

2013-05-09 MedSci MedSci原创


然而,仍有多达半数的成人患者未达到血糖控制、血压和血脂控制目标,并且有半数患者表示未接受过糖尿病相关知识的教育,推荐的每年1次的疫苗接种、牙科检查和眼部检查也常被忽视。在这项研究中,亚特兰大疾病防控中心的Mohammed K. Ali医生及其同事采用数次全国健康与营养调查(NHANES 1999~2002、2003~2006和2007~2010)和行为危险因素监测系统调查(BRFSS 2000、2004和2008)数据,研究了糖尿病治疗领域近年的进展情况。这两种调查纳入的人群样本均具有全国代表性,并且均基于健康相关行为的自我报告。
同样,随着时间的推移,糖化血红蛋白水平、LDL胆固醇水平和血压水平的人群分布也都获得显著性改善。平均糖化血红蛋白水平降低0.4%,平均LDL胆固醇水平降低17.7 mg/dl至99.5 mg/dl。平均血压降低4/2 mmHg至130/68 mmHg。而同期无微量白蛋白尿的成人糖尿病患者比例增加4.0%,10年冠心病风险显著性降低2.8%。

原文阅读:Diabetes care has improved but still falls short
Adults with diabetes made substantial gains since 1999 in adherence to preventive practices and in control of risk factors for diabetic complications, according to a report published online April 25 in the New England Journal of Medicine.
However, up to half of these patients still failed to meet targets for glycemic control, blood pressure, and lipid control, and approximately half reported that they never received diabetes education, usually neglected getting the recommended yearly vaccinations, and failed to get the recommended annual dental and eye examinations, said Dr. Mohammed K. Ali of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, and his associates (N. Engl. J. Med. 2013;368:1613-24).
The investigators examined changes over time in diabetes care by analyzing data from a series of National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys (NHANES 1999-2002, 2003-2006, and 2007-2010) and Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System surveys (2000, 2004, and 2008). Both sets of surveys include nationally representative samples of the population, and both also rely on self-reports of health-related behavior.
For this study, Dr. Ali and his colleagues included data from 3,355 NHANES participants and 97,310 BRFSS participants who reported having diabetes.
Between the earliest (1999-2002) and the most recent (2007-2010) survey, the proportion of patients with poor glycemic control decreased by 5.8 percentage points, while the proportion who met recommended targets for glycated hemoglobin level, blood pressure, and LDL cholesterol levels rose substantially (by 7.9, 11.7, and 20.8 percentage points, respectively).
Similarly, the population distributions of glycated hemoglobin levels, LDL cholesterol levels, and blood pressure levels all improved significantly over time. The mean glycated hemoglobin levels dropped by 0.4 percentage points, and the mean LDL cholesterol level declined by 17.7 mg/dL, to 99.5 mg/dL. The mean blood pressure decreased by 4/2 mm Hg, to 130/68 mm Hg.
At the same time, the proportion of adults with diabetes who were free of microalbuminuria rose by 4.0 percentage points, and the 10-year risk of coronary heart disease dropped significantly by 2.8 percentage points.
However, up to half of the diabetes patients in the most recent surveys still failed to meet targets for glycated hemoglobin level, blood pressure, or LDL cholesterol levels, and more than 22% still smoked. Only 14.3% of the survey participants met the targets for all four risk factors, the investigators said.
Only 22.4% of the respondents got their annual flu vaccines, annual eye exams, and annual foot exams as recommended.
When the data were analyzed by patient age, younger adults with diabetes (those aged 44 years and younger) showed no improvements in meeting their treatment goals or in following preventive recommendations. The reason for this lack of improvement isn’t clear, but the finding "suggests that younger adults with diabetes need further attention," Dr. Ali and his associates said.
Respondents with limited access to health care and those of lower socioeconomic status were more likely than others to have suboptimal control of risk factors throughout the study period.
"Our findings concur with previous reports: Health insurance coverage was significantly and consistently associated with better, more improved risk-factor profiles and preventive practices during the 12 years examined in our study," the investigators noted.
"Unfortunately, the proportion of persons with diabetes who do not have health insurance has remained the same, despite increases in mean income and educational level over the study period," they concluded.
No financial conflicts of interest were reported.

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2012年11月27日 讯 /生物谷BIOON/ --近日,在一项新的发表在Circulation杂志上的研究中,卡罗林斯卡医学院和瑞典卡罗林斯卡大学医院科学家们研究揭示了精氨酸酶可能在II型糖尿病患者心血管疾病发展中起到重要组成作用。 据研究人员介绍,精氨酸酶可以防止氮氧化物对血管的保护作用,在糖尿病患者中,抑制这种酶的治疗方法能减少心绞痛的风险。 首席研究员教授Pernow说:事实上,我们


 --在小鼠中开展的一项研究中,瑞典卡罗林斯卡医学院的科学家们发现了一种新的潜在疗法,可能减少2型糖尿病患者中风后的脑损伤。所建议的药物已获批准用于2型糖尿病的治疗。然而,科学家们希望,这一新的研究成果,也可能开辟了减少其他中风高风险患者中风发作后脑损伤的可能性。该项研究已在线发表于Diabetes期刊。 中风是当氧运输缺乏、血液凝块(血栓)或血管破裂导致大脑中部分神经组织的损伤。糖尿

Obes Surg:减重手术可能不能“治愈”糖尿病



一个新的涉及近6万患者的队列研究提示,与不伴糖尿病的心肌梗死患者相比,氯吡格雷对伴有糖尿病的心肌梗死患者的效果可能较小。 在2012年9月5日发行的美国医学会杂志上发表的该项研究是由以夏洛特.安德松博士为首的一个团队组织实施的。安德松博士来自于丹麦赫勒乌浦的根图福特(Gentofte)医院。 安德松对解释说:“氯吡格雷能减少糖尿病患者的绝对风险是很明确的。但是我们却令人惊讶地发现,与非糖尿病患


2012年11月16日 讯 /生物谷BIOON/ --近日,美国加州大学圣地亚哥医学院研究人员领导的一项研究发现血清维生素D3和1型糖尿病的发病率之间存在相关性。 这项近6年的研究,涉及了近2000人的血液样本。研究结果证实了维生素D3对糖尿病的预防作用。这一研究发表在十二月的Diabetologia杂志上。 以前的研究提出了维生素D缺乏和1型糖尿病之间的关联,但新研究首次证实了两者之间存在量效

The Lancet :报告显示人类延寿疾病相伴

根据周四公布的一项全球健康研究报告,人类与1970年相比平均寿命增加了10年,但这幸运的10年中却有大部分时间是在与癌症等疾病作斗争。 在医学期刊《柳叶刀》上刊登的研究汇总指出,到2010年,男性出生时的预期寿命与1970年相比已上升了11.1年,女性上升了12.1年。 但是,尽管我们活得更长,我们却更多地受到疾病的侵扰,罹患如癌症和心脏病等非传染性疾病的患者越来越多。 哈佛大学公共卫生学院
