
ANN INTERN MED:胸腹CT可准确评估腰椎骨密度

2013-04-24 佚名 EGMN

  《内科学年鉴》4月16日发表的一项研究显示,因疼痛、胃肠道症状或尿路症状等临床指征进行的腹部和胸部CT扫描通常也会扫描到第一腰椎,因此所获得的扫描图像也可用于评估腰椎骨密度(BMD)和筛查隐匿性骨质疏松(Ann. Intern. Med. 2013:158:588-95)。   这项研究由威斯康辛大学麦迪逊分校放射科的Perry J. Pickhardt博士及其同事进行,纳入10年研究间期内

  《内科学年鉴》4月16日发表的一项研究显示,因疼痛、胃肠道症状或尿路症状等临床指征进行的腹部和胸部CT扫描通常也会扫描到第一腰椎,因此所获得的扫描图像也可用于评估腰椎骨密度(BMD)和筛查隐匿性骨质疏松(Ann. Intern. Med. 2013:158:588-95)。

  这项研究由威斯康辛大学麦迪逊分校放射科的Perry J. Pickhardt博士及其同事进行,纳入10年研究间期内在6个月内接受CT和双能X线吸收法(DXA)这两种扫描的1,867例成人患者。研究者检索和分析患者的扫描图像,重点研究CT图像上的明显中度或重度压缩畸形,之所以排除轻度压缩畸形是因为轻度病变的判定较为主观,容易产生歧义。





Abdominal, thoracic CT scans reliably detect incidental low lumbar BMD
Abdominal and thoracic CT scans obtained for a variety of reasons, such as to assess pain, GI symptoms, or urinary tract complaints, also can be used "opportunistically" to examine lumbar bone mineral density and screen for occult osteoporosis, according to a report in the April 16 issue of the Annals of Internal Medicine.

Abdominal and thoracic CT scans done in routine practice happen to include imaging of the L1 level, which can easily be identified because it is the first non–rib-bearing vertebra. Such scans readily yield data on lumbar bone mineral density (BMD), which is a clinically useful way to diagnose or rule out osteoporosis, said Dr. Perry J. Pickhardt of the department of radiology and his associates at the University of Wisconsin, Madison.

It is important not to confuse this standard CT scanning with quantitative CT (QCT) scanning. QCT "is more labor-intensive; requires an imaging phantom or angle-corrected [region-of-interest] measurement of bone, muscle, and fat at multiple levels; and involves additional money, time, and radiation exposure," they explained.

Unlike dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA) screening or QCT assessment, "the method that we used requires a negligible amount of training and time; could be applied prospectively by the interpreting radiologist or retrospectively by a radiologist or even nonradiologist; adds no cost; and requires no additional patient time, equipment, software, or radiation exposure," the investigators wrote.

Such incidental CT scans can be assessed retrospectively because they are almost always stored indefinitely in electronic medical records, they noted.

Dr. Pickhardt and his colleagues evaluated CT-derived BMD assessment and compared it against DXA scanning of the hips and spine by identifying 1,867 adults who had undergone the two types of scanning within a 6-month period during the 10-year study interval. They retrieved and reviewed the images, paying particular attention to obvious moderate or severe compression deformities on the CT images, rather than to milder ones, "to avoid ambiguity related to more subjective borderline or mild compression deformities."

The study subjects had a total of 2,063 pairs of CT and DXA assessments that had been performed a median of 67 days apart. A total of 81% of these subjects were women, and the mean age was 59 years.

These patients had undergone abdominal or thoracic CT for a variety of clinical indications, most often for a suspected mass or an oncologic work-up (414 subjects), genitourinary problems (402 subjects), gastrointestinal symptoms (398 subjects), and/or unexplained abdominal pain or symptoms (374 subjects).

Approximately 55% of the CT scans involved intravenous contrast. The use of contrast had no effect on the interpretation of lumbar data on the scans.

The DXA screening identified 22.9% of the study subjects as osteoporotic, 44.8% as osteopenic, and 32.3% as having normal BMD. The CT scans were significantly more sensitive than DXA at distinguishing these three states.

In particular, CT scans identified 119 patients as having osteoporosis, with readily identifiable moderate or severe vertebral fractures, when DXA had classified 62 of these patients as having normal BMD (12 subjects) or only osteopenia (50 subjects).


"Our observations are consistent with prior studies documenting that many patients without osteoporosis diagnosed by DXA will sustain fragility fractures, and suggest that CT attenuation may be a more accurate risk predictor," Dr. Pickhardt and his associates wrote (Ann. Intern. Med. 2013:158:588-95).

If their findings are confirmed in other studies, it may become routine for all abdominal and thoracic CT scans performed for any reason to be used for lumbar BMD assessment as well. "In the future, it may even be possible to incorporate CT ... data into fracture risk assessment tools," they added.

This should result in substantial savings in health care costs since osteoporosis will be diagnosed and treated earlier, before fractures occur, and since it also will reduce the number of costly DXA studies performed.

More than 80 million CT scans were performed in the United States in 2011, "most of which carry potentially useful information about BMD," the researchers noted.

The investigators are now turning their attention to using pelvic CT scans that were obtained for various clinical indications to assess hip BMD. "We are currently investigating the potential for deriving a DXA-equivalent T-score for the hips from standard pelvic CT scans by using a dedicated software tool," Dr. Pickhardt and his associates said.

This study was funded by the National Institutes of Health. None of the investigators reported having any financial conflicts of interest.

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筛癌的另一种视角 CTC对美国医保覆盖老年患者筛癌可行

      ■ 研究背景   结直肠癌(CRC)筛查可降低CRC患病率和病死率。令人遗憾的是,美国人群对CRC筛查的依从性较差,并且仅有五六成患者适合接受任何种类的CRC筛查检查。   近年来,医学界已引入许多CRC筛查和监测新技术,CT结肠成像(CTC)就是其中的佼佼者之一。   与CT利用软组织结构间X线衰减差异来识别实体脏器异常不同,CTC利用软组织与

Ann Surg:术前CT预测胰瘘的独立预测因子

    《外科学年鉴》[Ann Surg 2012, 256(1): 139]发表的文章中,研究者通过对103例接受胰十二指肠切除术患者在术前4周内行CT扫描(平扫+增强,层厚为5 mm),获得了相关数据。研究通过分析确定脐水平内脏脂肪面积>84 cm2是胰十二指肠切除术后发生较严重胰瘘(据国际胰瘘研究组的分级标准属B级、C级

CA Cancer J Clin :新指南支持高危个体CT筛查肺癌

  美国癌症学会(ACS)日前发布指南,支持对部分高危个体采用小剂量CT扫描进行肺癌筛查。这部指南发表在《CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians》在线版上(doi: 10.3322/caac.21172)。   指南编撰委员会的Richard Wender博士指出:“能够进行大规模、高质量肺癌筛查的临床医生和治疗中心,应当与年龄55~74岁、有至少30包/年吸烟史

卫生部制定规划 未来五年CT市场将高速增长

日前,由中国医学装备协会主编的《2010中国CT市场发展趋势报告》公布。报告不仅对我国CT(计算机辅助断层扫描仪)的配置现状、品牌市场格局、竞争情况进行了分析,并根据中国卫生发展趋势对CT市场作出了预测:2011年~2015年,CT的销售增长率将在9%~13%之间。报告提出,2011年卫生部将制定未来5年大型设备配置规划,对CT的配置实施严格监管,其增长率将保持在合理范围之内。   专家提


CT扫描已经成为诊断成人急性阑尾炎的主要检查手段。对于儿童和年轻人群,CT射线暴露却存在着安全隐忧。首尔国立大学Kyuseok Kim博士等人对疑似急性阑尾炎年轻患者作低剂量VS标准剂量腹部CT扫描而导致的阴性(非必需)阑尾切除术的比率进行了评估。这是由GE发起的临床试验(NCT00913380)。相关成果发表于国际权威杂志2012年最新一期上。 这一单盲,非劣效性试验纳入891例疑似阑尾炎患者
