2012-06-28 新华网 新华网
意大利西西里岛一家医疗机构6月25日说,他们完成全球首例由机器人单独操作的部分肝移植手术,取出捐献人的部分肝器官。 设在西西里岛巴勒莫市的地中海器官移植和高级专科治疗研究所当天声明,他们今年3月实施这次手术。一名现年44岁的男子为救他患肝硬化的哥哥,捐献部分肝器官。手术过程中,只有机器人的“手臂”伸入捐献人腹部,后者只需承受5道微创“锁眼”切口和一道9厘米长的切口。"这是全球首例完全且单
Liver removal by robot success in Sicily
A medical transplant centre on the Italian island of Sicily says it has carried out the world's first partial liver transplant using only a robot to remove the organ of the donor.
A statement from the ISMETT transplant centre in Palermo said only the arms of a robot entered the abdomen of the 44-year-old donor looking to save his 46-year-old brother suffering from cirrhosis of the liver.
Thanks to the robot, only five keyhole incisions and one nine-centimetre incision were required for the operation, the centre said.
"This is the first case in the world performed entirely and exclusively with the robotic technique," the centre said.
The procedure, known as hepatectomy, was performed in March but the news was held until the recipient was given a clean bill of health and discharged from hospital, the centre said.
"In the past, some living donor liver transplants had been performed in the US using the robot," but were aided by a surgeon who inserted his hand through an incision to perform the surgery with the robot, the centre said.
The procedure lasted 10 hours and the two brothers recovered well, with the donor leaving hospital after nine days and the recipient leaving a few weeks later.
The surgical first was carried out using the Da Vinci SHDI robotic surgical system, a multi-tentacled device conceived at the Robotic Surgery Center in Pisa.
"The use of new technologies in transplant surgery is extremely important since reducing trauma for patients may encourage living organ donations and increase the number of transplants," the centre said.