Hydrogeology Journal has acquired a large worldwide readership since its inception in 1992. The Journal's emphasis is to: Foster understanding of hydrogeology a practical discipline aimed at bettering the human situation on earth; Describe worldwide progress in hydrogeology; and Provide an inexpensive and widely accessible forum for scientists researchers engineers and practitioners in developing and industrialized countries alike. A mainstream paper in Hydrogeology Journal integrates subsurface hydrology and geology with the other supporting disciplines (such as geochemistry geophysics geomorphology geobiology surface-water hydrology tectonics mathematics numerical modeling economics and sociology) to explain phenomena observed in the field. Hydrogeology Journal publishes peer-reviewed papers in both theoretical and applied aspects of hydrogeologic science including: Theoretical and field studies ranging in scale from local areas and short time periods to regional or global problems and geologic time; Techniques and innovative instrumentation in the laboratory and field (for example hydrologic geochemical geophysical and mathematical); Water-resource and related mineral-resource evaluations; Reports of observed hydrogeologic phenomena; Overviews of hydrogeologic systems of interest in various regions; State-of-the-art-reviews; Philosophy of scientific methods in hydrogeology; Interaction between populations and hydrogeologic systems; Economics of hydrogeologic systems; Ramifications of hydrogeology on both environmental protection and optimal employment of natural resources; and History of hydrogeology and biographies of eminent hydrogeologists.