

2013-04-15 AAOS2013 dxy



方法:2009-2011年,对在同一医疗单位因脊柱滑脱进行择期初次腰椎后路融合手术的患者进行研究,所有这些患者均在术前进行了MRI和屈伸位平片检查。参考以往的方法通过平片确定滑脱程度并定义“动态”或“静态”滑脱,对轴位、矢状位T2 MRI图像进行评价,分析小关节间液体(FF),小关节囊肿(FC),棘突间液体(ISF)及小关节肥大(FH)的情况。然后对平片判定的动静态不稳和MRI发现的影像学特征进行统计学分析。




Imaging Characteristics of "Dynamic" versus "Static" Spondylolisthesis
The presence of spondylolisthesis may require a concomitant arthrodesis if a surgical decompression of neural elements is necessary for spinal stenosis. Evaluation for existing spondylolisthesis often requires use of plain radiographs. Although use of flexion/extension radiographs has been advocated, its use for pre-operative planning is inconsistent. With the introduction of the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), the characteristics of sub-classes of spondylolisthesis may be better defined. Traditionally, the “dynamic” type and “static” type of spondylolisthesis have been lumped into a single group in the literature. The goal of this study is to define the radiographic characteristics of “dynamic” and “static” spondylolisthesis with the use of MRI and flexion/extension radiographs.
From 2009-11, patients who underwent elective primary posterior spinal fusion for the diagnosis of spondylolisthesis and also had preoperative lumbar MRI and flexion/extension plain radiographs were studied from a single institution. Plain films were assessed for the degree of spondylolisthesis and were designated “dynamic” or “static,” as defined by historical measures. Axial and sagittal T2 MRIs were evaluated for associated facet fluid (FF), facet cysts (FC), interspinous fluid (ISF) and facet hypertrophy (FH). These finding were then statistically evaluated for associations between dynamic and static spondylolisthesis on flexion/extension radiographs and characteristic MRI findings.
Ninety patients were included in the study with 114 levels examined for spondylolisthesis. The average age of the patients was 66.7 years (range 42.7-85.8). Those with greater than 3 mm of instability on flexion/extension films were more likely to have facet fluid (p=0.018) and interspinous fluid (p<0.001). Of the patients who had a greater than 3 mm of instability, 39.5% did not demonstrate spondylolisthesis on the sagittal MRI reconstruction. If interspinous fluid was present on MRI, there was a positive predictive value (PPV) of 69.0% that there would be greater than 3 mm instability on flexion/extension films. Absence of facet fluid on MRI had a PPV of 75.6% for instability less than 3 mm on flexion/extension films. In the presence of interspinous fluid on MRI, the likelihood ratio (LR) of finding more than 3 mm of instability on flexion/extension films was 3.68. The presence of facet fluid on the MRI had a LR of 1.43 for instability. A total of 36.8% of all spondylolisthesis reduced when supine on MRI. Radiologists failed to comment on FF 79.2%, FC 65.5%, ISF 86.7% of the time, respectively. They also failed to identify spondylolisthesis on 25.4% of all the spondylolisthesis on MRI.
The presence of FF and/or ISF, is associated with instability greater than 3 mm in flexion/extension radiographs. Any presence of the above findings on the MRI should prompt careful scrutiny of the flexion/extension radiographs for pre-operative planning of lumbar decompression and consideration of concomitant arthrodesis.

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    2013-04-24 yinhl1978
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病例讨论: 腰背痛、全身皮肤进行性变硬

来源:中国医学论坛报 上海交通大学医学院附属仁济医院 丁慧华   ■ 病史简介   患者男,58岁,主因“腰背痛伴全身皮肤变硬8年”入院。8年前,患者无明显诱因出现腰背部疼痛,在当地医院行磁共振成像(MRI)检查提示腰椎间盘突出,对症治疗后可缓解。后逐渐出现双手指间、指蹼皮肤发白变硬,伴皮肤紧绷感;双侧肘膝关节屈侧及小腿皮肤变硬紧绷,尚未影响肢体运动;无面部皮疹,关节肿胀、强直,雷诺现象


     《柳叶刀·肿瘤学》(Lancet Oncol)最新发表的一项研究表明,球囊椎体后凸成形术治疗癌症伴脊柱压缩性骨折是安全有效的,可迅速减轻疼痛,并改善脊柱功能。   该研究是一项随机对照临床试验,在欧洲、美国、加拿大和澳大利亚的22个医学中心纳入21岁以上、1~3个椎体出现疼痛性压缩性骨折的癌症患者。患者被随机分配到后凸成形术组或非手术组(对照组)。主要终点为1个月时,用Ro
