

2015-04-16 张微 编译 中国科技网




















How do we solve science's 'credibility problem'?

Science is considered a source of truth and the importance of its role in shaping modern society cannot be overstated. But in recent years science has entered a crisis of trust.

The results of many scientific experiments appear to be surprisingly hard to reproduce, while mistakes have highlighted flaws in the peer review system. This has hit scientific credibility and prompted researchers to create new measures in order to maintain the quality of academic research and its findings.

This is particularly relevant in the UK, whose government prides itself on science-driven policy making. Policies are often drawn from behavioural research, traditionally considered a "soft science". The head of the UK's behavioural insights team – the "nudge unit" – argues that these days research economists can"change the world for the better". But social scientists have debated the reliability and reproducibility of some behavioural research, prompting some to wonder whether science-driven policy has its limitations – and whether over-reliance on it can even backfire.

So leading scientists have suggested a variety of proposals to change the way that science produces knowledge. These include promoting transparency concerning research designs, incentives for more experimental repetition and enforcing the submission of a full plan of the design and analysis prior to the actual study – known as pre-registration.

It is remarkable, however, that economists have so far been content to remain so silent on this credibility crisis. It is, after all, the science that specialises in the analysis of strategic behaviour and the provision of incentives to promote desirable outcomes.

Our research takes up this challenge and provides a first step in examining the theoretical effects of the proposed policies of increased transparency and monitoring on the reliability of scientific results.

Although the image of altruistic researchers working hard to discover the truth is strong in the minds of the general public, the actual process in which academic research is conducted is different. Economic theory models the various incentives of scientists, prominent among which is the desire of individuals to ascend the academic ladder.

We focus on proposals to impose transparency – which will stop researchers from committing the questionable practises which make scientific evidence difficult to interpret.

The main result of our model is that discouraging slight transgressions, such as failing to report important details of the analysis, will also reduce more severe questionable research practises such as outright data manipulation. This is because questionable research practises serve as the "steroids" of the scientific race, where the abundance of a given form of misconduct increases the incentives to engage in more extreme misconduct. Accordingly, a policy that eradicates mild forms of misconduct also discourages the use of stronger "performance enhancers".

We examine a setting where researchers are motivated to conduct research ethically or to maintain a good reputation, but are also concerned about being published in a limited number of top journals. The latter is crucial, as it introduces an "economic externality".

The likelihood of an individual researcher to commit a questionable research practice depends on the behaviour of other resarchers: more lighter transgressions will result in a higher frequency of outright manipulation – to guarantee a unique result and the corresponding acclaim which this brings.

Therefore a transparency policy that reduces lighter transgressions does not, as might be expected at first glance, lead to more severe misbehaviour. On the contrary, reducing the incidence of lighter misdemeanour will reduce competitiveness of the race to publication and thus ease the pressure of engaging in questionable practises.

Other possible policies could aim at reducing more severe transgressions – such as data fabrication – by using the relevant statistical techniques. But this could increase the rewards and frequency of lighter transgressions, making the overall effect on the reliability of scientific results unclear.

Mathematical models are especially useful when they address policy changes that are not amenable to direct experimentation. This is because it is the theory that bridges the gap between the current status quo and the proposed new one. Performing direct experiments on researcher misconduct is costly and difficult, but the potential effects of proposed reforms can still be evaluated by using economic theory.

Our model teaches us that we should feel confident that implementing the transparency proposals will help science fulfil its purpose of discovering the truth.

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10月1日,美国《国家科学院院刊》(PNAS)上发表了一项迄今为止综合性最强的论文撤销研究,得到了与之前一些同类型研究截然相反的结论,这项研究指出目前大多数学术论文撤销是由于学术不端造成的,这类论文撤销已经占到总撤销数的三分之二。研究显示自1975年以来,在所有已发表论文中学术造假或涉嫌造假的被撤论文所占比例已升至当初的10倍。 “生物医药研究已经成为一个成王败寇的领域,这种情况诱使一些科学家走


刚刚过去的一个月里,哈佛大学一名心理学教授因学术不端行为遭离职一年的处分。而就在该消息发布的前几天,哈佛大学100多名学生因在期末考试中有作弊嫌疑而被调查。 《自然》杂志的一篇报道显示,科学性杂志论文回收数目在过去10年中增加了1200%,其中一半是由学术不端导致的,而发表的实际论文数量只增加了44%。由此可见,学术不端行为已经成了一种学术疾病。 “种种学术不端行为不仅违背了科学精神,同时也挫


揭发学术造假行为并不容易,但一些方法可能会比其他的更有效。 图片来源:PADDY MILLS 过去10年来,被撤销的科学论文数量猛增了约10倍,许多引人瞩目的研究存在“处理不当”之处,从剽窃到人为操纵数据等等,究竟是人们犯的错误更多了,还是揭露错误的人更多了?当对某项研究的不满达到临界值时,同事或是监督者、年轻的合作伙伴,甚至是与研究毫无瓜葛的局外人,都不得不面临一个艰难的抉择:是揭


Bodo-Eckehard Strauer 教授出生于1943年1月16日,是德国杜塞尔多夫大学心脏病学家,他最著名的学术成就是关于干细胞治疗心脏病。在研究中,他采集患者自体骨髓干细胞,然 后注射到患者冠状动脉,这种治疗可以改善心脏病患者的心功能。2001年他最早发表了该类文章,奠定了在这一领域的地位和影响力。这一贡献开创了自体干细 胞治疗心脏病的新领域,先后有数10家大学和医院迅

干细胞研究屡现学术不端 学术明星连演丑闻大片

诺贝尔生理学或医学奖得主山中伸弥再次走到聚光灯下。只是,这位研究干细胞的日本科学家面对的不是荣耀,而是学术不端行为的指责。 在他2000年发表的一篇论文中,有一处图片被发现有捏造数据的嫌疑。山中伸弥否认捏造数据,但能够证明清白的原始数据已经丢失。 尽管他所在的京都大学组成的调查组判定论文结论没有问题,但这位处在风口浪尖的学术明星还是选择了公开道歉。在新闻发布会现场,他深深地鞠躬:“最近发生的一
