2010HPA 狂犬病临床诊疗指南
2010-04-01 英国健康保护局 HPA Colindale Clinical Rabies Service, April 2010, amended 150910 v2
2010HPA 狂犬病临床诊疗指南
2010HPA Centre for Infections CLINICAL RABIES SERVICE
A. Clinical Risk Assessment & Evaluation of Susceptibility1. Information on animals 2. Information on countries 3. Information on type of exposure (terrestrial mammals vs bats) 4. Assessment of immune status 5. Summary of Risk management B. Treatment: Rabies Vaccines & Immunoglobulin(RIG)1. Types of rabies vaccines 2. Regimen (timing) of vaccines 3. Route of vaccination 4. Interchangeability of vaccines5. Pre exposure immunisation 6. Rabies Immunoglobulin (RIG) 7. Administering vaccine and immunoglobulin 8. Leaflet accompanying issued vaccines and immunoglobulin C. Logistics: How to issue vaccines and RIG 1. General info about vaccines at CfI 2. Arrangements for issuing vaccines from CfID. References