2012-03-23 towersimper 生物谷
根据2012年3月8日发表在Diabetes期刊上的一篇文章,对最近被确诊为患上I型糖尿病的病人而言,外周血中的基因表达谱(gene expression profile)与他们第一年的血糖控制情况相关联。 来自澳大利亚布里斯班市亚昆士兰大学迪亚曼蒂纳学院(University of Queensland Diamantina Institute in Brisbane, Australia)的
根据2012年3月8日发表在Diabetes期刊上的一篇文章,对最近被确诊为患上I型糖尿病的病人而言,外周血中的基因表达谱(gene expression profile)与他们第一年的血糖控制情况相关联。
来自澳大利亚布里斯班市亚昆士兰大学迪亚曼蒂纳学院(University of Queensland Diamantina Institute in Brisbane, Australia)的Katharine M. Irvine博士和同事们以6名健康人和16名最近(大约3个月前)被诊断为患上I型糖尿病的儿童为研究对象,分析了他们外周血单核细胞的基因表达。从确诊患上I型糖尿病时开始,研究人员对他们的临床特征进行为期1年的研究。
研究人员发现来自糖尿病患者的单核细胞基因表达谱经聚类分析后能够分成两个独特的群体,而且这些基因表达谱与参与研究的健康人的表达谱存在少些或者很大区别。相比于那些存在少些偏差的患者而言,那些存在很大偏差的患者在第一年拥有明显更高浓度的糖化血红蛋白A1c(hemoglobin A1c, HbA1c)(根据胰岛素剂量进行调整)。在与糖尿病相关联的基因表达特征中,研究人员鉴定出与细胞代谢和存活相关的途径存在多种扰动。其中由9个基因表达变化组成的表达特征与一个由12名I型糖尿病症状刚发作的病人组成的独立小组的血糖控制情况相关联,而且这种表达特征在健康的直属亲属(first-degree relative)中也存在。
“在病人被确诊为I型糖尿病之后的第一年,外周血基因表达特征与他们的血糖控制情况相关联,而且这种表达特征在参与研究的高风险人身上也存在”,Irvine和同事们作出结论,“这些结论暗示单核细胞表型可作为病人I型糖尿病症状产生之前和之后的疾病发展的一种候选生物标记,同时也有潜力作为促进他们产生天然免疫应答的机体应激(systemic stress)存在的一种候选生物标记。”
Peripheral Blood Monocyte Gene Expression Profile Clinically Stratifies Patients With Recent-Onset Type 1 Diabetes
Katharine M. Irvine, Patricia Gallego, Xiaoyu An, Shannon E. Best, Gethin Thomas, Christine Wells, Mark Harris, Andrew Cotterill and Ranjeny Thomas
Novel biomarkers of disease progression after type 1 diabetes onset are needed. We profiled peripheral blood (PB) monocyte gene expression in six healthy subjects and 16 children with type 1 diabetes diagnosed ∼3 months previously and analyzed clinical features from diagnosis to 1 year. Monocyte expression profiles clustered into two distinct subgroups, representing mild and severe deviation from healthy control subjects, along the same continuum. Patients with strongly divergent monocyte gene expression had significantly higher insulin dose–adjusted HbA1c levels during the first year, compared with patients with mild deviation. The diabetes-associated expression signature identified multiple perturbations in pathways controlling cellular metabolism and survival, including endoplasmic reticulum and oxidative stress (e.g., induction of HIF1A, DDIT3, DDIT4, and GRP78). Quantitative PCR (qPCR) of a 9-gene panel correlated with glycemic control in 12 additional recent-onset patients. The qPCR signature was also detected in PB from healthy first-degree relatives. A PB gene expression signature correlates with glycemic control in the first year after diabetes diagnosis and is present in at-risk subjects. These findings implicate monocyte phenotype as a candidate biomarker for disease progression pre- and postonset and systemic stresses as contributors to innate immune function in type 1 diabetes