

2013-11-29 MedSci MedSci原创

  A  Abdominal flatulence 中满  Abdominal fullness and distention 腕痛胀满  Abdominal retention 鼓胀  Accompanied Symptoms 兼证  Activating blood and dissolving stasis 活血化瘀  Acuesthesia 得气  Acupuncture points

  Abdominal flatulence 中满
  Abdominal fullness and distention 腕痛胀满
  Abdominal retention 鼓胀
  Accompanied Symptoms 兼证
  Activating blood and dissolving stasis 活血化瘀
  Acuesthesia 得气
  Acupuncture points 腧穴
  Acupuncture therapies 针刺疗法
  Adjuvant drugs 佐药
  Afternoon fever 日哺发热
  Alternate chills and fever 寒热往来
  Anorexia 食欲不振
  Aphtha 口疮
  Apoplexy 中风
  Ashi point 阿是穴
  Associate drugs 臣药
  Association of combination of traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine 中西医结合研究会
  Association of traditional Chinese medicine 中医学会
  Asthenic cardioyang 心阳虚
  Asthenic cardioyin 心阴虚
  Asthma 哮证
  Otopuncture therapy 耳针疗法
  Auscultation-olfaction 闻诊
  Aversion to wind and cold 畏恶风寒
  Basis of theory of traditional Chinese medicine 中医理论基础
  Belching 嗳气
  Blood deficiency 血虚
  Blood heat 血热
  Body fluid 津液
  Calming liver wind 平肝熄风
  Canthus 目眦
  Carbuncle 痈
  Cathartic method 攻里法
  Cardiac and renal coordination 心肾相交
  Cardiac-splenic asthenia 心脾两虚
  Chest pain 胸痛
  Chest stuffiness 胸闷
  Chi pulse 尺脉
  Chinese materia medica and prescriptions 中药与方剂
  Chinese medical 中国医学史
  Chinese medicine anesthesia 中药麻醉
  Chinese patent drugs 中成药
  Clear abundant urine 小便清长
  Clearing damp 利水渗湿
  Clearing heat and expectoration 清热化痰
  Clearing wind-damp 祛风胜湿
  Clearing Ying heat and cooling blood 清营凉血
  Coating color 苔色
  Cold hands and feet 手足厥冷
  Cold-heat mixing 寒热交错
  Cold limbs 手足厥冷
  Cold stroke 中寒
  Coma 神昏
  Compendium of Materia Medica 本草纲目
  Complications 并病
  Constipation 大便不通
  Consumptive disease 虚劳
  Contrary treatment 反治
  Defensive Qi instability 卫气不固
  Deficiency-excess mixing 虚实夹杂
  Delirium 谵语
  Diagnostic methods of traditional Chinese medicine 中医诊法
  Diaphoresis 汗法
  Diaphoresis, pungent cold 辛凉解表
  Diaphoresis, pungent warm 辛温解表
  Diarrhea 泄泻
  Different treatments for the same disease 同病异治
  Differentiation, eight principles 八纲辨证
  Differentiation of diseases 辨病
  Differentiation of symptoms and signs 辨证
  Differentiation, six meridians 六经辨证
  Differentiation, triple energizer 三焦辨证
  Differentiation, Wei-Qi-Ying-Xue 卫气营血辨证
  Differentiation, Zang-Fu 脏腑辨证
  Diphtheria 白喉
  Diseases of Qi-blood-fluid 气血津液病症
  Dispersing cold and freeing Bi 散寒通痹
  Doctrines of various historical schools 中医各家学说
  Dry heat 燥热
  Dry stool 大便干结
  Dysentery 痢疾
  Dyspepsia 食滞
  Dysphagia 噎膈
  Dyspnea 喘证
  Dysuria 癃闭
  Edema 水肿
  Eight principles 八纲
  Electuary 冲服剂
  Elimination 消法
  Emesis 吐法
  Endogenous hygrosyndrome 内湿
  Endogenous cold 内寒
  Endogenous dryness 内燥
  Epilepsy 痫证
  Epitaxis 鼻衄
  Eruption 斑疹
  Etiology 病因
  Exterior syndrome 表证
  Exterior sthenia 表实
  Exterior asthenia 表虚
  Extremely cold limbs 手足厥逆
  Facial distortion 口眼歪斜
  Feeling 按诊
  Fluid deficiency 津液不足
  Frequent micturition 小便频数
  Frequent vomiting 反胃
  Gastric asthenia 胃虚
  Gastric cavity 胃脘
  Gastro-Qi 胃气
  Generation-inhibition in five elements 五行相克
  Gingiva 牙龈
  Greyish fur 灰苔
  Harmonizing liver-spleen 调和肝脾
  Heart fire hyperactivity 心火亢盛
  Heart-kidney Yang deficiency 心肾阳虚
  Heart Yang hypoactivity 心阳不振
  Healthy Qi 正气
  Hectic fever 潮热
  Hemorrhage Zheng 血证
  Insomnia 失眠
  Inspection 望诊
  Intergeneration 相生
  Inter-restriction 相克
  Inter-subjuation 相乘
  Irregular pulse 结代脉
  Kidney Yang deficiency 肾阳虚
  Kidney Yin deficiency 肾阴虚
  Large intestine damp-heat 大肠湿热
  Large pulse 大脉
  Leukorrhea 白带
  Liver fire flaming 肝火上炎
  Liver-stomach disharmony 肝胃不和
  Liver wind agitation 肝风内动
  Liver Yang rising 肝阳上亢
  Liver Yin deficiency 肝阴虚
  Long pulse 长脉
  Longer menstrual interval 月经后期
  Loose stool 便溏
  Lung heart 肺热
  Lung Qi deficiency 肺气虚
  Lung Qi impairment 肺气失宣
  Measles 麻疹
  Menstrual irregularities 月经失调
  Merdian-collateral theory 经络学说
  Meridial distribution 归经
  Mutual promotion 相须
  Night sweat 盗汗
  Nine orifices 九窍
  Normal pulse 平脉
  Nourishing blood and liver 养血柔肝
  Pale tongue 淡白舌
  Palpation 切诊
  Palpitation 心悸
  Pathogenesis 病机
  Peeled coating 剥脱苔
  Pestilence 疫疠
  Pharynx neurosis 梅核气
  Phlegm-damp obstructing lung 痰湿阻肺
  Pill 丸
  Pores 玄府
  Principal and subordinate 标本
  Pulse condition 脉象
  Pulse-taking 脉诊
  Purgation-tonifying 攻补兼施
  Qi-blood and fluid 气血津液
  Qi deficiency 气虚
  Qi depression 气滞
  Qi function 气机
  Rapid pulse 数脉
  Relaxing bowels 润肠通便
  Removing stasis to promote blood circulation 化瘀行血
  Resolving damp, aromatic 芳香化湿
  Resuscitation 开窍
  Retch 干呕
  Reverse restriction 相侮
  School in favour of the doctrine of warm diseases 温病学派
  School of febrile diseases by cold injury 伤寒学派
  Scrofula 瘰疬
  Sighing 太息
  Smallpox 天花
  Somnolence 多寐
  Sore 疮
  Spleen Qi deficiency 脾气虚
  Spleen Yang deficiency 脾阳虚
  Spleen Yin deficiency 脾阴虚
  Spontaneous sweating 自汗
  Stranguria 小便涩痛
  Stomach cold 胃寒
  Stomach heat 胃热
  Strengthening healthy energy 扶正
  Striae 腠理
  Stringy pulse 弦脉
  Sunstroke 中暑
  Tenesmus 里急后重
  Tonifying deficiency 虚则补之
  Tonifying kidney and holding Qi 补肾纳气
  Tonifying Qi and spleen 益气健脾
  Treating excess with purgation 实则泻之
  Treatment with syndrome differentiation 辨证论治
  Twenty-eight pulses 二十八脉
  Ulcer 溃疡
  Urinal incontinence 小便失禁
  Uterus 女子胞
  Vitaport 命门
  Whitish fur 白苔
  Whooping cough 百日咳
  Yellowish fur 黄苔
  Ying and Yang in balance 阴平阳秘
  Zheng 证

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  一位患坏死性筋膜炎的女性,在外地用西医的办法做了3次手术后,臀部、肛门、腹部流脓,发热达40℃,胸腔、腹腔及心包积液,情况危急。转入解放军总医院中医肛肠科,韩宝主任医师带领团队采用中医微创“切开-挂线-引流”方法为其治疗,经过两次手术,成功治愈坏死性筋膜炎,同时针对前期手术导致的肛门功能损伤进行了修复。患者顺利出院,并恢复正常生活和工作。该科现已成功实施这类危重手术10余例。   肛肠疾病是


Research on English Translation of TCM  1.  Chuan-Yue NIU (Foreign Language Education Center, Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Shanghai 201203)  2.  La-Ping WANG (Colle

治疗骨性关节炎 个体化中草药处方更佳?

 《替代与补充医学杂志》[J Altern Complement Med 2011,17(6):539]近期发表的一项研究结果表明,尽管基于TCM诊断而开具的个体化中草药处方,有改善髋和膝关节骨性关节炎的趋势,但使用非特异性处方也可达到相同效果。   该研究是一项随机、对照、双盲、两组平行研究,在奥地利Gars am Kamp中心大学开


近日,南京医科大学第二附属医院肾内科研究人员发表论文,旨在观察中医”从咽论治“联合西药治疗IgA肾病的临床疗效。研究指出,中医”从咽论治“联合西药可以明显改善IgA肾病患者的临床症状,尤其对于血尿的防治效果更好,其治疗效果与肾小球、肾小管间质损伤程度密切相关。该文发表在2013年第09期《中国中西医结合肾病杂志》上。 53例临床分型为”反复肉眼血尿型“或”尿检异常型“的IgA肾病患者,随机分为治


来源:中华人民共和国卫生部网站   “未来十年是实现中医药全面走向国际、在世界范围获得丰富与发展的关键时期,我们必须科学研判形势,明确指导思想与工作思路,把中医药发展纳入国家发展战略框架,充分发挥中医药对外交流与合作的优势和作用,把握正确的发展方向。推动中医药走向世界的工作要坚持服从和服务于国家外交战略、国家卫生战略、科技发展战略、国际服务贸易战略、文化走出去战略、国家标准化战略和中医药事业发


 中国中医科院的研究人员在接受中(CM)西医(WM)结合治疗的类风湿关节炎(RA)患者中,探索传统中医(TCM)舌象与疗效反应(达到美国风湿病学会规定的ACR20)的相关性。结果表明,TCM对舌体苍白患者的疗效较差,WM对紫或红舌、或白苔患者的疗效较差。研究结果提示,舌苔和舌色可能有助于识别适合接受CM和WM干预的RA患者亚组。研究论文近期发表于《医学补充疗法》 [Complement 
