GetPortalImpactFactorByIdResp(projectId=1, id=c1666422, cover=, fullname=Synthesis and Reactivity in Inorganic Metal-Organic and Nano-Metal Chemistry, abbr=SYNTH REACT INORG M, pyear=暂无数据, frequence=Monthly, articleNumbers=305, citedSelf2015=0.0, acceptanceRate=null, submissionToAcceptance=null, averageReviewTime=暂无数据, reviewFee=null, pageFee=null, publishedRatio=2018年中国人文章占该期刊总数量暂无数据 (2017年为暂无数据), issn=1553-3174, greenSci=, scijournal=, medsciHotlightString=null, medsciHotlightRealtime=1.049, medsciHotlight=0.926, medsciHotlight5year=3.2741, citescore=0.0, hIndex=0, impactFactor=null, orgnization=Taylor & Francis, orgnizationUrl=, country=United Kingdom, countryCn=英国, isOa=0, isOaString=否, sciScie=Science Citation Index Expanded|Current Contents - Physical, Chemical & Earth Sciences, bigclassCas=null, smallclassCas=, website=, websiteHits=7113, guideForAuthor=null, guideForAuthorHits=1, submitWebsite=|, submitWebsiteHits=3804, content=Devoted to the rapid dissemination of original research papers of relevance to inorganic and metal-organic chemists and nano scientists engaged in synthesis. This journal publishes syntheses and reactivity of new compounds, new methods for preparation of known compounds, and new experimental techniques and procedures. The journal is a publication aimed at the rapid dissemination of original research papers of particular importance to inorganic and metal-organic chemists and nanotechnology professionals. Original research articles that warrant speedy publication because of the unique scientific features and unprecedented scientific value will be given high priority in the peer reviewing process and published as a "High Priority Publication." Although the primary emphasis will be placed on original research contributions, preliminary communications containing full experimental details as well as brief reviews of general reactions or techniques presented from a critical point of view will be considered. From time to time, this journal will also publish review articles and thematic issues encompassing the areas of Inorganic, Metal-Organic, and Nano-Metal Chemistry. Active and recognized researchers will be invited to contribute to review articles. Manuscripts in English only will be accepted for publication. As of January 1, 2005, the name of the journal Synthesis and Reactivity in Inorganic and Metal-Organic Chemistry has been changed to Synthesis and Reactivity In Inorganic, Metal-Organic, and Nano-Metal Chemistry. This new title reflects the rapidly growing fields of nanoscience and nanotechnology and their strong interface with inorganic and metal-organic chemistry, and Professor Kattesh V. Katti of the University of Missouri-Columbia, Missouri, USA, has been appointed as the executive editor of this journal. The journal, with its new focus, is devoted to the rapid dissemination of original research papers of relevance to inorganic, metal-organic and nano-metal chemists and nanotechnology professionals. The journal publishes syntheses and reactivity of new compounds, new methods for preparation of known compounds, and new experimental techniques and procedures. Although the primary emphasis will be placed on original research contributions, preliminary communications containing full experimental details, as well as review articles of general interest to the inorganic, metal-organic, and nanoscience community, will also be published from time to time., totalCites=1772, brief=SYNTH REACT INORG M杂志工程技术行业,“<strong><a target="_blank" href="/sci/纳米科技" >纳米科技</a></strong>”子行业的偏低级别杂志, articleType=绝大部分收录论著,也接收少量其它类型文章, medsciHeat=<span style="color: #000000;">黑</span>, medsciComment=杂志水平一般,也很冷门,关注人少,审稿周期可能也不一定快,如果文章质量不佳,或时间不紧的话,可以考虑考虑。, medsciExplanation=MedSci期刊指数是根据中国科研工作者(含医学临床,基础,生物,化学等学科)对SCI杂志的认知度,熟悉程度,以及投稿的量等众多指标综合评定而成。当然,具体的,您还可以结合“<a href='//'>投稿经验系统</a>”,进行综合判断,这更是大家的实战经验,值得分享和参考。<br>
注意,上述MedSci期刊指数采用MedSci专利技术,由计算机系统自动计算,并给出建议,存在不准确的可能,仅供您投稿选择杂志时参考。, tags=null, citeScoreList=[GetImpactFactorCiteScoreListResponse(year=2012, citescore=0.0), GetImpactFactorCiteScoreListResponse(year=2013, citescore=0.52), GetImpactFactorCiteScoreListResponse(year=2014, citescore=0.55), GetImpactFactorCiteScoreListResponse(year=2015, citescore=0.49), GetImpactFactorCiteScoreListResponse(year=2016, citescore=0.45)], medsciIndexList=[GetImpactFactorMedsciIndexListResponse(year=2019, medsciHotlight=4.975), GetImpactFactorMedsciIndexListResponse(year=2021, medsciHotlight=0.796), GetImpactFactorMedsciIndexListResponse(year=2022, medsciHotlight=0.844), GetImpactFactorMedsciIndexListResponse(year=2023, medsciHotlight=1.08), GetImpactFactorMedsciIndexListResponse(year=2024, medsciHotlight=1.049)], citeScoreGradeList=[], totalJcrAreaList=[], pmcUrl=[ISSN], pubmedUrl= AND REACTIVITY IN INORGANIC METAL-ORGANIC AND NANO-METAL CHEMISTRY[ta], article_number=305, article_number_cn=null, earlyWarning=null, linkOutUrl=null, isJournalMember=false, unscrambleContent=null, dayViewCount=false, endexampletyle=暂无数据)
SYNTH REACT INORG M/Synthesis and Reactivity in Inorganic Metal-Organic and Nano-Metal Chemistry