of the public.
All the work made by us shall be amenable tothe history. While transforming the objective world, we shall also transformour subjective world to study new knowledge, master new skills, innovate systemand mechanism, reinforce ability construction.
(V) It shall be studied how to break the latentrules of adulteration and counterfeit and serve the supervision in thecompilation of the pharmacopoeia. Now it has been a kind of phenomenon thatpeople will study to find methods of adulteration and counterfeit for cheatingindexes specified in the pharmacopoeia. I hope that experts may find solutionsto this issue based on your specialties to prohibit loopholes and break thelatent rules.
III Some Requirements
Pharmacopoeia Commission is the mostauthoritative technical institution in pharmaceutical field of China and ittakes the sacred mission vested by the party and the country to formulatenational standards for drugs. The compilation of the pharmacopoeia is a task tohelp the patients. The 11th Pharmacopoeia Commission is officially establishedtoday. And it is a great honor and also a heavy responsibility to be members ofthe pharmacopoeia committee. All the members shall keep the mission andresponsibility in your heart to successfully complete compilation of thepharmacopoeia with high responsibility.
First, adhere to scientific attitude. Comingfrom different fields and specialties, members shall respect each other andlearn from each other with equal discussion. Precise style, pragmatic attitudeand innovative spirit shall be put in the work.
Second, take responsibilities bravely. Variouscontradiction, difficulty and problem may appear in the revision of allstandards and a choice may face different opinions. With people’s interests andhealth of the public as basic starting point, we shall dare to face problemsdirectly and take responsibilities in order to solve problems. Then workachievements may be made by us without shame and guilt.
Third, reinforce system construction. Rules andregulations for standards shall be revised and standard work procedures shallbe perfected. Besides, avoidance system for interest conflict, publicdemonstration system for major divergencies, public response system forsubstantial opinions not accepted shall be established to for democratic,scientific and public decision-making and social supervision.
Fourth, stick to disinterested professionalethics. It is the implementation of national public power to formulate andrevise standards.
Members of the pharmacopoeia committee mustfollow the laws and disciplines for national public servants. Party members ofcommittee shall follow the spirit of eight-point rules and disciplines for themduring practice of work. Others shall also follow the spirit of eight-pointrules to stick to principles without malconduct for interests or personalrelationship. Behaviors violating national laws and professional ethics shallbe investigated and treated strictly with treatment results disclosed to thepublic.
All members and comrades, it is of greatresponsibility and glorious mission in making standards for drugs. We shallclosely unify to the Party Central Committee with Chairman Xi as the core toadhere to people-oriented development and exercise the requirements of the FourMost Strict. With more scientific standards guaranteeing drug quality,supporting drug supervision and leading industry development, new contributionwill be made to Chinese health industry by excellent working achievementsamenable to the history.