2012-02-06 MedSci MedSci原创
先天性心脏病是新生儿最常见的疾病之一。据资料统计,每1000名婴儿中就会有8例患有先天性心脏病。对于这些患先天性心脏病的婴儿,通常只有15%的病例能够在母亲怀孕早期发现。 近日,发表在《心脏》Heart杂志上的一项研究表明:在怀孕期间,如果准妈妈们体重超重并且有吸烟的不良习惯,这将会严重影响胎儿们的心脏发育,甚至导致婴儿患先天性心脏病。 该项研究的工作者对在1997-2008年间,只患有先天性
最后,科研人员表示:越来越多的证据显示怀孕期间吸烟和超重与婴儿的流产、发育迟缓以及早产等有着密切的联系。因此,为了婴儿的健康,准妈妈们在怀孕期间应少吸烟并要控制自身体重。(生物谷 Bioon.com)
Combined adverse effects of maternal smoking and high body mass index on heart development in offspring: evidence for interaction
Maria E Baardman1,Wilhelmina S Kerstjens-Frederikse2,Eva Corpeleijn3,Hermien E K de Walle1,Robert M W Hofstra2,Rolf M F Berger4,Marian K Bakker1
Objective To study the influence of a possible interaction between maternal smoking and high body mass index (BMI) on the occurrence of specific congenital heart anomalies (CHA) in offspring.
Design Case-control study.
Setting Data from a population-based birth defects registry in the Netherlands.
Patients Cases were 797 children and fetuses born between 1997 and 2008 with isolated non-syndromic CHA. They were classified into five cardiac subgroups: septal defects (n=349), right ventricular outflow tract obstructive anomalies (n=126), left ventricular outflow tract obstructive anomalies (n=139), conotruncal defects (n=115) and other CHA (n=68). Controls were 322 children and fetuses with chromosomal anomalies without cardiac anomalies.
Main outcome measures Investigation of whether an interaction between maternal smoking and high BMI influences the occurrence of CHA in offspring by calculation of the synergy factors and 95% CIs.
Results As opposed to smoking or high BMI alone, the risk for CHA in the offspring of women with high BMI (≥25 kg/m2) who also smoked was significantly increased. The adjusted OR was 2.65 (95% CI 1.20 to 5.87) for all CHA, 2.60 (95% CI 1.05 to 6.47) for septal defects and 3.58 (95% CI 1.46 to 8.79) for outflow tract anomalies. The interaction between maternal high BMI and smoking contributed significantly to the occurrence of all offspring-CHA combined, and to the occurrence of all cardiac subgroup anomalies except right ventricular outflow tract obstructive anomalies.
Conclusions Maternal overweight and smoking may have a synergistic adverse effect on the development of the fetal heart. Overweight women who wish to become pregnant should be strongly encouraged to stop smoking and to lose weight.