

2011-02-01 澳洲全国抑郁症协会




Clinical practice guidelines - depression in adolescents and young adults






The Guidelines are intended as a resource for health professionals and others working with young people agedbetween 13 and 24 years. Summary resources and companion documents for young people, their families andcarers, and for specific groups of health professionals, will be derived from this core document.The Guidelines summarise published evidence based on high quality research and make recommendationson key areas of care. Across the continuum of care, there are areas where it is not possible to make evidencebasedrecommendations, particularly for young adults. In areas for which there is insufficient research evidence forrecommendations, the Guidelines include good practice points that are based on lower quality evidence, internationalguideline documents (e.g. the United Kingdom [UK] National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence and the AmericanAcademy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists) and/or best practice clinical judgement. This approach was stronglysupported by consumers and health professionals during the public consultation process held in March–May 2010.The Guidelines were revised extensively after public consultation and have benefited greatly from the thoughtfulcontributions of a wide range of health professionals, consumers and carers at workshops and through writtensubmissions. The Expert Working Committee acknowledges that further research is required across all areas of care foradolescents and young adults experiencing depression and depressive symptoms. Further, treatment research lookingat specific at-risk groups is lacking, as is research in clinical service settings as opposed to more traditional researchmodels. The Expert Working Committee strongly advocates further research investment to address these deficiencies.The Guidelines are relevant to the work of a variety of professionals in many different settings. Individual use of theGuidelines will depend on the knowledge and skills of the professional involved. Young people and their families andcarers should be at the centre of care, wherever it is provided.The Guidelines will be implemented within the context of existing and emerging activity at national, jurisdictional andlocal levels, including the whole-of-government approach to mental health embedded within the National MentalHealth Strategy. Evaluation of the Guidelines will assess their contribution to changes in practice and potentially tohealth outcomes.The Expert Working Committee recognises that implementing the recommendations will have resource implications,particularly in the area of training for the recommended psychological therapies, such as cognitive behavioural therapyand interpersonal psychotherapy. It is hoped that implementation of the Guidelines will lead to discussions betweengovernments, universities and professional organisations about an appropriate focus on and access to psychologicaltherapy training and supervision.

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